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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

 Kevin was honestly quite surprised at how much he enjoyed wrestling considering he’d never really been the sporty type. Previously his only interest in sports - wrestling in particular - was the cute muscular guys it produced. Now though he found himself eager to impress the coach and put on a good performance. It was all rather unexpected for him but he was willing to roll with it, just as he always did in these types of situations.

Thankfully it wasn’t as if Kevin was alone on Riverdale High’s wrestling team as Archie had decided to add the sport to his already burgeoning school profile in order to impress colleges in the future, provided his music career didn’t take off. Having a friend on the team with him made Kevin feel safe because a lot of the other wrestlers were big, burly and unwilling to strike up a conversation with the only openly gay kid in school.

While he would never wish anything else for his life, there was a small part of Kevin that wished he could fit in with the other guys on the team. His sexuality was a barrier between them which was stupid because it shouldn’t affect any of them, especially as he had no plans to make a move on any of them. He just wanted to be able to trust his sparring partner and that was difficult to do when he knew they were talking about him behind his back.

As a result of the unease between Kevin and the straight jocks on the squad, most of his practice matches were against Archie. Kevin thought the world of the redheaded boy - they were close friends, after all - but Archie simply hadn’t taken to wrestling like he had to the guitar and to football. He visibly struggled and hadn’t seemed to have made much improvement over the six weeks since they had joined the team. With every passing session the coach looked less and less impressed with him.

Kevin was pretty glad that the coach didn’t view him the same way as he did Archie because the older man was pretty tough. Disappointing people always left a dark feeling inside Kevin and it had been a while since he had felt as much passion for something as he did wrestling. The coach seemed to recognize that passion in him too, always encouraging him and even defending him to some of the more narrow-minded individuals on the team. It was surprising but most certainly appreciated on Kevin’s part.

After a particular rough day where Kevin had once again become the target of mean-spirited jokes by Reggie and his usual gang of buffoons, the sheriff’s son didn’t quite feel in the mood for practice. The coach noticed immediately and pulled him aside, a look of concern decorating the man’s handsome face. “What’s going on, Keller?” the man asked, his voice low and gentle, “You’re normally coming in here with a big smile on your face and I don’t much like seeing you frowning.”

“It’s nothing, coach,” Kevin murmured in response, knowing that the lie was clear as day to see. He wasn’t sure why the events of the day were dragging him down so much but it made it difficult to focus on his newfound passion and he wasn’t happy about that either. As per usual Archie seemed totally clueless too which only served to drag Kevin further down into the dumps.

Risking a glance up, Kevin caught sight of the disappointment in his coach’s eyes and felt suddenly compelled to tell the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it made him feel confiding in somebody other than Betty. “I’m just tired of not fitting in with the other guys,” he sighed, staring down at his feet, “Especially when Archie’s around. He’s so clueless it’s like he doesn’t realize just how differently people treat me.”

When no response immediately followed Kevin feared that he’d said too much and made the older man feel uncomfortable. Even just lifting his head to check the older man’s reaction felt like too much of a burden for Kevin to deal with so he remained staring at his feet, hoping and praying that his brain would pull it together and he could focus on training.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Keller,” the coach said, his voice remaining calm and soft in a way that sent shivers down Kevin’s spine. “I think I have a solution for you there. Wait here.” Kevin raised his head, watching the coach disappear into another room before he came back with a bottle in his hand containing some light green liquid. “Here, drink this.”

“What is it?” the teenager asked, staring curiously at the drink as he accepted it from the coach. His father had taught him not to put unknown substances into his body, even if the coach was surely somebody he could trust.

“Just a protein shake. Best stuff available right now. Perks me up in no time!” the coach explained, smiling brightly at his student. Feeling reassured, Kevin raised the bottle to his lips and took a big gulp. He was greeted by the pleasant taste of mint and was surprised at how smoothly it went down. Within a few seconds he’d managed to down half of the bottle!

Kevin wasn’t sure if it was down to the placebo effect or there really was something in the shake that was capable of perking people up but he began to feel better almost immediately and a few minutes later he had gotten changed into his singlet and was out hitting the mats with the other wrestlers. Just as the coach had promised he seemed to be more optimistic and focused than he had been all day, even scoring a few surprise pins over guys that had previously wiped the floor with him.

When the coach called Archie over to speak to in private, Kevin couldn’t help but observe from afar. His friend was given a protein shake similar to his own, only this one was pink in colour. Trying not to think too much into it, Kevin dropped back down into position and got on with practice, forgetting all about the moment altogether.

