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Matt and Ben’s year would have been wonderful if it wasn’t for two reasons: Jed and Cole. 

Having moved in together back in January, Matt and Ben were excited to explore their lives as young gay men fresh out of college and happily in love. They both had semi-promising careers ahead of them, even if their first few months were spent as coffee-retrieving interns, and they made enough money between them to afford the rent on their small apartment and occasionally treat each other to romantic date nights.

February brought about new neighbors in the apartment next to theirs, and the happy start the young lovers had experienced soon began to dwindle away. Jed and Cole were of the same age as them but had been jumped-up jocks back in high school and had graduated from college without any future plans. They weren’t good enough to make it in the professional football league and they didn’t have any skills or talents that made them stand out from the crowd. As such, they were forced to take on menial jobs just to make a living wage: Jed as a waiter at a restaurant downtown and Cole as a manual labourer. The duo spent most of their spare time at the gym but whenever they were home the couple next door could hear every word they said; the jocks were simply so loud

It was in March that Matt and Ben had their first proper interaction with their neighbors and learned that their negative first impressions were not exactly wrong. It was the night before an important pitch meeting that Matt’s whole career progression counted upon and their neighbors had decided to throw a house party and invited a bunch of their former frat brothers around to blast loud dance music and drink themselves silly. Although initially reluctant to say anything, Ben had finally had enough and marched into the party to request that his neighbors keep the noise down. By that point both Jed and Cole were far too drunk to respond in a civil manner and all he received in response was a “Lighten up, dude! Someone’s sour they never got invited to any parties back in school!” A call to the local police ensured that the party was swiftly shut down and the residents of their apartment block could get some much needed rest - but the relationship between the two pairs of flatmates had forever been tainted. 

April brought about the first open hostilities between the four men. Matt’s important pitch meeting hadn’t gone to plan and he’d been passed over for the early promotion he’d been seeking, something he quietly blamed on the obnoxious duo who continued to live a loud lifestyle in the apartment next door. His misery was only furthered by frequent run-ins with Cole who would deliberately ask invasive questions about Matt’s relationship with Ben before continually insisting that he “just didn’t get it, no offense, bro!” The smirk Cole wore during those encounters made it clear just how much he relished the opportunity to torment the more timid man and with a history of being bullied back in high school, Matt had never been good at standing up for himself.

The young couple had been looking forward to the pride parade in May for quite some time but their morning was off to a rough start as they left their apartment, Ben clad in rainbow colours with a pride flag hanging from him like a cape and Matt with the blues, pinks and purples of the bisexual flag decorating his outfit. They had barely taken two steps from their apartment when they heard hysterical laughter from behind them and turned to find Jed and Cole a short distance down the hall from them. “What’s so funny?” Ben demanded, anger bubbling up inside of him. He received no response - the cackling hyenas disappeared back into their apartment and a dark cloud hung over the couple’s heads for the whole of the parade.

An unexpected twist arrived in June when Ben discovered that his bothersome neighbors both had little ‘side-businesses’ to further develop their incomes, namely that they had ‘OnlyFans’ profiles. Although he didn’t want to support their livelihoods, Ben had always been too curious for his own good and decided to pledge a month of support to each. What he saw both turned him on and turned his stomach. Each page featured a number of videos with the well-muscles men posing, showing off their asses and even stroking their cocks but each was soundtracked to deep grunts of various homophobic remarks: “Too bad this cock isn’t for fags, huh? Bet you all wish you had pussies so you could ride this meat!” Even worse, the commenters on the posts were lapping it up. Ben simply didn’t understand, why couldn’t everyone recognise Jed and Cole for the terrible people that they were?

The torment and harassment continued throughout July, August and September. It was never violent or even that aggressive but the little comments and ugly stares built up over time to make the couple increasingly miserable. Matt’s anxiety began spiking more often than it had since high school and Ben was getting frustrated seeing just how quickly Jed and Cole’s budding ‘OnlyFans’ careers continued to rise: each of them was surely earning more than Matt and Ben combined, all for doing no work at all! They’d even quit their day-to-day jobs which only gave them more time to lounge around all day and loudly make love all night to whatever poor souls they had picked up at the seedy clubs they often hung out in.

It was in October when Ben had an idea of how he could resolve their little “Jed and Cole” problem. The idea itself was crazy - some might even say impossible - but he was known for his stubbornness and soon began the hunt. He decided not to confide in his boyfriend; Matt would surely try to talk him down, the anxious soul that he was. Besides, Matt had another shot at a promotion and Ben didn’t want to do anything to distract him. Jed and Cole were at their worst once again, playing pranks on their unfortunate neighbors on a daily basis, all in the name of the “Halloween spirit”. The only thing that got Ben through the month was knowing that by the end of the year he would have both played the greatest trick and provided the greatest treat of all.

