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After a month, the "A Lesson In Respect" series finally continues with its penultimate entry! This was originally going to be the ending point of the story but I simply couldn't help myself from writing more, so part five will be arriving at the start of November!

A glitter-decorated iPhone sprang to life with a notification for a new text message, but Joseph made no immediate move to check it. He already knew who the message would be from, and what it would likely contain, and as such, was in no hurry to engage.

It had been a full five days since Joseph had last stood face-to-face with the man who had stolen his body, but barely a few hours went by without Andy sending him some sort of text message or selfie with the intention of taunting. As much as Joseph wished he could say that the other’s tormenting had become less effective the further into the swap they progressed, that simply wasn’t true. His heart still stung when he was greeted by images of his own smirking face, and he desperately longed to see that handsome face and muscular body in the mirror once again. Sure, his stomach no longer turned in such violent fashion when he instead saw Andy’s more fragile and almost effeminate qualities in the mirror, but Joseph wouldn’t be content until he never had to see the other man’s face again, in his reflection or otherwise.

Eventually though Joseph’s curiosity got the better of him and he fished the cell phone from the coffee table to check what it was that his tormentor had sent him this time. When the screen of the phone was suddenly dominated by a recently captured gym selfie though, Joseph knew he was in trouble. His eyes were immediately drawn to the bulging ball of the bicep that dominated the image, and how tight the sleeves were stretched around the massive muscle. It was a captivating sight and it immediately triggered a physical response, with a tightness gathering at the front of Joseph’s pants, and the longer he stared at the post-workout pic, the harder his below-average cock became.

Compared to other images that Joseph had received from Andy in the previous few days, this was actually rather tame. Other recent selfies had featured Joseph’s body completely in the nude, or even balls deep inside of Olivia. It didn’t matter how many layers the other was wearing though, or what he was doing while he took the picture, as the end result was always the same: the real Joseph ended up painfully hard and consumed by a complex cocktail of both narcissistic arousal and shameful humiliation.

With the movie he had been watching now completely forgotten, Joseph allowed for his left hand to snake under the waistband of his shorts and settle around the stiffening shaft of his cock while he used the index finger and thumb of his right hand to zoom into the insane bicep pump that was featured in the image. Strong muscles pushing clothing to its limit had become a serious turn-on for him - against his best wishes, of course. He didn’t want to be attracted to the male form but he simply couldn’t help it. He was a slave to his desires and so easily consumed by them too.

It didn’t take very long at all for Joseph to reach the point of climax, and within moments he rocketed from the highest point of pleasure right back down to the deepest depths of shame. His cheeks burned with embarrassment as he pulled the cum-soaked shirt up and over his head to reveal his pale and skinny torso. Joseph wished desperately that he had some way to curtail his lust but it was a simple truth that the moments he was enraptured by his intense desires were the few moments when he actually felt normal. Even though he and Andy were almost complete opposites, they were both red-blooded men at the end of the day, and what united them was their uncontrollable love of getting themselves off. Maybe his jerk-off material was a little different from what it used to be, but for those few minutes when he was stroking his cock, Joseph was able to almost forget about the rest of the hardships that came with the swap. Almost. There wasn’t anything that would ever truly help him forget what had become of him, even after Andy decided he had finally learned his lesson and switched them back. Something tells me my future therapist isn’t going to believe the stories I’ll be telling…


It hadn’t been Andy’s intention to explore the heterosexual lifestyle when he had first switched bodies with Joseph on that fateful night two weeks prior, but the past week with Olivia had been an eye-opening experience. The sex was incredible which was particularly notable considering Andy had never had sex with a woman prior to meeting Olivia at the school reunion. Back in his own body he was completely comfortable in his identity as a gay man who happily bottomed for more dominant men, but while he was in Joseph’s body Andy had very little interest in giving up women. Sure, he knew he’d have to go back to his own body eventually and his interest in the female form would disappear in an instant when he did, but until then he was going to appreciate every one of Olivia’s perfect curves.

Over that week since the reunion event Andy had enjoyed Olivia’s company in the bedroom on five out of the seven days, with the two exceptions only being because he had been scheduled to work a night shift in Joseph’s place. That hadn’t stopped him from arriving at the woman’s door the next morning, still in full uniform, and he’d fucked her brains out before letting her leave for her day at work. It was a serious thrill for Andy to have someone so desperate for him that they were sending frequent sexts and almost begging him for attention. That wasn’t something he’d ever had the luxury of experiencing in his own body given the scarcity of openly gay (or bisexual) and available men in their small town, so he was relishing every bit of Olivia’s wild lust for him, even if it was really for Joseph.

