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This story was commissioned by my good friend WriterOfStuff, who writes lots of fandom transformations on his tumblr. I recommend you check him out if you haven't already!

For the first time in a long while, Derek Hale was finally stepping foot out of Beacon Hills. He never felt all too comfortable leaving his hometown behind, but the knowledge that Scott and his pack would be keeping it safe for the duration of Derek’s trip put the beta werewolf’s mind at ease. Besides, it wasn’t like he’d be gone for all that long, probably just a few days at most. Scott and his friends couldn’t burn the city down in such a short space of time, could they?

It had been Sheriff Stilinski who had asked Derek to investigate some bizarre rumours he’d heard about Ashworth Falls, the next town over from Beacon Hills. People who had travelled through had expressed that the men of the Ashworth Falls sheriff’s department were behaving strangely, although when pressed for information, all the witnesses could reveal was that the cops were acting in a flirtatious manner that was unexpected and unprofessional for a man of the law. Sheriff Stilinski had been somewhat embarrassed when he approached Derek with the request, but he risked stirring up political trouble if it was suspected that the Beacon Hills Sheriff’s Department was investigating their brothers in uniform. While he doubted that there was anything supernatural about the claims, Derek had agreed to check it out as a favour for the older Stilinski, especially given all of the chances and goodwill the Sheriff had given him over the years.

It was late in the evening when Derek crossed the boundary into Ashworth Falls, with the sun setting over the mountains in the distance. While much of the sky was now dark, an orange glow persisted at the horizon in a fleeting scene of natural beauty. It was enough to bring a rare handsome smile to Derek’s usually severe-looking face. He had pulled his vehicle over at the side of the road to take a moment and appreciate the sight, and that ended up working in his favour as when he finally drew his eyes away from the horizon, he caught sight of two uniformed men leaving a mechanic’s garage. Both officers appeared to be middle-aged and had heavy-set builds with sizable guts and hefty rears that stretched out their uniforms. The only manner of telling the two apart was that one officer sported a full beard while the other had only a thick moustache. Deciding that his best course of option was to follow them, Derek left his vehicle and began to slowly walk in the same direction while tapping into his heightened werewolf senses to better spy on them.

Truthfully Derek was a little surprised and overwhelmed by how strong the musky scent radiating from the two men was; even some twenty feet away it hit him hard and left him initially recoiling in disgust before settling into an odd fascination. The pair of officers smelled like a gym locker room full of sweaty men, but there was also the undeniable aroma of sex hanging in the air around them. It was hardly the first time Derek had picked up on such a scent but strangely this time it prompted a physical response from him, with his cock twitching in the front of his boxers. The werewolf surmised that it must have been a result of his own lack of sex in recent months, which was something he really needed to rectify before it sent him into a frenzy and he ended up ripping off Stiles’ clothes to have his way with the annoying yet charming recent high school graduate.

For the next twenty minutes Derek trailed the two deputies through the town’s streets, watching them closely but trying not to focus too much on the smell that continually wafted from them all the way to his nose. There was nothing inherently suspicious about anything they were doing, but Derek did notice that they weren’t the only deputies patrolling the streets that night. He counted no less than six other men in uniform during that short timeframe and every single one of them had a similar heavy build to the pair he had been following, and some variation of thick facial hair adorning their round faces. As a naturally cynical guy, Derek couldn’t help but find the heavy presence of such similar guys all donned in the uniform of the local sheriff’s department rather fishy…

Trailing the growing numbers of deputies until the police station was finally in sight, Derek was struggling to ignore the scent that so thickly populated the town’s air. Such an aroma might have been faint for a normal human but it drove Derek’s heightened senses wild and served as a serious distraction. He was rock hard in his pants, almost embarrassingly so, and the uncontrollable nature of his arousal left the beta werewolf feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. He’d never encountered anything like it before!

Just as Derek was beginning to wonder whether he’d be better off calling for some back-up (perhaps somebody not hindered by werewolf senses, like Stiles), disaster struck. He had been so distracted by his confusing response to the heavy masculine musk in the air that he’d failed to notice the incoming danger until it was too late and a heavy pair of hands had grabbed Derek by the back of his shirt and pushed him face-first against a stone wall. The hard impact to his skull prompted a ringing pain that he couldn’t easily shake off, and his assailant was able to take advantage by spinning Derek around and then pinning him back against the same wall, this time with them face-to-face.

It hardly came as much of a shock that the attacker was yet another deputy with a thick moustache on his upper lip and a round gut that was pressing into the hard muscles of Derek’s abs. The deputy was standing far too close for comfort and the musky odor was much stronger than ever before thanks to its source being so close. The older man’s breath was hot as it washed over Derek’s face and even made his eyes water. Now more certain than ever that there was something supernatural happening under the sleepy surface of Ashworth Falls, Derek attempted to tap into his inner wolf and shift into his hybrid form but much to his surprise he found himself curiously unable to initiate the transformation.

“Now what’s a handsome young fella like you doin’ out here spyin’ on us, huh?” the deputy growled in a bassy voice that featured a thick southern accent. “Skulkin’ around in your leather jacket… anybody might think you were here to cause some trouble! Now I know that ain’t what you want, is it? C’mon boy, use your words!”

The longer he remained trapped in the deputy’s presence, the more difficult it became for Derek to think rationally. He was painfully hard now and his head was swimming. This wasn’t like any confrontation with a foe he’d ever had before: it was both more frightening and more invigorating. In that very moment Derek felt terribly weak but there was also a growing hunger deep within him that was getting more and more difficult to ignore with each passing second. His eyes were drawn towards the middle-aged man’s lips - those oh so kissable lips - and even though Derek never would have described the deputy as being his type, it was a serious struggle not to surge forward and press his own lips against them.

