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Alex had only ever had one goal in life since he was young and that was to always be the centre of attention. Over the years he had discovered there was one surefire way to make sure that he got the attention he craved: becoming the most desirable man he could be. It was a simple truth that people’s attention radiated towards those who were especially good looking and he was lucky enough to own a perfect set of genes that would help him get ahead.

Always keeping his ultimate goal in mind, Alex had spent his teenage years and early twenties looking after himself, both in terms of crafting a lean muscular body and making sure his skin was perfectly clear and always radiated a healthy glow. His dedication to his image had paid off, as he had been scouted to be a model at only fifteen years old and had then spent the following thirteen years in front of the camera. It didn’t matter if he was wearing the latest designer clothes or only a skimpy pair of underwear, as long as Alex had a photographer with their lens solely trained on him, he was a happy man.

While his modeling career gave Alex the opportunity to travel around the world and parade his body on countless beaches, it wasn’t his only source of income. The rise of the social media influencer lifestyle had allowed for Alex to even further indulge in his pleasures and settle into an incredibly cozy life, making an easy six digits every year. It wouldn’t be long until he could claim that seventh digit too! He had over a million followers on each of his accounts and he’d even recently started up an OnlyFans, a decision that he had initially been hesitant on before learning about the financial potential involved. While Alex himself was strictly straight (and a bit of a womanizer too), he knew that he had plenty of gay fans and other influencers had proven that the gay market could so easily be lured in by the promise of steamy pics. He’d had one or two no-names call him out on Twitter for “gay-baiting” but he’d promptly blocked those haters. What was so bad about taking advantage of an opportunity? It wasn’t as if he was forcing those guys to sign up to his OnlyFans!

Even though he had a sweet bachelor pad right in the heart of London, Alex actually spent most of his time at his second home in the south of Spain. The weather was just so much nicer and his pictures always looked better as a result. Plus, he found that Spanish girls were so much more wild in the bedroom, so why would he miss out on all that fun? Whenever he wasn’t jet-setting around the world, Alex could most commonly be found on the nearest beach to his summer home and that was precisely where he was (with his latest flame in tow) on the day that his life would change forever.

Alex was making his way out of the sea, his eight-pack abs glistening as the sun shone down on his wet body. Of course, there were tons of people watching him in awe and envy at that moment ,which he certainly couldn’t blame them for! As he looked down and ran his hands along the ridges of his well-defined abdominals, he himself was in just as much awe at how incredible he looked. Before being distracted by his own beauty, Alex had been heading towards where his latest squeeze was currently sunbathing, fully intending to put on a public display of raunchiness. However, just as he started to move again, a rather large and round man sprinted right in front of him and forced the model to jump back in order to avoid a collision. “Watch where you’re going, fatso!” Alex spat, speaking quietly enough that only the other man would be able to hear him. He didn’t want to tarnish his reputation by scolding the other too loudly, even if he was of the opinion that there was nothing wrong with pointing out the truth. The other man was fat and grotesque, and he wasn’t. It was as simple as that.

Rather than continuing on - it seemed as if the man had been playfully chasing after another who was both younger and skinnier - the large man instead turned to face Alex, giving him a view of the man’s full gut, scraggly chest hair and double chin. It was a display that made Alex’s stomach turn. He simply couldn’t understand why anybody would ever allow themselves to look so horrific, and in a public place at that! I get it, not everyone can be as hot as me, but could they at least try? It’s goddamn embarrassing!

“That’s not nice,” the man replied in a thick accent; it seemed he was a local. “Even if I am fat, that does not make me a lesser man than you.” He spoke in a completely earnest tone yet that didn’t stop Alex from laughing in his face. Did he not hear himself? Of course he was a lesser man than Alex! Just look at the pair of them - they were absolute worlds apart. No, galaxies apart. The other man could deny it all he wanted but deep down he wanted to look like Alex did, he was just too lazy to actually try. It’s that beta mentality. They’ll never match up to an alpha like me!

