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This was a commission by Soul Controller / Nate that I wrote late last year. It's predominantly a male-to-female TF which was a fun challenge to write. Hope you all enjoy it!

Nate was optimistic for his future as he arrived in a new town, ready to begin his college career, and didn’t even fear the hefty task of having to unpack the multitude of boxes that he had brought with him. He was renting a small one-bedroom apartment just outside of the college campus which gave him all of the privacy that an introvert like him so desperately craved, although the block of flats happened to be on the same street as both a fraternity and sorority house. While he was certain that the legendary parties that such greek societies ran would no doubt cost him some sleep in the future, the rent price on his apartment had simply been too good to pass up.

Besides, having the opportunity to watch shirtless jocks walk up and down the street from the safety of his apartment wasn’t exactly a bad thing as far as he was concerned. Sure, their lack of brains would always annoy him, but he was never one to scoff at a muscular body or a pretty face. In some ways he was envious of them, wanting that kind of life for himself, but in others he was envious of the girls that got to date such hunky jocks. Why were none of them ever gay and interested in short guys with slightly thicker builds, wispy facial hair and a great taste in pop music? Life is so unfair!

As the studious type, Nate had been looking forward to starting his classes and getting ahead on the required reading and assignments. The discovery that one of his classes was also being attended by perhaps the most handsome jock in town definitely brought out a mixed response from him though. One the one hand, Nate was delighted by the opportunity for consistent eye candy and was even excited by the prospect that they might be paired up for a group project (something he usually loathed), but on the other he feared that the other would be a distraction that kept him from fully focusing on their professor and the tasks at hand. It seemed that only time would tell.

Nate wasn’t sure why he had such a strong response to Aaron Miller, but from the moment that he had first laid eyes on the happy-go-lucky bodybuilding jock, the shy music lover hadn’t been able to think about much else. Over the next five months he silently pined after the other man and commit every part of Aaron’s physical form to memory: the bulging biceps, the massive sloping traps, the dopey smile, the square jawline, the thick neck… it didn’t seem fair that anyone should be able to be so perfect and yet Nate couldn’t bring himself to hate Aaron for it. No, he desperately wanted to get to know the jock even better and in his wildest dreams that was exactly what happened, as he grew carnally acquainted with every inch of the stud.

Sadly it seemed clear to Nate that such explorations would be forever limited to his dreams, as he’d heard rumours that Aaron had already had a number of flings with various girls on campus. Sure, he was a little flirty with his best friend Justin (who was just as hunky, but didn’t quite hold the same sway over Nate as Aaron did) from what he had seen of them around campus, but Nate was certain that it wasn’t anything more than “frat boy banter”. It was disheartening, but there was little he could do. Only in the scandalous smutty stories that Nate wrote late at night could he convert Aaron from straight to gay and make the jock return his intense feelings! Such plotlines would never become a reality, no matter how often he wished on a shooting star or threw coins into a supposedly magic fountain. Oh, I should be so lucky…

Nate’s decision to respond to an advertisement for “morale leaders” by the college’s athletics department was based in two simple reasons: one, he was aware that he desperately needed to do more to ensure that he didn’t become a total recluse, and two, he was hopeful that it might give him something to talk to Aaron about. Maybe the jock would never be his boyfriend but at the very least they could possibly end up as friends and Nate was willing to take any victory he could possibly get. Even just having Aaron actually know his name would be considered a win in his books!

As he sat before the head of the athletics department though, Nate suddenly felt very nervous and incredibly confused by his decision. He didn’t even like sports all that much, so why did he think that he’d make a good fit for the role? What even was a “morale leader” anyway? The flyer had been so vague but he’d operated on pure tunnel vision, only focusing on how it might help him create a friendship with Aaron. You’re in over your head now, he scolded himself internally, while trying to maintain a calm and collected look on the exterior.

