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Make sure you're caught up on the series before reading this final entry!

Day 23

Huh, I guess I forgot to update this thing for a few days now. Got a lot on my mind lately tbh. Kinda wondering if writing this thing at all is even worth the time. Whatever, guess I might as well keep going for now. There’s actually a fair bit to catch you up on…

Like I said before, I took Garrett up on his offer to watch his next football practice but I must have got my wires crossed or something because when I got there he told me he’d actually invited him to train with them, not just sit on the bleachers and watch! I guess it’s a good thing I’ve pretty much been living in sweats lately, huh? He introduced me to the rest of the team, many of whom I recognised from his fraternity parties, and then to the team’s coach. That’s when I got quite the shock: Coach Ripley is SilverDaddy1968. I all but melted under his steely gaze just as I had in our first meeting, and the strength he displayed as he took my hand for a firm shake actually made me chub! I was totally caught under his spell but judging from the looks on the faces of Garrett and his teammates, I wasn’t the only one either.

Considering I’ve never really worked out before (although you wouldn’t guess it thanks to my sweet jacked body!) I’m pretty surprised at how well I kept up. I wasn’t quite as fast or as strong as guys like Garrett, but I did enough to earn a few slaps on the backside from the other guys and an approving nod from the Coach by the end of practice. The drills were pretty intensive too - shuttle runs, burpees, even the passing practice was tough - but I refused to be a quitter and pushed through the pain in my throbbing muscles! I don’t think I’ve ever sweat so much in my life but I was riding an absolute adrenaline high for the rest of the night and went to bed that night with a big old smile plastered across my face.

I met up for a gym session with Garrett the next morning and was surprised at the lack of soreness in my muscles despite the fact they’d worked harder than ever before just some sixteen hours earlier! Just as I anticipated, my former roommate is the perfect training partner. He’s real good at making sure I’m always pushing myself and isn’t shy about correcting me when my form’s off, even if it means pressing himself against me to get me into the proper position. In fact, I’m beginning to wonder if he enjoys the physical contact between us just as much as I do… that’s silly though, right? Garrett’s pretty damn straight. Uh, or at least as far as I know. Guess you can’t presume too much in this day and age, right?

It’s kinda crazy standing next to him in the gym and seeing the pair of us reflected in the mirrors. He always used to dwarf over me in both height and especially in musculature but now we’re almost completely even on both fronts. In fact, we look more similar than I realised! My hair’s totally lightened up so there’s no denying that I’m a blond just like him now but hey, we all know how the saying goes! I definitely have been having more fun too, believe me. He encouraged me to hit some flexes and, well, I couldn’t resist showing off all the gains I’ve been making. My biceps are like goddamn mountains, and there’s whole damn valleys of separation between each of my abs. There were more than a few guys looking at me in envy, let me just say. The attention felt awesome. The two of us had a pose-off after that and even though I couldn’t quite match up, I’m pretty chill with my performance. It’s even got me thinking that maybe I should do a bodybuilding show in the new year or something. I’d look great all shredded and shit and in some skimpy posers, showing off the goodies!

When we were finishing up our workout, Garrett brought up the previous day’s training session and said that Coach Ripley liked what he saw and wanted me to come back. He even said that there might be a place on the team for me! The news sent my heart racing. Me, on a football team? The mere notion of it should have been ridiculous but… I wanted it. I wanted to spend more time with Garrett, with the team, with Coach Ripley. So I agreed.

That next training session is this afternoon. In fact, I better start getting ready soon. I’ve been pretty lazy this morning, just watching some old NFL games that Garrett recommended I check out. Could I ask for a better bud than him? He’s always looking out for me! Hanging out with him these past few weeks has actually made me miss him in the dorm. I’m even thinking of pledging to his frat. He mentioned that they were looking to replace a guy who had dropped out, so maybe I could be that guy.