Later that night as he dropped into bed, Kevin felt far more content than he had in a long time. He settled in for a deep slumber and was greeted by surprisingly arousing dreams filled with Betty and Veronica, both of them wearing revealing lingerie and showering him in attention and compliments. 

The next morning Kevin was greeted by a rock hard cock and immediately had to deal with the situation, chuckling to himself after over how bizarre the situation was. He couldn’t remember ever having sexual dreams about girls before, especially his friends, but he couldn’t deny that it had been pretty hot.

Pushing himself out of bed, he sauntered over towards the mirror for his customary morning inspection and immediately took note of his larger frame. There was more muscle packed on him than he was used to and his immediate instinct was to flex, flaunting his drool-worthy biceps. “Holy shit,” he cursed under his breath, beginning to pull more and more poses to admire himself.

While there was no rational explanation for his sudden muscle growth - or indeed the somewhat out of character dream from the night before - it was enough to get Kevin starting the day with a smile. Even his father noticed something was different, remarking that Kevin was looking good and that being on the wrestling squad must have been doing him a lot of good.

There was a slightly different atmosphere in Riverdale High that day and Kevin noticed it immediately. His classmates looked at him differently and not in a negative way either. Some of the other members of the wrestling team greeted him with a friendly nod which had never happened before and Kevin had even caught one of the cheerleaders checking him out. He’d laughed the moment off but was actually rather surprised about how much the moment had boosted his confidence.

During their lunch break Archie had been unusually hostile so Kevin instead focused his attention on both Betty and Veronica. His dream the previous night still lingered in his mind and he couldn’t help but see both girls in a brand new light, truly recognizing their beauty. Parts of their conversation were even flirtatious and it gave him a serious thrill to think that he could maybe even make parts of that dream a reality!

By the time Kevin made it to the gymnasium after a long day of schooling, he was walking with a little more swagger in his step. Confidence seemed to radiate from him and he no longer felt uncomfortable with the notion of talking to his teammates. Indeed the barrier between them had seemingly faded away and they were far more approachable with him than they ever had been before. The coach watched over the whole situation, beaming with pride at how easily Kevin was inserting himself into the group of jocks.

The only person who didn’t seem to be enjoying themself was Archie, who was pushed to the outside of the group. It hadn’t been Kevin’s intention but he had to admit that when he paused to think about it, Archie didn’t really fit in with the rest of them. It wasn’t as if he was really that passionate about wrestling, after all. Besides, the redhead was looking a little smaller on the muscle-scale and Kevin had managed to get him down to a pin for a three-count in record time, something that had earned Archie a round of jeers from the other jocks.

Throughout the training session the coach called out instructions and Kevin proved himself to be one of the most dedicated boys on the team, fulfilling the coach’s commands without even a moment of hesitation. He’d wanted to prove that the older man’s confidence in him wasn’t misplaced and judging by the coach’s smile as he passed him on the way to the locker room, he’d done a pretty good job.

At the end of the training session Archie was once again called over by the coach, leaving Kevin to hit the showers with his teammates. He felt no compulsion to look around and check any of them out, nor did the thought even occur to him. Instead he found himself joining in their conversation about Cheryl Blossom’s ass and Veronica’s tits, visualizing them both perfectly. He hadn’t even realized it but he’d checked out both of them throughout the day!

Not wanting his friend to feel abandoned, Kevin waited in the locker room after everybody else had left until Archie finally exited the coach’s office. The redhead was clearly upset and sunk down onto the bench with his head hung low. 

“Coach dropped me from the time,” he explained, his voice a high-pitched whine. Archie’s usual happy-go-lucky confidence had somehow vanished overnight and even though Kevin had a sneaking suspicion that he knew why, he wasn’t about to address that situation.

“Sorry dude. That shit sucks,” he grunted in response, slapping the redhead on the back. “How can I cheer you up, huh?” Kevin prided himself on being a good friend, even if Archie wasn’t always the most supportive in return.

Archie lifted his head then, showing off pleading puppy-dog eyes. “K… Kevin?” he began with a vulnerable stammer, “Can… Can I blow you?” 

The request came as a complete surprise and Kevin was caught off guard. The thought of letting another guy go to town on his cock immediately repulsed the sheriff’s son until he stopped to think about it. He and Archie were supposed to be friends and even if he let the other blow him, it wasn’t as if he was doing anything gay, right? He’d just be helping his homo friend out!

Despite some reluctance, Kevin eventually agreed and guided Archie down onto his knees. He was honestly just thankful he’d made plans to sneak some beers with the rest of the team later but there was no way in hell he’d be telling any of them about this! No, hopefully he’d be ending his night with a hot babe riding his cock and screaming his name. Yeah, that would definitely balance things out!


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