The college student had never crossed paths with Coach Bronson before that meeting in the man’s office but he was struck by two things almost immediately: the faculty member was surprisingly young, being in his early-thirties at most, and he took great pride in his body. It seemed strange and almost certainly inappropriate that the head of the athletics department had answered the door without a shirt on and didn’t make any attempt to cover his bare chest as he directed Nate to take a seat in front of his desk. Although he was flummoxed by the coach’s decision to conduct their interview while shirtless, Nate truthfully wasn’t too upset. The older man’s furry chest was a delight to behold and his muscles were beautiful too, although they couldn’t quite hold a candle to Aaron’s! Still, he had to be very careful to not let his gaze linger on the man’s pecs or abs for too long - the last thing he wanted was for the coach to end the interview prematurely when he realized the latest applicant struggled to keep their wandering eyes in check.

Before the interview properly began, the coach had outstretched his hand and invited Nate to shake it. As he did so, the college student was startled by a sudden jolt of electricity, but the coach didn’t make any acknowledgement of it. The older man’s grip was strong and tight, just as Nate had anticipated it would be, and left something of a slight ache as well as a strange warmth when the coach finally released him. After sitting down and placing his hands in his lap, Nate began to absently rub them together as if trying to spread the warmth of the coach’s touch to his other palm.

Although he was definitely distracted by the man’s bare-chested state, Nate listened dutifully as the coach began outlining the responsibilities of the “morale leader” role. He explained that morale leaders would be expected to be on the sidelines not just for every game (both home and away, meaning he would be travelling to other colleges with the football team) but also during their practice sessions in the week. It seemed like quite the full-on position, especially given Nate had a busy class schedule for the semester, but there was a voice in his head that seemed to grow louder by the second: Take it, this will be good for you. Take it, this will be good for you. Take it…

What Nate failed to notice was that while he sat and listened to the coach explaining the role, his body was beginning to shift and transform. It started subtly at first, with his hands becoming daintier, with skinnier fingers and long nails that were painted pink. From there his forearms thinned down to give him much smaller wrists and the hair upon them retreated back into the follicles to leave the pale skin perfectly smooth. The upper arm and shoulder region were next, with what little muscle definition was actually there disappearing as a result of the ongoing transformation until his arms were skinny and graceful, without an ounce of unnecessary fat to be seen.

As the coach explained that Nate would be in charge of ensuring that the football players remained in high spirits throughout what would be a gruelling season, the college student’s legs undertook a similar metamorphosis until they better matched his new arms. The weight vanished from his legs like it had never been there to begin with, and suddenly he was in possession of the infamous thigh gap that he’d heard so many girls desperately wanted! Just as it had on his arms, the light coating of brown hairs across his thighs and calves disappeared to leave the long limbs silky smooth.

“You don’t have to know much about sports,” the coach declared, as if reading Nate’s troubled thoughts. “You just have to keep everybody happy and I’ve got a feeling you’ll be great at that.” The words were a serious reassurance for Nate, and served to distract him further so that he failed to notice the slimming down of his waistline as the extra weight he had carried around for the past several years was siphoned away in an instant. While he wasn’t immediately blessed with abs or anything of the sort, his midsection was much tighter and defined than it had ever been before. That said, a much more prominent change came further up, as his flat chest began to swell, initially forming a pair of pectorals before blossoming into a pair of perky breasts, complete with much more sensitive nipples that were irritated by the ill-fitting shirt he still wore.

Humming in agreement as the hunky coach explained that the morale leaders would have their own practice every other day in addition to being at football practice, Nate failed to notice the other extreme change to his body. He had been sporting a hard-on throughout the entirety of the interview thanks to the coach’s gorgeous chest but that solid length soon started to shrink and then retreat into Nate’s body entirely. Rather than leaving him as smooth as a Ken doll though, his body instead welcomed him into womanhood with the creation of sensitive folds between his legs, that were already wet from excitement and arousal.