The other man was never too far away from Andy’s thoughts, although they hadn’t physically crossed paths for a good six days or so. That hadn’t stopped Andy from filling up the other’s inbox (technically his own) with post-gym selfies, salacious nudes and even some mid-coitus videos also featuring Olivia that his new girlfriend had been all too happy for him to send, although he had misled her into believing that he was actually sending them to a jealous ex-girlfriend to prove that he’d moved on. While Joseph rarely rose to the bait and commented on them, Andy was confident that his taunting was getting to the other and the thought of the other feeling confused and overwhelmed by them was enough to get his blood pumping. He was having such a great time flaunting the power he now held over the real Joseph that there were brief moments he almost forgot why he had switched their bodies in the first place! He needs to learn his lesson, Andy reminded himself. This is only to educate him and keep him from using his privilege against people.

Despite having never been on an actual date in his life, Andy’s first real date with Olivia (the reunion and subsequent hook-ups definitely didn’t count as dates) had actually gone as smoothly as it possibly could have. He’d treated her to dinner at the finest restaurant in town and even splashed out on an expensive bottle of champagne. Olivia had looked stunning in a tight dress that barely covered her ample cleavage, and Andy felt he did pretty well for himself in a sharp suit that perfectly hugged Joseph’s well trained muscles. While his initial intention had been to head home with his girlfriend (something he could hardly believe he was thinking), a familiar face walking on the other side of the street prompted Andy to change his plans. 

After kissing his girlfriend goodnight and seeing her safely into the back of a taxi, he began walking in the direction that he had seen Joseph heading. The other man had dressed up in some of the nicest clothes Andy had in his wardrobe, so it seemed likely to the real Andy that his body-switching victim was on his way to a night out. Sure enough, they were only a few streets away from the nightclub where they’d had their fateful first meeting, and that seemed like the perfect opportunity to have a little more fun with the other.

As he rounded the last corner that would bring him out near the nightclub though, he was greeted by a surprising sight: Joseph was backed up against a wall by three much larger guys advancing on him! The once-arrogant cop was wide-eyed in terror; even from a distance Andy could see the tears building up in his eyes. “I thought you faggots liked being in the presence of real men, huh?” one of the three brutes growled, faking a lunge forward to make Joseph flinch. The trio burst into laughter at their victim’s fear and that was officially more than enough for Andy.

“You feel like getting the fuck out of here and leaving him alone?” he challenged in a deep and booming voice as he stepped forward into the light. The three men angrily turned towards him, but within seconds a look of recognition passed across each of their faces and they took tentative steps back. “Or does a night in a cell sound like a better deal?” he continued, pulling the wallet out of his back pocket and showing off his police badge to confirm that their suspicions about his identity were correct. “Your choice, boys.”

Almost instantly the demeanor of the three men changed and they began hastily apologising, claiming that the situation was nothing but a misunderstanding. They weren’t harassing the local gay guy - good upstanding citizens like them would never do that! Andy’s blood boiled in response to their excuses and if he’d been on duty and had his radio on him he probably would have called in some backup and thrown the trio into the cells anyway, but alas there was little he could do except intimidate them into walking away. No, not walking away - scampering away like children narrowly escaping the wrath of a parent.

Once they were finally out of sight Andy finally turned his attention towards Joseph. The other man had wiped the tears out of his eyes but his breathing remained quick and shallow and his arms were folded across his chest in a naturally defensive posture. Such a vulnerable display evoked feelings of sympathy from Andy. Who would have thought I’d end up feeling sorry for the guy? This has been a wild ride…


For a brief moment Joseph had feared that he wouldn’t live to see the morning. It was a terrifying thought and perhaps an extreme one but the three men who had cornered him had clear malice in their eyes and their intentions were clearly hostile. The moment hadn’t just opened his eyes to what Andy must have felt like when he’d been accosted at the nightclub two weeks prior, it had completely shattered all of Joseph’s preconceptions about how gay guys simply needed to stand up for themselves. If he’d tried that and Andy hadn’t been around to save his ass… well, he probably would have ended up in the hospital if he was lucky or the morgue if not.

“They’re gone, you can relax.” Hearing his own voice snapped Joseph back to reality, although he was surprised at how gentle the tone was. When he locked eyes with Andy, it seemed clear that the other was sympathetic to what had just happened, and perhaps even more. He feels guilty, Joseph guessed, although he surprised himself by the lack of bitterness he suddenly felt towards the other. “Are you okay?” Andy continued, taking a couple steps closer but remaining a respectful distance. Joseph was silently thankful that he didn’t approach further because his nerves were definitely still frayed.

“I-I’m sorry!” The words burst out of Joseph’s mouth before he could put any thought into them. “I was wrong a-about you and about the shit that gay guys have to p-put up with, and I never should have used my privilege against you!” Tears had once again sprung up into Joseph’s eyes and he angrily wiped them away, still not comfortable with how easily the body he was trapped in displayed its emotions. “I’ve learned my lesson, I have! There’s nothing wrong with being gay, I know that now. Please man, I promise I won’t ever let shit like this happen in our town again. I’ll do anything - I’ll blow you right now, just swap us back after, please!