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just stay out my way, will you? You’re already taking up too much of the beach with that planet you’re carrying around,” the model snarled, his eyes darting back down to the other man’s spherical belly. He even reached out to grab at the hefty gut, shaking it for a few moments before becoming repulsed that he had allowed himself to come into physical contact with the other man. “Seriously, leave some food for the rest of us. You’ll have finished off all of Spain’s food supplies by the end of the week if you keep going.” Truthfully Alex couldn’t pinpoint why he felt so compelled to mock the other man, but he simply couldn’t help himself once he’d started. It felt like the right thing to do. Maybe his words would shock the other into realising what a state he’d let himself become and he’d turn his life around. Yeah, that was it. Alex was actually being charitable with his remarks!

Much to his surprise, the man didn’t get angry and attempt to get physical with him, nor did he start to well up with tears. Instead he clapped a large hand down on Alex’s shoulder - the model grimaced at having the beta touching him - and quickly rattled off several sentences in Spanish that Alex wasn’t nearly fluent enough to translate. The man’s tone was low and serious but he smiled throughout and once he had finished, he removed his hand and continued on after who Alex suspected was his partner. The two started to chat very animatedly in their native tongue, walking away and leaving the arrogant model feeling frustrated and confused. Ugh, whatever. They’re not even worth my time…

Alex had taken all of two steps away, heading towards where this week’s girlfriend was lounging on a beach towel, when he was stopped by a fierce rumbling deep within his stomach. It caught him completely off guard, especially since he’d eaten a portion of chicken and rice only shortly before he’d taken a swim in the ocean. Years of careful meal planning and sticking strictly to his scheduled eating times meant that Alex hardly ever got hungry unexpectedly, but there was no denying the sensation that was beginning to bubble up inside of him. He felt like he’d been starved for days!

Although perturbed by his uncharacteristic hunger, the model continued on, but with each passing second his body seemed to protest more and more: feed me, feed me, feed me! A pressure built up within him and with only minimal warning Alex found himself belching incredibly loudly, drawing several more eyes towards him. They were no longer regarding him with desire but rather in disgust, which definitely didn’t sit right with Alex. What the hell had caused him to do such a thing?

Glaring at the nearby middle-aged man who was shaking his head at him, Alex fired off an angry remark: “What? It’s human nature, man, get the fuck over it.” He wasn’t even attempting to control his volume anymore. He just wanted to get back to his girlfriend, find something to snack on and then maybe head home for an afternoon of ravenous sex. Unfortunately for Alex the fates had something much different planned for him, and it wouldn’t be much longer until he was finally clued into those plans.

Quickening his pace, Alex did his best to focus on getting back to the spot that he had set up camp just over an hour ago, but each step seemed to take more energy than the last. His limbs felt heavy, as if somebody had attached weights to them, and his stomach continued to cause chaos as part of his body’s unprovoked rebellion. Finally the model spared a glance down at himself and let out a high-pitched shriek of terror at what he saw: his body was transforming right in front of his eyes!

The first victim of the transformation was Alex’s proud spread of abdominals. All definition had been lost in an instant as his stomach began to bloat like a balloon being pumped full of air. Within just a few seconds he had progressed from having a six-pack to a soft pouch around his waist, then to a bloated beer belly! Not only that but its initial firmness soon dissipated, leaving his large flabby belly to overhang and obscure his crotch from his own perspective. The sudden increase of weight at his front put a lot of strain upon his lower back. Fortunately (or perhaps more accurately, unfortunately) the rapid expansion of weight wasn’t limited to his front, as invisible calories began to fill up his sides and cause love handles to expand over the seriously constricting fabric of his trunks, completely doubling his width.

Above the monstrosity that was his new humongous belly, Alex’s solid and muscular pecs also began to swell, although the added weight caused them to droop and rest upon the top of his gut. Nobody in their right mind would call them pecs anymore; they were unmistakably a pair of male breasts! Hell, his new chest probably rivalled his girlfriend’s rack in terms of size, although her tits were much perkier than his own sad sacks of doughy flesh.