Realising that his hair was protruding on his vision, Nate reached up to push it to the side and tucked the long brown locks behind his ears. He was momentarily confused by how long the hair felt, but he quickly found a way to rationalise it, suggesting to himself that he had been so caught up with the start of the semester that he had forgotten to go to the hairdressers and get a tidy up. What would be much harder for him to explain when he finally saw himself in a mirror again was the subtle shifting of Nate’s facial features, with his visage taking on a more delicate appearance with a cute button nose and pouty lips that glistened from recently applied lip gloss.

“All I need from you now is for you to sign this contract with the athletics department,” the coach declared, snapping Nate of his daydreams about being pinned between Aaron and the hunky coach. “Do you think you can do that for me, young lady?” Young lady?! That’s… not right… is it? As the contract was pushed across the table though, the college student caught sight of the name on it: Natalie. It looked both foreign and natural at the same time, leaving the student momentarily confused. But I’m a guy! My name isn’t Natalie, it’s Nate! After fishing out the student I.D. from their pockets though, they were surprised to find an unfamiliar feminine face in the photo alongside the feminized name. “Is there an issue, Natalie?”

“Uh, no sir!” the young woman replied sheepishly, accepting the pen that was offered to her and quickly signing the contract. As she did so, she started to acknowledge her much more slender hands and then the rest of her changed body. This doesn’t make any sense! I’m supposed to be a guy. I remember being a guy but I think I also remember being Natalie… My head is so messed up right now. Pushing the contract back across the table to the coach, Natalie then spared a look down at her body. Why was she hiding under such loose-fitting clothes? It totally wasn’t her style at all!

“Well, congratulations on the promotion. You’ll make a fine head cheerleader, and in your freshman year too! Quite the prodigy,” the coach praised, prompting Natalie to blush. She vaguely remembered cheerleading back in high school, although those memories were at odds with the still strong memories of being an awkward boy who spent more time in the library than any of the jocks and cheerleaders combined. “Morale will be at an all time high with you leading the girls on the sidelines.” Natalie couldn’t be certain, but she was pretty sure that the sexy coach was hiding a tent in his pants behind his desk. She supposed she couldn’t blame him - she was pretty damn hot, although ludicrously hiding her slender frame in boy’s clothes! “Now, uh, I suppose you better go get ready for practice, shouldn’t you?”

There was a skip in Natalie’s step as she departed the coach’s office and made the short journey towards the girl’s locker room. There were a few other cheerleaders already there who greeted her with smiles and warm welcomes. One of them even congratulated her on the promotion to head cheerleader, although Natalie could tell that the other girl was jealous, and a selfish pride swelled up inside of her as a result. Getting to her locker, the new leader of the team carefully removed her cheerleading uniform and sneakers and then stripped out of the clothes she was wearing to reveal her gorgeous body that had curves in all the right places. She spared a quick glance in a full-length mirror next to her locker and giggled in appreciation at the sight. When she looked this good it was hardly a challenge to get the attention of a guy! Wait, does that mean that Aaron might finally notice me?! Suddenly Natalie was perfectly at peace with the inexplicable nature of the day’s events. While she couldn’t be sure if she had actually transformed from a man into a woman, it no longer seemed of any importance. The only thing that mattered anymore was making sure that she became the apple of Aaron Miller’s eye!

While they were nowhere near as radical as the transformation she had undergone in the coach’s office, there were a number of further changes to Natalie’s body as she pulled on the uniform and had one of her teammates zip it up at the back. For one, her already prominent breasts increased a cup size, making it even more difficult for guys to look away from the goodies. Not only that but the long brunette hair that she had tied up with a plain black band lightened until it settled at a beachy blonde, with only the darker roots suggesting that the new colour was a dye job. Once Natalie had tied up her sneakers, the muscles in her legs, arms and core all gained a little more definition, although the limbs mercifully remained slim and elegant rather than getting all gross and bulky! Guys didn’t like girls with big muscles, after all!

