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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

To tell the truth Oliver was surprised to hear that the 911 showrunners were actually giving into fan demand and planning to pair up his character of Evan Buckley with Eddie Diaz, the character his own was most commonly ‘shipped’ with. Oliver wasn’t exactly opposed to the idea, he loved working with his co-star Ryan and it would be a good way to stretch his acting muscles, but truthfully he was both concerned about how fans would act around him and Ryan and his own ability to believably portray love for another man. He was very much straight in real life and although he recognized that Ryan was a good-looking guy, he had no urge to kiss the other or do any of the things he did with the women he found attractive.

After some talking with his agent about his concerns and pushing off her own concerns that playing a gay character on primetime television might hurt his future career prospects, Oliver decided to visit an acting coach who had previously helped a number of big-name actings ‘go gay’ for a role, including both Taron Egerton and Richard Madden for their acclaimed turns in Rocketman. A quick phone call with the coach actually revealed that he was even a fan of the show and offered his help for completely free, something Oliver definitely wasn’t foolish to turn down, and they organized their first session for the following week. Why look a gift horse in the mouth, or whatever the hell that old saying was? 

Once their arranged session had arrived, Oliver pulled up in his nice new sports car outside the address he’d been given and inspected the large studio building. Once he was inside, he was greeted by the man who had promised to help him become ‘the most natural gay on television’. It was immediately clear to Oliver that his new coach, Holden, was an eccentric character: mid-thirties, with bright green hair, a nose piercing and a full sleeve tattoo of what appeared to be Chinese symbols. He was tall and lean and Oliver could spy a heavy amount of dark chest hair poking out of the top of Holden’s tight-fitting shirt.

“So great to finally meet you, bud,” the older man remarked, holding out his hand. “Or should I say Buck?”

Oliver could only chuckle. “Yeah, definitely the first time I’ve heard that one,” he remarked sarcastically, although truthfully he didn’t mind. “Thanks for swallowing the cost, dude. That’s mighty kind of you.”

“Oh I’ve been waiting for Buck and Eddie to hook up as much as any other fan,” Holden exclaimed, an excited gleam in his eyes. “To help you bring that to life… it’d be my pleasure!” There was something about the wording of Holden’s response that didn’t quite sit right with Oliver although he couldn’t identify why and as such continued to smile politely at the other man.

Holden instructed that Oliver tell him exactly what it was the showrunners wanted from the character and the actor shared as much as he could without getting himself into trouble. “He’s not supposed to change too much from how he is,” he explained, “He’ll just be a guy who happens to love another guy.”

“So nothing flaming, then?” Holden clarified, a playful smirk decorating his plump lips. “No sparkly hotpants and over-the-top lisp?” The thought alone made Oliver cringe. Yeah, he was sure glad that they weren’t going that kind of direction with his character. There was no way he’d ever pull that off convincingly and besides, that all sounded so stereotypical that he was sure people would find it offensive.

“No, none of that,” he replied somewhat stiffly. 

The other man chuckled. “Shame,” he murmured, continuing to smile. 

The uneasy feeling continued to linger in the back of Oliver’s mind as Holden talked him through some acting theories and exercises that he’d found useful when working with other actors encountering the same issues as the blond stud. Oliver was an attentive student but soon found himself getting restless and wondering if this was all going to be worth it. At least there’s no money going to waste, he reminded himself, Just my time.

After an hour, Holden excused himself to collect some props from a cupboard for their next exercise and Oliver used the time to fish his phone out of his pocket and send a text over to his co-star: Feel like I’m back in high school. Thought my learning days were done. 

It didn’t take long before Ryan’s reply arrived: You made your choice bro! Oliver scowled at the reminder despite knowing he only had himself to blame. 

“Here, put this on for me!” Holden suddenly remarked as he burst back into the room, almost causing Oliver to drop his phone. He was hesitant to look up and see what the acting coach had in his hands, anticipating that it would be something borderline humiliating but thankfully it was only a black leather bracelet with a silver clasp.