While the expansion of his waist had caused his trunks to struggle, it was the severe bloating of Alex’s once firm ass that finally pushed them to their very limit and caused them to tear at the seams. The well-refined muscles of his glutes were hidden under a severe increase of fat, with his large cheeks refusing to be hidden by any garment smaller than an XXL! Even more humiliating was that as he felt the transformation spread across his behind, a brief bit of wind had escaped due to his lack of control. Alex’s face went beet red in embarrassment. Now he wasn’t just blowing up like a blimp but he was farting uncontrollably too? This wasn’t fair! What had he ever done to deserve such humiliation?!

To better match his much larger rear, Alex’s toned quads joined the rest of his body in swelling to a much larger size, with each thigh settling just smaller than his previous waist had been! As if the unwelcome bloating wasn’t bad enough, his limbs also became populated by a forest of dark curly hairs, with barely an inch of bare skin remaining. The hair spread up across his ass and back, but it was notably absent across his belly and moobs, causing him to look somewhat mismatched.

For the better part of his transformation Alex had been rooted to the spot in stunned horror, but now that things were getting even worse, he had begun to waddle back to where his girlfriend had been waiting for him. As he did so, he took in the crowd that was building up around him; there wasn’t a single person on the beach that wasn’t looking in his direction and there were also a great number of cameras aimed his way too, catching all of his humiliation on video. He couldn’t help but wonder how many of them were live broadcasting to their social media profiles, allowing thousands more around the world (perhaps even his modelling peers) to revel in his suffering.

“Stop fucking filming me!” he shrieked in a warbling voice, swatting uselessly at the air around him, an act that only drew attention to how his strong arms were also falling victim to the same swelling as the rest of his body. Rather than his well-sculpted biceps and clearly defined triceps, Alex was greeted by flabby bingo wings that jiggled with every little movement. There was only the faintest bump to suggest at biceps but they would certainly never be rising to become powerful mountains of muscularity again. Even his tribal tattoo - something he had always thought was the crowning jewel of his sexy appearance - looked lame and laughable when spread across his bloated left shoulder. “Why don’t you all mind your own fucking business?!” There were even people laughing at him now, although a good number were whispering to each other. Perhaps they had recognised him as the famous fitness influencer who had recently moved into the area and were delighting in his rapid plunge from the peak of male beauty?

Finally he was only fifteen feet away from where his girlfriend had been lounging and Alex felt relief that he would finally be with somebody who could help him. Much to his horror though, the beautiful Spanish girl recoiled in disgust as he staggered towards her and let out a terrified screech. “Get the fuck away from me!” she wailed, running straight into the arms of a hunky man who Alex had caught eyeing up his woman earlier. Although all of the whispering and laughter was definitely painful to endure, seeing his girlfriend so willingly dismiss him was a real blow to his rather sizable gut. Had she really only appreciated Alex for his good looks? That wasn’t fair - none of this was fair!

As the angular features of his face disappeared behind chubby cheeks and a double chin, the (now former) model wiped the tears out of his eyes and hobbled back towards his apartment, which was perhaps the only place he’d be able to feel safe. Unfortunately he wouldn’t make it that far, as he was quickly stopped by a pair of police officers who were disturbed to see a heavily overweight naked man running through the streets. As if Alex’s day hadn't already been bad enough, he was now facing a charge for public indecency too!

While sitting miserably in the holding cell, desperately hoping that he would be let go after the misunderstanding had been cleared up, Alex flinched at the sound of laughter coming from close by. A few seconds later the officers reappeared and held something up to the cell bars. It was a cell phone and playing on the screen was a video of his transformation from a muscular Instagram hunk into an obese collection of flesh and misery. Alex’s heart sank as he realised that the video would probably be the last time one of his videos would ever go viral and the only followers he’d continue to have would be ones who wanted to mock him for his very public downfall.

Ultimately though, nothing had happened to Alex that really pushed him off the path he’d established for himself in life. He would still be the centre of attention wherever he went and have everybody staring at him, only it would now be for a very different reason and one he was far less proud of…


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