Before she could get too distracted by her beautiful reflection, Natalie was summoned by a tall woman with bright red hair who she instinctively recognised to be the cheerleading coach. Realising that she was the last one left in the locker room, Natalie quickly hurried to join the rest of the girls out on the field and start their group practice. It was strange but she actually felt somewhat nervous, as if it was her very first cheerleading practice. That certainly couldn’t be right though. Why would the coach have made her head cheerleader if she’d never even cheered before? Because this isn’t my life, not really. I’m a guy, not a cheerleader-- hey, the football players are practicing too! Oh my god, Aaron looks sooo fucking hot in his pads.

With some difficulty Natalie pulled her attention away from where her crush was working up a sweat and focused on following the cheerleading coach’s instructions. Much to her surprise, it wasn’t long at all before she was getting into the routines and even pre-empting some of the moves. It felt so natural to swing her hips and move in time to the music, like she’d been doing it her whole life. Indeed the memories of her high school experience were now stronger than ever - she had dated the quarterback, hadn’t she? - although they continued to sit side-by-side with the alternate life where she had been an introverted young man with only a passing interest in playing soccer and hardly a care for any other sport.

After two long hours, the practice was finally over and the cheerleading team were finally heading back to their locker room. Natalie had hung back to talk to the coach for a few moments, but after the older woman departed, the head cheerleader was alerted by a sudden whistling behind her. Her heart began to race as she glanced over her shoulder and located the source: Aaron Miller and his equally hunky best friend, Justin Howells. Both men were shirtless and their rippling muscles were covered in a slick layer of sweat that only made them look even more irresistible. Natalie had long lusted after the pair of studs (although Aaron would be her first through fourth choice before finally settling on Justin at fifth) and had desperately wanted them to notice and appreciate her. Now it seemed like her wish was finally coming true!

“Can I help you boys?” she asked in a flirtatious tone while batting her eyes and smirking. There was no mistaking how their eyes scanned her hot body from head to toe, taking in her slim athletic frame and considerable assets. They desired her just as much as she desired them!

Much to Natalie’s delight, it was Aaron who made the first step as he swaggered over to her, closing the distance between them and then getting even closer to whisper huskily into her ear: “I think you can, babe.” Then, as if Natalie’s heart wasn’t racing enough, he lowered his voice even further for an addition. “You’re going to have to come with us into the locker room though. What do you think about that?”

The cheerleader could feel her new pussy starting to get wet in response to the sheer display of raw masculine energy in front of her. Aaron might as well have been a real life Hercules, and she certainly wanted to worship him like he actually was the demigod. Even his smell was intoxicating, with the strong musk that radiated from his sweaty body acting as an aphrodisiac for the buxom young woman. Natalie was putty in the jock’s hands and she knew it; Aaron could ask her to get on all fours and bark like a dog and she’d do it no question, that was the grip he had on her.

As the star quarterback and tight end of a championship-winning team, Aaron and Justin actually had their own private locker room thanks to a grant the school had won from their latest league triumph. What that meant was that the two studs had Natalie all to themselves without any prying eyes around them, although truthfully the cheerleader didn’t think she’d mind having the rest of the football team watch. That was actually kind of hot to think about! It was fair to see that she already had enough man to keep her occupied though, and judging from how quick the guys were to strip her out of her cheerleading uniform, it seemed she was plenty woman enough for them too!

Something Natalie had quickly identified about the pair was that even though Justin was taller and physically stronger, he didn’t dare challenge Aaron when it came to who dominated the action. The quarterback was very much in charge, getting his hands on the busty cheerleader first and capturing her mouth in a hungry kiss. Natalie moaned against Aaron’s lips as his tongue invaded her mouth, all while Justin positioned himself behind her and began to grind his bulge against her perky ass. She could feel how hard he was and relished in the knowledge that she was the cause of both of their arousals!

