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This is an alternate ending to "A Man Of His Word" and was commissioned by a top tier patron - hope you all enjoy!

Chris Pratt didn’t exactly have fond memories of his time at high school, mostly all because of one individual. Cole Boorman had been king of the jocks and a real douchebag, bullying Chris for his weight on a consistent basis and causing a lot of the self-esteem and body issues that Chris still struggled with despite being a high-profile Hollywood actor. 

Cole was the reason that Chris pushed himself harder than any of his co-stars and felt miserable if his weight fluctuated too much and it was fair to say that the actor still harbored some lingering bitterness towards the other man. As such, when Chris was invited to deliver a speech at his old high school, the actor had thought ahead to ask his father if his former bully was still hanging around.

Hearing that Cole’s life had crashed and burned during his college years brought Chris a smug sense of satisfaction. Sure, getting a calf injury that derailed a whole career was awful but it couldn’t have happened to a better person than Cole. As for the news that his former fat-shaming bully had gained quite a bit of weight over the years too… well there was a sweet irony in that and Chris couldn’t help but chuckle to himself as he thought about how their fortunes had reversed over the years. It wasn’t through luck or anything either - Chris had put in hard work to shed the pounds and gain muscle and he was damn proud of how far he had come from that shy chubby nerd he’d been back in his teenage yours. Now he was an outgoing muscular nerd that half of the world’s population wanted to share a bed with!

“Be careful though, son,” his father had warned him at the end of their phone call, “Cole’s… a little outta his mind, if I may say so. I wouldn’t surprised if he tried something, you know?” The implication was enough for Chris to understand. As a public figure with a hot body and a fan following, it wasn’t entirely unheard of for the likes of Chris to be targeted by jealous fans or bitter rivals. There were any number of things that could be done by the unstable likes of Cole if he got his hand on the power or technology and Chris knew it was better to be safe than sorry.

Visiting a witch who specialized in protection charms, Chris explained the situation with Cole to her and was delighted to find that she understood immediately. He knew he wasn’t the only Hollywood actor to make use of her service but was pleasantly surprised when he was informed that both Tyler Hoechlin and Stephen Amell had visited her with very similar tales of their own, seeking to protect their bodies and minds. She could do so with ease - at a price, of course, but it was one that Chris was more than willing to pay in order to protect himself from any scheme Cole might be concocting.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long after Chris gave his speech - making sure to highlight to all the young actors in the room just how hard he had worked to make it as far as he had, as well as gloating to the teachers who had told him that he’d never make anything of himself - that he was finally reunited with the man who had made his teenage years a living hell. Sure enough, Cole was a sight for sore eyes with his sagging gut and puffy cheeks. All of the definition he had possessed as a young man was gone, replaced by more far than Chris had ever had in his life. He was caught off guard by the rapid changes in Cole’s body, so much so that he almost didn’t notice the burning envy in the other man’s eyes.

“Hey man, I - uh - wanted to apologize,” Cole began, his eyes tracing down the rippling muscles of Chris’ form. For a moment Chris even pitied the other, before remembering every time the other had tormented him and made him feel like an outsider because of his weight. “The way I acted towards you in high school… it wasn’t cool. I was a dick and, uh, I think we can both agree that karma caught up with me, right?” He huffed a weak laugh at that, reaching down to shake his overgrown belly for a moment. 

Silencing his brain’s desperate urge to launch a tirade in Cole’s direction and forcing himself to remain vigilant, Chris merely plastered a smile on his face and reached out a hand. “What’s past is in the past, right?” he said, despite not buying into the words. There was no way he was forgiving Cole for the way he was treated all those years ago. “Seems trivial to dwell on them. We’re fully grown men now, right?” Some of us just grew in different directions, the sarcastic part of Chris’ brain remarked, once again putting him at risk of laughing right in the other’s face.

