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This was written as part of a challenge between myself and my good buddy Soul Controls. We gave each other transformation ideas based around the same suject (Levi Conely) to try and branch out into new areas some more. Enjoy this little horror TF!

Colton had to put up with a lot of odd characters in his role as a personal trainer at the gym, and it wasn’t just his clients either. Considering he was in the gym for eight hours a day five days a week, he was able to recognise most of the gym regulars too. While there were always the likes of the overly-flirty twunks and the girls who only trained glutes, it was the hyper-masculine “obnoxious bro” crowd that annoyed Colton the most. Unfortunately his gym was something of a hotspot for them, and it had thus become a regular part of Colton’s daily schedule to ask groups of guys to stop hogging equipment without actually using it, or to quieten down so that other people could get on in peace.

Chief among all of the obnoxious bros who made Colton’s job harder than it needed to be was Levi Conely, who had gained notoriety in the gym not for his (admittedly impressive) modelling career and good looks, but rather for the fact he’d dated (and cheated on) almost every female trainer employed there. There were more than a few employees - Colton included - who would have happily seen Levi gone, but the owner insisted that the model was good advertising for them on social media, so the unpleasant young man and his reprehensible behaviour remained.

On that particular day Levi’s worst crime wasn’t leering at the women trying to train or making crude jokes loud enough for everyone to hear but rather his annoying habit to growl “Beast mode, baby!” between every rep, in addition to his already frequent grunting. It was perhaps only off-putting at best, but Colton was in a particularly prickly mood, and his client was struggling to hear his advice given they were in the squat rack right next to “Mr. Beast Mode” himself. As such, once Levi had finished up his latest set, Colton decided to step in and politely ask him to refrain from being so noisy.

“Oh, sorry about that, brah,” the model apologised, not putting in any effort to even try and sound convincing, “It’s just I’m in the zone today, you know? Going full beast mode, it’s hard to keep that energy in.” There was visible disdain on Levi’s face during his brief conversation with the personal trainer, but that hardly surprised Colton. Levi thought that everybody was below him just because he was blessed with good genetics. Being good looking doesn’t give you a pass for being a total asshat, Colton thought bitterly. He was absolutely certain that his words would have no effect, but at least he’d tried.

When the personal trainer returned to his client though, he found her waiting with a strange twinkle on her eye and a smirk on her lips. Kelly was one of his many middle-aged clients and while she could have her annoying moments, Colton usually got on quite well with her. “If he wants his ‘beast mode’ so bad, he can have it!” she quipped, eyes trained on the self-absorbed model. Colton, unsure of how to respond, just nodded. Back to work.


Levi was pissed off that his workout had been interrupted by that stick-up-the-ass trainer, but he wasn’t going to let that get in the way of hitting his stride. He was determined to have an incredible workout and hit his beast mode stride. Sparing a few moments to hit a few poses in front of the mirror - and snap a few selfies to upload straight to his social media profiles, of course - Levi then prepared to step back under the bar and attack his next set of split squats. The trainer’s words were already long gone from his mind as he started grunting under the strain of squatting such impressive weight, and he repeated his personal mantra to hype himself up: “Beast mode, baby! Beast mode!”

Once he’d pushed his way through all twenty-four reps - twelve for each side - he returned the bar to the rack and then stepped back to admire the bulging muscles of his quads. As he did so, he caught the eye of the middle-aged woman working with that fairy trainer and winked at her, knowing she wouldn’t be able to resist his charms. Ha, as if I’d ever lower myself to her level. He was about a thousand leagues beyond her reach; he wasn’t interested in women who carried so much pudge around anyway.

Turning his attention back to his reflection (and a much better view, he thought), Levi once again began cycling through poses. As he raised his arms up to hit a double bicep flex though, he was surprised by just how large the muscles in his arms seemed to be, especially considering he was only training legs that day. This beast mode pump is unreal, brah! He definitely wasn’t complaining about the huge bulging peaks of his biceps though, nor the thickness of his forearms. What was a little strange was just how thick the hair on his arms seemed to be. He was certain it hadn’t always been that bad, nor had it ever really crept onto his upper arms quite so much.

As Levi closely inspected the hairs though it became impossible for him to ignore that they seemed to be growing right in front of his eyes! In just the space of twenty seconds his forearms had gone from lightly hairy to almost completely covered in the dark bristles. “What the fuck?” he growled, attempting to brush the hair off with his other hand. Even more concerningly, the thick forest was growing up past his biceps and trousers and then across his shoulders without any sign of stopping. If anything, it was only spreading faster!

While it wasn’t uncommon for Levi to pull his shirt off in the middle of a workout (something the trainers apparently didn’t like him doing, but fuck them), this time he did it was much more trepidation. He hadn’t trimmed down his chest hair or snail trail in a week or two, but the hair that was revealed underneath far exceeded what it should have been! There was barely an inch of spotless skin to be seen. Sure, all of the muscles of his chest seemed to be pumped up to an extreme, like he’d spent the last few months juicing on the good stuff, but the presence of such unsightly hair completely disgusted the model. He looked like a goddamn freak!

A sudden sharp pain across his upper back prompted Levi to cry out - and all eyes to turn in his direction. He stared at his reflection, horrified to see a hunch building up that forced him to bend forward. Pain shot up and down his spine as its structure twisted and contorted, making it impossible for the model to stand up straight. His cannon-like arms were feeling heavier by the second too, dragging him down like anchors. As he stared down at his hands, he could only observe in terror as his index and middle fingers merged, then his ring and little finger did the same. The black nails at the end of the three thck digits sharpened to a point, becoming threatening oversized talons that were quickly mirrored by the feet busting out of his designer sneakers.

With his posture completely ruined, muscles at grotesque proportions and the hair now completely dominating every part of his body apart from his face, Levi looked like he’d just escaped from a freakshow. The crowd gathering around him were no longer just staring, a number of them had pulled out cell phones and started to record his transformation. There was a chorus of whispering and giggling and even a few noises of disgust. It was a rare moment of extreme humiliation for the model who had always been so sure of himself.

A chorus of bones cracking evoked another cry out of Levi, only this emerged as more of a monstrous roar than the cry of a man. It was guttural and crude, an evolution (or devolution, to be more accurate) of his obnoxious grunting habit during past workouts. The handsome facial features that had earned Levi so much work in front of the cameras were contorted into a formation more fitting of a neanderthal, with his brow becoming particularly prominent. The hair from the rest of his body crept up Levi’s thick neck and wormed its way across his rearranged face to all but hide any traces of his former human life, while the skin hiding underneath that wild forest of hair lost its golden tan and instead sunk into a sickly grey.

The monstrous creature that was once Levi Conely huffed heavily and glanced around the crowd with piercing yellow eyes. More than a few people stepped back, understandably terrified by the freak of nature that had formed before their eyes. Levi did his best to beg for help but his ability to speak had been robbed off him, leaving him to make animalistic growls through razor sharp teeth. With nobody stepping forward to help him, all the beast could do was continue to look around until his eyes finally fell upon his reflection. For the first time in his life, Levi was disgusted by what he saw in the mirror.

Despite the monster’s pathetic whimpering at its reflection, the perpetrator of Levi’s transformation felt perfectly justified for what they’d done to the former model. He had made it incredibly clear that he planned on going ‘beast mode’ after all...


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