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No Kelce Tier story today because I haven't finished editing it yet (oops!) so I thought I'd put up a little poll instead. I'm always really interested to hear what you guys like most about transformation / body swap stories, so I thought why not find out?

The question is really quite simple: when you're reading a TF story, which part gives you the most enjoyment? I tend to do a lot of worldbuilding in my stories before I get to the transformation itself, as I find it helps my immersion in the actual TF if I know something about the characters and either care for them or detest them! Then again, I'm also a massive fan of seeing what the characters do in their altered states and how their life is changed by the experience. 

I know it's a tough choice but you can only pick one answer - I'm looking forward to seeing these results!



Love all aspects! This is a great poll


Gah, I want an "All of the above" option!


I understand the struggle - there's definitely merit in all three, this was to really dig into your psyches!


While I’m clearly a sucker for world-building, nothing really hits the spot more for me than the post-TF when our protagonists are just trying to adapt to the new roles they’ve been assigned!

Anthony Williams

All of the above is definitely a needed answer.


Hahaha, that feels like an easy out though! Is there one element you ever so slightly prefer on a general basis?

Luke K. De An

Ooh that’s hard, probably a tie between the swap/transformation and the aftermath. I just love seeing how each react to the change both during and after, but the aftermath wins ever so slightly for me.