His outburst was followed by a brief moment of silence between the two until the other man finally nodded. “Okay, I believe you,” Andy confirmed, wearing a curious expression on his handsome face. “And I’ll take you up on that offer of a blowjob too, but there’s something else I want before we swap back.”

“Anything, I’ll do anything,” Joseph gasped, willingly closing the gap between the two and all but pressing himself against the other’s (no, his own!) muscular chest.

Andy’s curious expression shifted into a smirk. “I want to fuck you,” the other man announced. The words hit Joseph like a freight train and there was certainly some hesitation in response but he closed his eyes and nodded.

“I’ll do it. I’ll let you fuck me.” Just like he’d said, he’d do anything to get his body back, so if Andy wanted to fuck him then Joseph woud allow it. No, perhaps “allow it” was too passive a phrase. Admit it Joey, it’s more than that. Getting fucked by your own body sounds kinda hot, doesn’t it? He planned on it being his first and only time getting fucked by another man and when that man was in his body it was pretty much just another form of masturbation, right? If he thought about it, he wasn’t technically doing anything gay at all...


Andy was rock hard the whole journey back to his apartment. Truthfully he had been tempted to make Joseph blow him and then take his cock right there in that alleyway but he ultimately had enough restraint to make sure he waited until they were in a more private spot. Throughout the drive he had kept stealing glances over at his body-swapped counterpart and wasn’t at all surprised to discover that the other man was tenting out the front of his pants too. Joseph’s leg was shaking as well, which was a nervous tic that Andy had previously exhibited in that body but not since; these days he didn’t have much of a reason to feel nervous at all!

As soon as the apartment door was closed, Andy reached out and grabbed his former body by the waist. Then, with considerable glee, he used his superior strength to lift the other man up off of his feet and place him over his shoulder as if he was a fireman escorting a civilian out of a burning building. Rather than escorting Joseph to safety though, Andy was bringing him into what a danger zone: the bedroom. Things were definitely about to get hot and heavy in there, and it wouldn’t be long before his fireman’s hose saw action…

They had barely been in the bedroom for thirty seconds before Joseph managed to take Andy by surprise, lunging forwards to capture him in a hungry kiss. It lasted all of a second before Andy pressed a hand to the other’s chest and forced him back, grimacing in response to the other man’s lips pressing against his own. Back in his former body (his real body, he needed to remind himself) he wouldn’t have thought twice about kissing another man, but while he was occupying Joseph’s skin it simply felt wrong. “No kissing,” he growled, frustrated by both Andy’s daring attempt and his own lack of interest in what he rightfully should have enjoyed.

Although the other was clearly upset by the rejection, Joseph didn’t dare say anything in response, likely fearing that Andy would go back on his promise to switch them back. He continued to play the more submissive role which was quite alright by Andy, as his nights with Olivia had made him really appreciate the opportunity to take on a more dominant position. It simply felt like the right thing to do considering how large his muscles now were. To that point, while he didn’t want to be kissed, Andy wasn’t above forcing the other man to worship his own muscles and took great pleasure in forcing the other’s head against each of his biceps and then his pecs. Joseph was clearly inexperienced and sloppy with his tongue but he did a good enough job all things considered.

Fuck, I’m gonna miss having these muscles, Andy realised as he finally guided the other man’s head down to his crotch, where his thick shaft was waiting. Joseph didn’t even hesitate before taking the full length in his mouth; he was so clearly desperate to taste himself that he didn’t dare ease himself in. Luckily for them both Joseph seemed to be aided by the muscle memory of Andy’s body, and he was surprisingly able to deliver quite the impressive blowjob, bringing the man who had stolen his body and life to his climax in just a few short minutes!

“Anybody would think you’ve been doing that your whole adult life,” Andy joked after finally letting his rough grip on the other’s hair go. He’d forced the other man to take every drop of his load and Joseph was left completely red in the face as a result. He didn’t exactly look angry with himself, and Andy imagined that the other probably felt smug about receiving such a compliment. Narcissists like Joseph always loved to be praised, after all.

After a short while Andy was finally ready to experience the unique sensation of fucking his own body, although truth be told it took more than he had expected to start getting hard again. While knowing that he was dominating and humiliating a man who had formerly been homophobic and all too appy to abuse his power had excited him the first time around, it wasn’t quite as effective the second time. As he looked down at the twinkish body before him, Andy simply couldn’t find it all that attractive and he knew that the only male form he’d ever find attractive while he remained in Joseph’s skin was the one he saw in the mirror.