“I-- I want…” Derek did his best to plead for his release but the words failed before he could even attempt them. Truthfully he was no longer sure if he really did want to be set free, because being trapped between the large deputy and the unforgiving stone wall felt alarmingly good. He could no longer trust his mind, that was for certain, but if that was the case then what could he actually do? Come on, Hale, you’ve gotta fight this! You’ve gotta… gotta fight… gotta... kite?… gotta kiss!

Just like that, the remaining shreds of resistance finally crumbled in Derek’s mind and he caved into his newfound desires by stealing the deputy’s lips in a desperate kiss as if his very life depended on it! Even as he explored the other man’s mouth, absorbing the taste of tobacco and semen, Derek knew what he was doing was wrong and out of character for him, but something about the deputy seemed to make him lose all control of himself.

It was almost a full minute later when the deputy pulled back and broke the kiss. Despite gasping for breath, Derek was also struck by an intense frustration at being denied access to the other man’s lips. “That’ll do for now,” the deputy grunted, taking a full step back and regarding Derek with an expression of excitement on his face that was so feral it sent a shiver down the beta werewolf’s spine. Although he knew that his supernatural abilities would allow him to outpower any normal mortal, all of the fight seemed to have evaporated from Derek’s body and he was left to slump helplessly against the wall.

The first sign of the transformation was the sudden tightness of Derek’s clothes. His leather jacket in particular felt incredibly restrictive, so he hastily shrugged it off of his broad shoulders and threw it to the ground. Beneath the jacket he had been wearing a maroon henley that had highlighted the sharp edges of his powerful muscles, but those hard-earned muscles were quickly adding size while losing definition, pushing the stitching of the shirt to its very limit. Then, in response to the smallest shifting of his arms, the seams burst and allowed his thick arms to escape their fabric prison. There was still clear power within those limbs, but his biceps, triceps and forearms were now all hidden under a new layer of fat.

Chuckling in amusement, the deputy stepped forward and pulled the damaged material of Derek’s henley shirt, ripping it free just in time for the transformation to begin working on his torso. As with the muscles in his arms just moments before, Derek’s meaty pecs began to balloon with added softness, even sagging slightly as they settled into a pair of manboobs. While his pecs had certainly pulled quite the disappearing act, that was nothing compared to the fat of Derek’s six-pack abs. They were washed away in an instant, like a message in the sand when the tide rolled in, and his stomach quickly began to bloat and distend. In mere moments Derek was sporting a hefty gut that drooped over the waistline of his jeans and would be a struggle to squeeze into even an XXL-sized shirt!

“That’s one hell of a belly you’ve got now, son!” the deputy jeered, even reaching out to jiggle the large gut. Although the action was doubtlessly humiliating, it also sent pleasure rocketing through Derek. Why am I getting turned on by this?! As much as he wanted to deny it, the uncomfortable hardness in the front of his pants had reached obscene levels and he was even starting to leak pre-cum right through his boxers.

Derek’s top-heavy nature didn’t last for much longer as the transformation moved south on his body, prompting his hips to widen and his ass cheeks to swell. The sudden inflation of his rear end prompted the seam down the middle of his backside to split, with the seams along his inner thighs following suit shortly after, as his quads ballooned with added mass. His jeans were left in complete tatters once the changes to his lower half were finished and even his boots felt tight around his thicker ankles, so much so that Derek was more than happy to let Deputy Jason Smith - wait, how do I know his name? - free him of both his shoes and tattered pants.

“There’s a good lad,” Deputy Smith praised, flashing a proud smile at Derek, “I think you’ve earned another kiss, don’t you?” Derek accepted the other man’s lips without question and responded with fiery passion, wanting nothing more than to fill himself up with the bitter taste of the other’s mouth.

As the deputy finally pulled away after several minutes of the two men enjoying themselves (and Deputy Smith playing with Derek’s gut some more), the younger man’s transformation finally came to a close. The changes to his face were minimal: he was still recognisably himself, but his stubble had been replaced by a thick moustache, his dark hair thinned while being slicked back with copious amounts of styling wax, and his cheeks were much fuller to give him an overall rounder face.

There were more changes happening under the surface too, as the memories of being a beta werewolf and keeping Beacon Hills safe (and the multitude of tragedies in his past) were replaced by those of growing up in Ashworth Falls and joining the Sheriff’s Department at the ripe age of eighteen. Now, a decade on, he was a faithful deputy, sporting the badge, gun and even a ring on his finger. He and Jason had married earlier in the year, although they had an open marriage and were frequently getting carnally acquainted with the other men in town.

Now left in nothing but his boxers and wedding ring, Derek Smith was slightly embarrassed by his predicament. “Uh, where’s my uniform gone?” he asked, scratching at the back of his head. His husband just chuckled and pressed a kiss to his forehead, an action that always put Derek at ease.

“I’ve got a spare in the back of my car, babe, don’t you worry,” Jason assured him, before placing his hands on Derek’s shoulders and applying pressure to guide him down onto his knees. “But since we’re alone right now, how about you help me out with this?” He grabbed at the bulge in the front of his pants and Derek began salivating immediately. “Your little show made me quite excited, to say the least…”

Derek really didn’t need to be told twice. Pleasuring his husband was just as much his job as keeping the townsfolk of Ashworth Falls safe was! He was a simple guy living a simple life and he was more than happy to follow his husband’s lead. At the end of the day, it was thanks to the wonderful guidance of his husband that Derek finally knew what his purpose in life was: to serve, to protect, and above all, to fuck!


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