Accepting the item, Oliver raised it to his eyes and inspected it closely for a moment. “What’s this for?” he asked, more than a little confused. Some of the exercises Holden was putting him through hardly seemed helpful at all.

“Just humour me,” Holden replied firmly, his smile tight. 

Compelled to do as he was told, just like he really was back in high school, the blond actor placed the leather bracelet around his wrist and fastened the silver clasp. “What are we doing?” he asked, trying his hardest not to sound too ungrateful even though his doubts about the other were growing with each moment.

“Helping you think like a gay man,” Holden replied, as if that had been the most obvious answer in the world. “That bracelet belonged to my last boyfriend. Wasn’t the brightest bulb I’ve dated but he was a kinky son of a bitch in bed. Real big into his leather. Looked great in it too!”

This time Oliver couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose in disgust. “Way too much detail, dude,” he muttered, his eyes once again drawn to the bracelet. “How is this supposed to help me think like a gay man?”

“Oh, it’s magical,” Holden assured him, his smile only growing wider. “I like to keep a little part of all my ex-lovers in my props, they’re really helpful for giving guys like you the full gay experience.” Oliver gaped at the other man, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. “Be glad I picked out Dave and not Trevor. Now he was exactly the kind of effeminate twink you’d probably hate having your mind twisted into!”

“Mind… twisted?” The actor’s heart was racing. His body felt hot. His cock had suddenly begun to rise, for what reason Oliver didn't know.

Holden’s hands moved up to grab the younger man’s shoulder; a shiver rushed down Oliver’s spine and his cock jolted. “Dear boy, do you want to know why all the men who get my help are so good at playing gay?” he questioned in little more than a whisper, stepping closer until there were mere inches between their faces.

Oliver gulped. He opened his mouth to respond but found his throat dry. Even worse, his pants were getting tighter by the moment as his body betrayed him like he’d never expected. 

“Why don’t you kiss me and find out, pretty boy?” the acting coach encouraged. That was apparently all the permission Oliver needed as without his mind’s consent his body surged forward and pressed their lips together. Kissing another man was like nothing he had experienced before - the sensation of the other’s stubble against his own was certainly unique - but he was totally invested and his hands began to wander, one gripping the back of Holden’s neck while the other moved around his hips to pull him closer until his hard length was pressed against Holden’s thigh.

When their lips were finally forced to part in order to catch a breath, Oliver couldn’t help but be stunned by his own actions. His body felt like it was on fire and his brain was totally fried but he was totally certain of one thing: he wanted to do it again. He didn’t just want to kiss Holden though. The more he thought about the men he came into contact with in his daily life - his co-stars, his personal trainer, his drinking buddies - he couldn’t help but fantasize about kissing each and every one of them. It wasn’t even just limited to kissing either, as he could perfectly visualize himself getting down on his knees for a guy like Ryan in order to prove himself as the best lover they’d ever had.

After another hour of activities - this time far more physical than anything they had done previously - Holden finally announced that he had another client to see and as such, it was Oliver’s time to go. Oliver was disappointed to hear as such but he could understand that other actors would need Holden’s help as he had and who was he to deny them of that?

“Oh, and I’ll need that bracelet back,” he reminded the actor as he turned to go. There was a moment of hesitation before Oliver obeyed, scared that if he removed the bracelet then the newfound exciting feelings inside of him would vanish. Much to his delight though that wasn’t the case at all and even after he’d passed the bracelet back to the coach, thanked him and left, he was still all hot and bothered thinking about how often he was going to get to kiss his gorgeous co-star Ryan!

Pulling out his cell phone once more, he fired a text off to the man in question: Hope you’re ready for some of the best kissing of your life, handsome. Can’t wait to rock your world! Now that he thought about it, maybe Ryan would benefit from a trip to Holden himself and then they wouldn’t just have to limit their relationship to being on-screen… 


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