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This 2,048 word story was based on a six-word suggestion by patron Luke DeAn, who wanted to see "Agent Coulson steals Captain America's body". I took a slight variation on the idea and added in a couple of extra transformation themes, but I hope you all enjoy the end result!

Midgardians… so dimwitted, Loki mused. No wonder my oafish brother likes them so much. In his hands he held a symbol of great importance to the Migard populus. It was a circular disc made of vibranium and decorated in red, white and blue: the shield of Captain America, one of Thor’s compatriots in that merry band of super-powered idiots. Loki held none of them in high esteem, but the Star-Spangled Loser had really outdone himself when he’d dared to take on the god of trickery without any backup. It had been the perfect time for a display of creativity and Loki was rather proud of the solution. He had trapped the patriotic hero within the confines of his own shield, unable to communicate with the world around him or escape from the unique imprisonment.

Loki’s plan wasn’t quite finished yet though. He had come to a mostly-deserted S.H.I.E.L.D. base and planted the hero-turned-object on top of a crate where he knew it would be easily discovered. Next, he reached his hand out over the shield and a cascade of sparkling green dust fell upon it, disappearing as soon as it made contact with the cool surface of the vibranium. Once he was certain that the magic had been properly absorbed into the shield, Loki placed his hand across the star at its centre and listened to the raging voice of the Captain trapped within. He could spit venom all he liked but nobody other than Loki would ever be able to hear him. Soon they wouldn’t even notice that he was missing!

Hearing footsteps approaching, Loki used his powers again, this time to turn invisible, and parked himself in the corner of the room with a good view of the crate upon which the shield sat. He didn’t want to miss the events that were about to unfold. They would no doubt be the most entertaining thing he’d seen recently, although that time he had hypnotised Thor into believing he was a dog had certainly made for good fun.

As expected, the footsteps belonged to one Phil Coulson, the agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. who had been responsible for delivering a rather nasty blow to Loki back during his attack on the Helicarrier. He thought he’d dispatched the troublesome agent but somehow the Midgardian man had escaped death and was continuing to be something of a nuisance. He operated under the radar - supposedly even the Avengers didn’t even know he was still alive - but he’d inadvertently thrown a spanner into Loki’s plans a number of times and he was just as eager to eliminate that issue as he had been with Captain America.

Just as expected, the sight of the iconic shield caused the middle-aged man to halt immediately and the muscles in his face relaxed into an expression of shock. “What is this doing here?” he wondered aloud, approaching the crates with excitement beginning to flash in his eyes. He was taking the bait, just as Loki knew he would. The agent’s fanboying over his childhood hero was pathetically obvious and such an easy thing to use to his advantage. In some respect, Loki supposed that he was actually going to be doing Coulson a favour, but ultimately things would be working out to most benefit the god of trickery. While it wasn’t uncommon for him to do things simply for the fun of it, his best tricks were always the ones that provided with some sort of victory over the idiotic Avengers and this would be the most pleasing of the lot.

Coulson picked up the shield gingerly, as if he was afraid it might crumble in his hands. As if his weak hands could break anything! Of course, that hadn’t stopped the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent from having the strength to pull the trigger on the abnormally large gun that would have seriously hurt a lesser god, but that was no longer relevant. Soon the other wouldn’t even remember ever doing as such. Loki watched in bemusement as the man put his arms through the straps of the shield and posed with it as if he was the hero he’d admired for his entire life. Little does he know…

Unbeknown to the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, the glittering green particles of magic spread out from the shield, up his arm and throughout the man’s unimpressive physical form. Although the action had been invisible to him, the slight shift in Coulson’s expression - a look of mild confusion, even bordering upon discomfort - clearly communicated that he was already beginning to feel the effects of Loki’s magic. Just a few seconds later and the man was forced to hold onto the crates just to keep himself steady, as the strange pain that had flared up inside of him forced him to double over. His muscles felt like they were all cramping at once and his head throbbed as if his skull had experienced a horrific collision with an unforgiving object. Loki was delighted with what he saw; his magic didn’t always cause the subject to suffer, but he’d taken pleasure in the opportunity to get some revenge on the wannabe hero.

The first part of the unsuspecting S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to change were his hands. Even as he clenched them into fists the digits of his fingers grew thicker and his palms became calloused. From there, his forearms began to swell while his biceps and triceps received such a sudden explosion of power that the seams of his suit jacket could no longer contain them. The football-sized upper arms burst forth from the fabric while his narrow shoulders were stretched out as if being pulled from both sides. In addition to the broadening of his shoulders, the muscles of his delts formed hard boulders to properly compliment the powerful arms that were attached from them. All the while Coulson was gasping, grunting and groaning in response to the sudden changes of his physiology, crumbling at the mercy of Loki’s magic.