November brought about the manner through which the problem could be solved. It was costly and potentially dangerous but given the future peace it could bring them, Ben was determined to see his plan through. In order to get his much desired revenge though, he needed something of each jock and the easiest way to swipe something was to attend a Thanksgiving ‘rager’ that the meatheads were throwing late in the month. While being in the midst of the party, surrounded by arrogant straight bros and vapid bimbos, was nothing short of torture for Ben, he eventually managed to swipe a bracelet from Jed’s room and a ring from Cole’s. As soon as the items were in his possession he left the party and delivered the items, as well as items belonging to himself and Matt, to the witch who would be able to help him. She placed a kiss on his forehead and promised that his and Matt’s suffering would soon be over.

Finally, in December, their plan was put into action. On the morning of the first Matt awoke with more energy than he’d felt in a long time. His work had been wearing him down and the lack of sleep he was getting because of the overgrown apes next door was causing him to become irritable. He’d even been fighting with Ben over silly things, something they had never done before. He’d been genuinely worried about the state of his life - all until he jumped out of a bed that wasn’t his own, moved to a mirror in a bathroom that wasn’t his own and looked back at a body that definitely wasn’t his own. Cole’s face looked back at him, mouth open and eyes wide in surprise. He followed every turn that Matt made and an inspection from his hands confirmed that the sharp jawline and stubble weren’t just a trick in the mirror; it was all real!

“Good morning, baby,” a familiar voice called to him from the doorway. Matt instinctively flinched: that was Jed’s voice. Indeed, as he looked over he saw the second of his tormentors, only there was a warm smile on the other’s face. It looked rather unnatural when Matt was so used to Jed smirking or scowling at him, but those expressions were quickly forgotten as the other surged forward and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. 

It took all of a second for Matt to understand what was happening - he would recognize that kiss anyway. He couldn’t help but think back to the very first time he had felt it: Christmas Eve, all those years ago back in high school. There was no mistaking who he was kissing, even if the face and body was all wrong. As their lips finally parted, he pressed his forehead against the other’s and whispered a tender, “Ben?”

“How’s this for an early Christmas present, huh?” his boyfriend responded, tenderly caressing the other’s face. Even he felt a little strange seeing the Cole’s face and understanding that it was the love of his life behind it and he’d been the one to organize the whole thing after all. He was confident that it wouldn’t take them too long though; he already had quite a few plans for what they could do to get settled!

The duo had an hour of peace in which to explore each other’s bronzed muscled bodies, including a number of passionate make-outs and a fair amount of groping, before there was a thundering at the apartment door and the sounds of high-pitched yelling coming from the other side. Allowing Jed and Cole back into their own apartment - albeit in the less impressive bodies of Ben and Matt respectively - gave way to numerous threats that the former jocks would never be able to back up with their diminutive bodies: “We’re gonna beat the shit outta you if you don’t undo this!”

Matt felt more confident than he ever had in his life. “And how are you gonna manage that, huh?” he challenged, smirking down at Cole in his body.

“Yeah, you don’t really match up,” Ben added smugly, patting his former body on the head. They both towered over the former jocks and carried almost twice as much muscle too - no matter how hard Jed and Cole tried, there was no way they could make either of them move an inch. Judging by the fear that flashed across their faces, they seemed to realize as much too. “This is how it’s gonna be, dweebs. You’ve given us a year of hell and we’re going to return the favour,” he explained, crossing his arms and showing off his bulging biceps. “If you get our lives in better shape by next December maybe we’ll give you these bodies back. Until then…” All he needed to do to explain was turn and take his boyfriend into a delicate kiss; slow and deliberate so their former tormentors could see their tongues slipping into each other’s mouths. For the two proud straight men it was nothing short of torture but Ben and Matt felt like kids on Christmas morning. Hell, there was no way their actual Christmas Day could beat this!

Of course what Ben had failed to mention was that after six months the exchange would become permanent, sealing the four of them in their new bodies. Still, seeing Jed and Cole struggle in their places would be fun entertainment for the following year and it wasn’t long before their revenge had begun: loud love-making sessions lasting all night long, deliberately fucking up against the thin wall that seperated their apartments. Knowing that the others were closely watching their OnlyFans profiles too, they starting posting more partner content too, backing away from the homophobic content in exchange for clips of Ben fucking Matt’s tight ass or Matt coating Ben’s abs and pecs with a load of his cum. Their followers were loving it too - their popularity had soared and they were bringing in more money than they ever could have dreamed of, especially for so little work!

As they planned to record their epic Christmas day fuck-athon to get some more content for their profiles, Matt pressed a soft kiss against his boyfriend’s lips. “Best Christmas present ever,” he murmured, glad to know that their year of misery was ending on such a high note.



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