Although it might have been easier to call it quits and just trigger the return swap right then and there, Andy decided to try another route. Once he had the other in position, spread out over the bed with his ass in the air, Andy closed his eyes and allowed himself to picture Olivia, naked and desperately begging for his thick cock. It worked like a charm, bringing his soft length to full hardness in just a few seconds. It was a surprise to learn that he’d rather be fucking a woman at that very moment but he supposed it wouldn’t be much longer until he was back in his own flesh and once again lusting after the male form. That notion came with some conflicted feelings though as despite knowing that it was the right thing to do, Andy struggled to believe that he’d feel comfortable being a gay man again.

Those anxieties were quickly forgotten once his cock was lubed up and he was buried deep inside the other man’s ass. The delighted moans that escaped Joseph’s lips were high-pitched enough that Andy could just about justify them as being Olivia’s to successfully retain the fantasy playing out in his head. Andy’s lack of a sex life pre-swap also meant that his hole was still quite tight and provided a fun challenge as he eased himself in and then began to pick up the pace, thrusting in and out of the other until he was moving with the frenzy of a man possessed. Lust completely clouded every part of his mind and after just a few minutes Andy hit the point of orgasm again, his climax being accompanied by a deep and guttural roar!

Holy fuck, that was hot! With heavy panting breaths, the straight hunk finally pulled out from the other’s hole and flopped back onto the bed. He was totally spent after cumming twice in such a short period of time, and was still riding one of the most incredible highs of his life. His sexual escapades with Olivia over the past week had been pretty incredible but even she hadn’t been quite as delightful tight as the hole he’d just been buried in, and fucking her didn’t come with the surprisingly arousing addition of teaching a privileged bigot a lesson. Sure, there was still this strange knot in his stomach at the knowledge that he’d just been fucking a guy rather than a girl (something he was mildly bemused by given his normal sexual orientation), but Andy was still pleased with himself for everything he had accomplished over the past several weeks.

Focusing his gaze on the skinnier male body beneath him, Andy felt pride swell up inside of him. Looks like I fucked him good and proper, huh? Something tells me he’s not gonna have such an issue with being queer anymore! It took a few moments after that thought for Andy to remember his promise; pretty soon he would be the queer again and Joseph would be back to being straight. Although he’d be returning to his body with some reluctance, he was confident that the experience would have changed Joseph for the better and that maybe his life would be a little easier going forward.

“Will you swap us back now?” the other man asked in a timid voice, after several long minutes where the only sounds in the bedroom had been their quiet recovering breaths.

Sparing a moment to look down at the meaty pecs and the rippling abs, Andy let out a long sigh. He was sorry to leave such a glorious body behind but he knew it was the right thing to do and he’d been raised to respect the power of a promise. He’d be no better man than Joseph had been if he didn’t stick to his word. “Yeah, I’ll swap us back,” he agreed, closing his eyes and doing his best to clear his mind. “I’ve just gotta focus…”

Back when he had been trapped in the back of Joseph’s cop car, activating the swap had taken a mere moment. Andy’s powers had been heightened by the stress of the situation and his desire to even the odds. He was quite far from that state of mind in his current condition, but there was no reason his power should have been so completely out of reach, which it strangely was. For several long minutes he tried desperately to grasp hold of the magic that he knew existed deep inside of him but each time he got close it slipped through his fingers and refused to cooperate.

“Well?!” the other man demanded, his tone full of frustration and desperation. “What are you waiting for? Swap us back, you promised!”

Andy huffed, opening his eyes and glaring across at the man in his body. “It’s not working right now. I think I’m just too exhausted,” he attempted to explain, already knowing that the other would have complaints. “Look, I’m serious about switching back but I’m not going to be able to do anything until the morning.”

“Right, sure, I totally buy that,” Joseph retorted bitterly, “Like you won’t take off in the night and leave me here as you!” Distress was written onto every inch of the other man’s face and he seemed on the precipice of having a complete meltdown. Uncertain of what he could say or do to reassure the other, Andy decided it was best to stun him into silence, so surged forward and stole his lips with a brief kiss. Just as expected, Joseph was left completely speechless, his mouth slack as he gaped at the other in shock.

“I’ll switch us back in the morning,” Andy stated firmly as he settled back onto the bed and relaxed his head onto the pillow. “You can stay here tonight, just… don’t try to cuddle. That’s not gonna work.” The other clearly had more that he wanted to say but he held his tongue and finally relaxed back onto the bed, pulling the sheets over his slender body. Andy caught Joseph’s eye and held the other’s gaze for several moments before nodding stiffly and rolling over so that his broad back formed a wall between them. He wasn’t going to let the other man know, but Andy was actually more concerned by his inability to access his magic than he’d let on, and he was anxious to see what the morning would bring.

To Be Continued...


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