As the subject of the transformation staggered back towards the door he’d entered from, Loki reached out to the magic currently wrapped around Coulson and intensified its effects. Such an action provoked a long moan to burst forth from the man, right as his torso began to balloon and bulge to form a powerful chest, dominated by a pair of powerful pectorals that were accompanied by a tapestry of tight abdominals and a pair of sharp v-lines, all of which were exposed when his shirt burst open from the sudden explosion of mass. The overwhelmingly herculean spread of muscles was quite the sight to behold - even Loki could feel the stirrings of delight within him. He’d known it would be a fun viewing experience, but he was really outdoing himself with this latest display of his magical superiority!

Further tears to the fabric of Coulson’s shirt and jacket were caused by the expansion of his back muscles, with his wide lats forcing his arms out and away from his sides. Moments later and his trap muscles rose to form perfect slopes from his thickened neck down to his perfect delts. Coulson’s top-heavy nature mercifully didn’t last long as the tendrils of magic soon worked their way around his legs, warping the thin limbs until they were thick trunks of muscle. His waistline pulled in further while his ass adopted a more pert appearance, the cheeks perfectly round and juicy like a pair of melons. His calves were similarly full and meaty, while his leather shoes had been destroyed by the enlarging of his feet, their metamorphosis only ceasing once they were suitable enough to match the rest of his muscle-bound and titanesque physique.

Loki admired the growing bulge within the strained fabric of his victim’s pants, until the material could finally take no more and split under the pressure of those powerful quads tensing and the hard length that had to be at least nine inches. It was quite the glorious sight, especially considering the grey boxers underneath were already featuring a damp spot from where the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent had been unable to handle the more pleasurable elements of his transformation. While he had no knowledge of what Coulson had been packing prior to the transformation, he wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that it had been half that length. Certainly any man lucky enough to be in his position would be pleased with such an improvement!

The finishing touches came as Coulson’s facial features were warped into more classically handsome shapes, as if an expert artist was correcting the imperfections of a novice’s attempt. His weak jawline became hard and sharp, complete with a square chin, while his nostrils flared and lips became fuller. His brow became heavier while the bristles of hair thickened and the irises adopted a sky blue shade that seemed to invite anybody who looked into them to lose themselves in their beauty. The hair that had been thinning and receding since Coulson had been in his thirties began to grow back in abundance, all while flooding with a brighter colour, until he had a full head of thick blond hair that was perfectly swept over in a classical side parting fitting for a man right out of the 1940’s.

And so the final physical traces of Phil Coulson were swept away for good, forever hidden behind the visage of Steve Rogers.

It was at this point that Loki chose to reveal himself, dropping his invisibility and stepping out into the middle of the storage room. Across from him stood the body of the American super-soldier, wearing the rags of a suit that had been ill-fitting to contain such a majestic muscular body. Although he looked the part physically, it was clear from his eyes that he was still the same Agent Coulson within, but that would soon change too. His eyes had widened in recognition of the trickster god as he’d made his presence known, but with a flick of his wrist Loki had trapped his latest subject in a frozen state. Despite all those strong muscles he now possessed he was completely powerless when up against the magic of a god!

“You seem to be missing that garish get-up you wear so well,” the god of trickery pointed out, his voice dripping with mocking glee. With a click of his fingers he once again activated his magic, this time prompting the ruined remains of Coulson’s suit to warp, reshape and dilute until they had become the perfect replica of the red, white and blue costume that Captain America had worn in all of his previous skirmishes with Loki. While he certainly had no great love for the man himself, even Loki could appreciate the aesthetic delights of Steve Rogers, and the tight-fitting suit certainly did him plenty of favours. Merely watching from afar wasn’t enough for the trickster god anymore though, he wanted to explore the monument of masculinity for himself, and with his final trick that would become all too easy.

Coulson was utterly helpless as Loki’s magic wormed its way into his mind and took hold, easily suppressing the man’s will and locking it away behind a door that was never to be opened again. Instead the magic installed new commands within the empty space left over other’s mind to make him useful and obedient. Any panic and terror Coulson was feeling in that moment was drowned out by an unnatural state of calm, and a growing devotion to the deceitful deity before him. Those beautiful baby blue eyes flashed a familiar emerald green for a moment as the process was completed, and the new Captain America quickly dropped to a knee, his head bowed in a sign of respect. “I am yours to command, my master,” he declared in a toneless voice. “What is your bidding?”

Loki smirked, relishing in his major victory over not one but two of his adversaries. It was only the beginning too, because with the leader of the Avengers under his control, it wouldn’t be long until he spread his influence further! This is going to be so much fun...


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