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This 1,338 word story was inspired by a caption from my good buddy Bizz, who wanted to see a story where a "fitness influencer turns fans into gear". I hope you enjoy the end result!

Like so many others, Lucas had decided to sign up to the gym to try and achieve his New Year’s Resolution of getting a better body. Six weeks later though and he was seriously struggling with his motivation. Sure, he’d lost some of the ‘skinny-fat’ gut that had bothered him so much, but his arms were still as thin as twigs and he was lifting lighter weights than most of the female clientele. It really didn’t help that most of the guys at the gym seemed to be lifelong professionals, with biceps bigger Lucas’ whole head. To say he felt intimidated would be fair, but it wasn’t the only thing the skinny young man felt in the presence of such giants. He’d long felt desire towards muscular physiques and there were no shortages of them to help fuel his midnight fantasies. He’d made love to many of those gym hunks in his dreams, but none more so than Justin Howells.

Lucas hadn’t even known that Justin was a popular fitness influencer on social media when he’d first laid eyes on the stud, but it was easy to understand why. Justin was blessed with a gorgeous face and beautifully sculpted muscles; Lucas was helpless but to admire how the tank tops Justin wore always ended up stretched across his broad pecs, or how his sweats could do little to hide the perfect globes of his ass and the bulge of his crotch. Justin had the perfect body and life - and Lucas wanted both for himself. Being the only child of a financially comfortable family, he was used to getting what he wanted, and the simple fact that Justin’s body and life were currently claimed by the real Justin himself was of little concern. Having enough money meant that there was always a way around things that were supposed to be set in stone.

Lucas watched Justin closely for several weeks, both in person at the gym and on his social media, preparing himself for taking over the other man’s life. He’d purchased the services of a warlock with connections to his family, who had transferred a small amount of power to Lucas; it was just enough to let him invade Justin’s body and replace him in the driver’s seat while relegating the body’s true host to a passenger’s perspective. Knowing that his future as a fitness influencer was so close had Lucas practically shaking in excitement, but he was careful in choosing the moment to strike. Throughout his six weeks at the gym he had only had one face-to-face encounter with Justin, when the muscular stud had asked if he was done with a machine. It had caught Lucas off guard and his mouth had felt like cotton, so he had only nodded meekly and scurried off like a terrified mouse. It had been a horrifically embarrassing moment for him, but he supposed that Justin was used to such reactions. He was, after all, the undeniable alpha of the gym, and his presence was especially intimidating to relative newbies or guys who were much smaller than him, two categories which Lucas fit right into. There was a higher than zero chance that Lucas had left such little impression on the other that Justin wouldn’t remember him at all!

Knowing that the other was usually one of the last people to leave the gym in the evening, Lucas decided that the upcoming Sunday would be the most appropriate time to finally claim his dream body. From past experience there were only a handful people at most left there by seven o’clock, so the chances of getting Justin alone would be much better. The days between that decision and the end of the week were torturous for Lucas but the knowledge that he’d be starting the following week as a brand new man did eventually tide him over, and most certainly occupied his mind as he waited for his opportunity.

When it finally came, Lucas’ heart began to thunder in his chest. He had followed Justin into the locker room and they were the only two in there. His body hummed with electricity as he did his best to calm his nerves and tap into the magical energies that had been deposited within him. Justin stood at his locker and had taken his shirt off, giving Lucas a delightful view of the broad muscles of his back. The smaller man crept up behind him as quietly as possible, letting the magic spread across every inch of him, before finally diving forward and attempting to push himself into the fitness influencer’s body just as he’d been instructed to.

The sensation was rather unlike anything Lucas had ever encountered before. He felt both weightless and incredibly heavy, soaking wet and desperately dry, incredibly strong and desperately fragile. Reality was an abundance of contradictions as Lucas went to war with the presence inside Justin’s body and he could feel himself dominate that fight - but only for a few mere seconds. The tides turned as sudden as the crack of a rifle, and Lucas found himself being overwhelmed. No longer was he pushing into Justin’s body, but rather finding himself being wrapped around it, warped and manipulated as if he were made of clay.

Lucas’ excitement and arousal turned to confusion and fear as he felt the matter of his very being getting corrupted and finally settling into another form - a form that left him unable to move and speak. He was delicate in a manner that he had never been before and all too aware that on one side he found himself stretched over the muscular expanse of Justin’s chest while on the other he was left to cling against those powerful back muscles he had been admiring just some thirty seconds before.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lucas’ transformation settled and he was fully converted into his new form, namely a yellow tank top that started up on the sloping traps before embracing the juicy pecs and caressing the six-pack of abs. Every part of Lucas that touched one of Justin’s muscles felt like it was receiving an unbelievably erotic massage. Arousal rushed through the former man, making it difficult for him to think. He wanted to rage against what had become of him, but he had no way of communicating with the world around him anymore. All he could do was listen and feel, and he was so caught up doing the latter that he almost missed the fact that Justin was talking, and directly to him too!

“Nice try, buddy! That was a ballsy move, man!” the fitness influencer remarked, gently caressing his new item of clothing with his calloused hands. “If you’d picked just about any other guy in the gym it definitely would have worked too! Too bad, but there was no way anybody else was taking over this body. I knew it was going to happen sooner or later though, which was why I made sure to set some security measures up. It took some time for somebody to try but I gotta say, I like the results! You’re a great fit!”

With great struggle Lucas paid attention to Justin’s words, although he couldn’t shake the feeling there was something more to what he was being told. Why did he say ‘anybody else’? That’s kinda weird phrasing, right? Apparently sensing his doubt, the muscular stud that Lucas was now wrapped around chuckled. “In fact, if you’d tried this on the real Justin, you’d have got what you wanted. Unlucky for you, I took his body back at Christmas. He’s these sweats I’ve got on right now. Hey, pretty soon I might have a full wardrobe of guys!”

Suddenly faced with a future of being wrapped around Justin’s body - a body occupied by an unknown magic user, at that - Lucas supposed that while it wasn’t what he had wanted, there were definitely worse fates! At least he would finally get to enjoy those perfect muscles up close!


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