There wasn’t even a fleeting thought about resisting when Aaron guided Natalie’s head down to his arms and encouraged her to kiss his massive biceps and taste his sweat. As she did so, Justin’s hand moved around to her front and began to tease at her pussy, bringing forth another round of moans that were stifled by the hard muscles she was in the process of worshipping. Firmly sandwiched between the two muscular jocks, Natalie couldn’t think of anywhere she would rather be in the world at that moment. This was a dream come true for her, no matter which set of memories existing in her head were actually her real past.

The foreplay lasted mere minutes, as the combined lust of the young and beautiful trio spurred them into hotter and heavier action much quicker. Natalie remained between the two muscular studs but bent over, with Justin before her and Aaron behind her. Justin’s hands had a strong grip on her long blonde hair and was using that grip to steady himself as he rocked his hips back and forth, fucking Natalie’s mouth with the full seven inches of his thick cock. Meanwhile, Aaron was making himself right at home by burying his own eight inches of manhood deep inside Natalie’s pussy without even using any sort of protection! The cheerleader was on cloud nine as the two jocks shared her and every inch of her body hummed with insatiable delight. Having the pair of studs using her holes like she was nothing more than a cheap slut was even better than she had ever dared to imagine!

“You’re so fuckin’ tight, babe,” Aaron groaned as he thrust his hips forward again and then used a hand to spank her. Justin chuckled and agreed, but Natalie herself was beyond words. Her mouth was a little occupied at that moment, and she had absolutely no intention of letting Justin’s cock go free until she had milked every bit of cum free from him. She only hoped that she’d get the opportunity to suck Aaron’s cock too sooner rather than later, because while Justin’s seed was sure to be good, she knew that the quarterback’s would taste even better!

After all was said and done, Natalie had been shared between the two studs for a whole hour, between the initial double teaming and the playtime that occurred in the follow-up showers. Each of them had worked up quite the sweat during the sexual activities, even more so than they had in their respective training sessions, but they eventually washed up and got dressed. Natalie was forced to put the cheerleading outfit back on, having no other clothes available to her, but she didn’t mind that too much. She looked totally hot in it, and Aaron told her as much too!

Justin was the first to depart the locker room, leaving Natalie and Aaron to have a few minutes alone. The hunky quarterback wrapped his strong arms around her petite waist and held her close to that they could make out, and Natalie had been all too happy to press herself up against his muscular chest. Eventually though they were forced to break apart to take some much needed breaths, which was when Aaron expressed excitement for the joint party that their respective fraternity and sorority were hosting later that night. “That was fun, but I can’t wait to have you all to myself tonight, babe,” the football player purred, sending a shiver of delight rippling through Natalie’s body.

“Mmm, me neither,” the cheerleader hastily agreed, stealing one more quick kiss before escaping her boyfriend’s strong grasp. The locker room clock had alerted her to the fact that she was running late; she was supposed to be helping her sorority sisters set up the party and here she was, shirking responsibility. That was so totally not like her!

As she departed the locker room in a hurry, Natalie narrowly avoided a head-on collision with the hunky coach, who was still gloriously shirtless. Natalie’s hungry gaze lingered on the man’s hairy pecs for a moment before she caught him licking his lips. A blush crept onto her cheeks as she excused herself and hurried away with a jog, but internally she was already beginning to question whether Aaron might be up for sharing her with his coach, just as he had with Justin. While she would always remain faithful to her gorgeous quarterback boyfriend, the college campus was simply full of studs who she would love to have dominate her.

Whether or not her boyfriend chose to share her with those hunks though, Natalie knew that she would be happy and satisfied. She’d wanted to be Aaron’s one and only for so long, and now she was! One day she’d be his wife and bear his babies, and she was going to treasure every moment on that journey.

Of course, Natalie retained the memories of being a young man called Nate, and during brief moments of each and every day, he was suddenly struck by the absurdity of what had happened to him. Ultimately though, Nate didn’t regret responding to the advertisement even once. He had the boyfriend of his dreams, a healthy and kinky sex life, and a bright future ahead of him as Aaron Miller’s wife. How would continuing to live as a man ever have turned out better? Oh yeah, it totally wouldn’t!


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