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This 1,289 word story is more of a character exploration than an erotic muscle growth tale, but I hope you like it just as much! If you want to see more on Dr Albert and his operation, drop a comment after reading!

“So you’re back again, huh? You said one dose was enough, then a week later you were back for number two and now…” Truthfully though, Dr Albert wasn’t surprised to see Louis back in his office. The young man wore desperation like it was the latest style: it decorated him from head to toe. Louis already looked so different from the first time he had made an appointment with the doctor - not just different but undeniably better - but he hadn’t quite reached his end point yet. Every step he took on that journey lined Dr Albert’s pockets a little bit more though, so he was rather pleased to see that he had managed to hook in another innocent soul as part of his scheme.

It was by pure chance that Francis Albert developed the serum that caused a short onset of muscular growth and truth be told, he still wasn’t quite sure how he had stumbled into such a discovery, but he certainly wasn’t complaining! The chemical only seemed to work on men and while it did help guys who were already packing muscle gain a little extra to pad out their shape, the best results happened to the guys who entered his office as comparable to stick insects. Louis had been one such guy. A twenty-three year old shelf stacker still living with his parents, still as painfully shy as he’d been in high school, and still deeply closeted. His shyness had kept him out of the gym for fear of being bullied by the muscle-heads that populated it, and he saw Dr Albert’s miracle serum as the answer to his issues. If he could just get a little bit bigger, he’d start feeling more confident in his own skin and then be able to do the rest by himself.

Unbeknown to Louis, he wasn’t the first guy to approach Dr Albert with such motivations and he wouldn’t be the last. Each and every one of them had fallen into the same trap; the serum itself had an addictive quality to it, so even though they told themselves they’d only need one dose, they always came back for more. Seeing that it was his best opportunity to not only make a name for himself as a miracle worker but also to get rich, Dr Albert slapped a five-hundred dollar price tag onto each dosage. The poor suckers were handing over their money in thoughtless fashion, just to get big quicker. Had he not been making so much out of their foolishness, the doctor might have even pitied them.

“This is the last time,” Louis grunted, although it didn’t take a mind reader to detect the uncertainty that he felt while delivering such a statement. It was written all over his face! Rather than draw attention to such a factor though, Dr Albert just nodded. “It’s the last cash I have in my savings anyway so, uh, it’ll have to do.” With that, Louis pulled out the crumpled stash of notes and handed them over. The doctor counted through each of them, then put them into his secure lockbox before retrieving a vial of the serum. As he did so, Louis rolled up his sleeve to show off a decently firm deltoid muscle. A side effect that Dr Albert had noticed was that the subjects never seemed to be able to see just how much they had changed, even when shown through pictures, and that was part of what kept them coming back for more. Despite every part of Louis being packed with more power and muscle than it ever had been before, he still saw himself as weak in his reflection. It was a curse for him and a boon for the doctor.

Despite having had a front row seat for every single delivery of the muscle growth serum, Dr Albert still wasn’t any less fascinated by watching the results. He was a man of slender build himself and although he’d had temptations at first to inject himself with the serum, upon learning about its addictive quality, he knew he simply couldn’t take that risk for fear of losing himself to the drug. Instead he garnered pleasure from watching the innocent men who paid for his help fall victim to the soulless devil that he had developed. He deliberately positioned himself behind his patient’s chairs as they began to swell and grow, just to hide the growing in the crotch of his slacks. It wouldn’t look good to be so unprofessional, after all, and he didn’t want anything to deter them from coming back for more!

Of all the guys who had sought out his help though, Louis was probably his favourite. The young man was blessed with boyish good looks that perfectly complemented the blossoming muscles Dr Albert’s serum had blessed him with and a simply wonderful smile that caused mothers to instantly fall in love with him. Had it not been for his lackluster body and terrible nerves, he would have been quite popular with the girls - or boys, if that was what he was into - back in high school. Although he was some five years past graduation, he was finally getting the chance to be the stud he always should have been with Dr Albert’s help, and the latest batch of the serum was already doing wonders for him!

Both Louis’ and the doctor’s eyes were trained upon his reflection in the moments after the injection. The patient grimaced for a moment as the initial discomfort that came from the chemical agents within the serum bonding with his cells and DNA, but the discomfort soon passed and was instead replaced by a soothing delight. It was at that time that Louis’ shoulders began to broaden, his delts becoming more pronounced while his trap muscles rose to form a perfect slope down from his thickened neck. The muscles of his biceps, triceps and forearms similarly inflated like a car tire having air pumped into it, while his hands and digits grew a little thicker.

Louis’ shirt strained to contain the juicy pectorals that created a shelf on his torso, and the fabric was tight enough to see the outline of a set of perfectly symmetrical abdominal muscles. His pants came under similar duress as his thighs blossomed to become the size of watermelons, every bit of it hard muscle as if he had spent years dedicated to carefully crafting a muscular physique. His flat backside produced two burgeoning globes that forced him to adjust how he sat on the chair while his calves became more pronounced and his feet extended an extra inch in length.

After two whole minutes of slow and steady growth, Louis’ changes finally came to a halt. The clothes that had been somewhat loose on him previously were stretched over his extensive muscles and he, like the doctor behind him, was sporting some tightness within his pants from the sheer euphoric rush of the muscle growth. He cleared his throat and shuffled his way out of the chair, then folded his hands in front of him in an attempt to hide the bulge. “Thank you very much, Doctor Albert,” the young man said kindly, his voice retaining the soft quality it had always possessed. “I- I won’t take up any more of your time.” Despite his admirable muscles, Louis was no more confident than he had been before.

Doctor Albert, however, was definitely richer than he had been just ten minutes ago, and Louis wasn’t his last appointment of the day either. As his favourite patient lumbered out through the door in awkward fashion thanks to his newly developed mass, the older man just smiled. “I’ll see you again soon, dear boy…”


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