Cole outstretched his hand and Chris caught the slight glint of something metallic hidden in the other man’s hand. So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh? Despite knowing the dangers of clasping the other’s hand when he had a draconian katra against his palm, Chris was confident that the protection charm he had purchased would more than do the trick to combat Cole’s attempt to steal his body. As such, he accepted the other’s hand with a strong grip and grit his teeth together as he felt the other’s magic attempt to invade his body and switch their places.

The world seemed to stop as the two men became rigid and frozen in place, the magic between Cole’s device and Chris’ protection rune fighting a swift war. Chris felt warmth radiate from where his hand gripped Cole’s and spread throughout his body. His opponent on the other hand began to look pale and struggled against the grip but was unable to pull himself away. “Wh-- what are you doing?” Chris’ former bully croaked out, his voice weak and terrified. There was something so palpable about that fear and Chris could hardly believe he was experiencing it first-hand from somebody who had made a good portion of his life complete hell.

“Just making sure our story has a happy ending,” Chris retorted, his lips spreading into a wide grin as he felt the sapphire gem in the middle of the other’s hand crack and crumble into dust. The protection charm had done its job, ensuring that Chris would keep his body and now it was time for his revenge. It had been the witch’s idea and he had been all too happy to agree, pleased at the idea of finally getting a much-needed victory over the other.

Confident that the magic had invaded Cole’s body, Chris ripped his palm away and took a step back to admire the changes that were rapidly encompassing the other’s body. He dropped to his knees and began clutching at his throat as lower body began to disappear, leaving him falling further and further. He began to writhe around on the ground as hs skin grew incredibly pale and began to take on a fabric texture until his facial features vanished entirely. It was a bizarre sight to behold but Chris found himself feeling strangely turned on throughout as he watched with interest.

The human limbs of Cole’s arms began to reshape into a waistband strip while what were previously his legs moved up to meet them. It was what was once his face and torso that then became the recognizable cup of a jockstrap, finally completing his transformation and leaving him trapped as an inanimate object that would be getting up close and personal with Chris’ goods sooner rather than later.

The actor kneeled down and picked up the garment with his hands, bringing it up and inhaling the quickly fading scent of the other man. Soon Cole would possess his scent, the ultimate mark of belonging, from working up a sweat at the gym and it was an incredibly enticing thought. The other man had fallen so far and even better, he had been the one to cause his own downfall!

“You brought this on yourself, buddy,” Chris remarked, satisfied with his revenge as he hid the former overweight man in one of his pockets. He suddenly couldn’t wait to get back to his hotel and try it on, sure to stretch out Cole with his thick package and even break him in with a load of his cum. No doubt Cole would be addicted to the taste in no time at all!

To Chris’ delight Cole remained sentient, still capable of thought and feelings but unable to express them in his new fabric body. He felt like he was trapped in a prison that he could never escape from but the worst part was that things were supposed to end so differently for him! He was the one that should have been walking away with Chris’ muscular body while he left that phony in the fatass body that was far more fitting of him! Cole had been determined to keep his promise that he would always be more of a man than Chris and now he wasn’t even a man at all. It was completely humiliating.

Perhaps the only thing more humiliating than his fate was that over time Cole even began to find himself longing for the moments where Chris would wear him to the gym and work up a sweat, allowing it all to soak into his favorite jockstrap. Cole was hooked on the taste of the other and he simply couldn’t get enough, even though he knew it was a sign of his ultimate defeat. Whether it was Chris’ sweat or his cum it simply didn’t matter, Cole just wanted more and he was delighted how eager Chris was to give it to him too. Their relationship had changed quite a bit from their high school days as bully-and-victim and even though he knew he shouldn’t feel this way, Cole was actually rather pleased with the strange way that things had turned out! He wasn’t the only one either as Chris was more than pleased with his new ‘lucky jockstrap’ that he made regular use of, very rarely putting through the wash to make sure it maintained his scent and any stains left on it by his load.

At the very least, when everything was said and done, at least Cole and Chris finally had something in common!


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