Oh, on another note, my parents keep badgering me about making travel plans for next weekend. I keep meaning to sort that out but I’ve got other things on my mind, you know? My mom’s being real pissy in her texts because I haven’t phoned them back or whatever. Ugh, such a nag. I’d rather spend the holidays here with my bros anyway. At least they won’t lecture me about how sports and fitness are a gateway to throwing my life away like the folks will. My pops will chew my ear off about business and honestly I can’t think of anything worse. Why do I have to come from a family of such dorks? You know, I’m actually starting to think I’m adopted. With my blond hair and beard and these huge muscles, I don’t like anything like my shrimpy dad, and I ain’t got much in common with my momma either. Makes a bro think…

Anyway, like I said, I gotta get ready for practice. Later.

Day 26

Oops. I guess I done forgot to write in this thing for a few days again. Ah well. You’ll forgive me, diary, won’t you? This is a good one though, cuz I have two awesome updates!

Big news #1: Coach Ripley put me on the team!

Big news #2: I moved into the frat house last night!

The two things are actually kinda related as well. Apparently the dude who moved out of the house was also on the football team, and since he dropped outta school, the team desperately needed a new Safety to make up the roster. It turned out that I wasn’t half bad at it so the Coach offered me the spot! Y’all know I could never say no to Coach, not when he’s such an alpha stud. Oh yeah, we hooked up again the other night. He had me begging for it like a bitch in heat and of course I did everything he asked of me. I’ve never felt so complete as when he’s deep inside of me and making me scream out his name!

You’ll never guess what jersey number I was given. Wait for it… #69! Isn’t that fucking hilarious? I can’t believe it was free, but the guys all agree that it’s so me. Speaking of, I really feel like I fit in around them. It’s kinda crazy to think that I was ever nervous about hanging out in the frat house because honestly it feels like I’ve always been here. They’ve made me feel so damn welcome! It probably has something to do with the fact that Garrett introduces me as his step-brother. I dunno why he does that but it’s kinda funny. Since we’re only step-bros it isn’t all that bad that I’m still getting off while thinking about him and Coach double teaming me, is it?

What else is new? It’s hard to remember sometimes, if I’m being honest. I haven’t got the best brain but Coach says that it’s what he likes about me, and Garrett insists that brawn is better than brains, so that makes me feel better about being on the slow side. I’ve been having an easier time of it now that Coach has made sure I’ve transferred into easier classes that are better suited for me. No more essay writing for me, thank the fucking heavens! It turns out the only thing I’ve actually got the brains for is remembering plays and that’s all that’s important.

My physique’s looking totally killer right now, by the way. I’ve topped out at a lean 215lbs. It’s actually kinda hard to tear myself away from the mirrors in the morning. I’m a goddamn stud! My Grindr account hasn’t stopped blowing up now that I’ve updated my profile. I’m a masc4masc deal only, you know? Some of the dudes had their chicks at the frat house this morning though and I gotta say, those cheerleaders have got some great tits on them! It’s kinda crazy that I came to the conclusion that I was gay when there are so many hot babes on campus. Seems like bi might be a better label for me or whatever. Who the fuck needs labels anyway? I’m hot, they’re hot, that’s all that really matters!

Anyway, I gotta finish unpacking all my shit. I’ve thrown out all those nerdy tees and the action figures from my old dorm. That stuff’s for losers and I don’t want my bros to think I’m some kinda dork! I ain’t no dweeb. Not now, not ever!

Day 28

This is gonna be my last entry. Writing’s kinda hard and I got better shit to be doing with my day anyway, but I guess I can spare time for one last update.

I thought that I’d lost a couple things in the move like my ID and my cell phone but it turns out I’d just left them in the locker room at training and Coach had been keeping them safe for me. It’s kinda weird but when he gave me my driver’s license it took me a moment to recognise myself in the picture, but who else could that square-jawed stud be if not Aaron Duke?

I know I’m talking crazy but even that first name didn’t seem right for a moment. Like I said, crazy. I dunno why. I guess it must be because all my bros on the team and in the frat call me ‘Duke’ rather than Aaron. Maybe I’m just a dumbass though. Garrett’s always giving me shit for being the idiot of the family, but that’s just what step-brothers are like! We love each other really. In fact we’re probably closer than some step-brothers are. Last night we had a foursome with a pair of girls on the cheerleading squad and one thing led to another… let’s just say that our parents should never find out what we got up to!

We’ve got a game on Friday night so Coach has been pushing us real hard in training all week. It’s gruelling and tough but all of us trust in Coach to get us ready. He’s really convinced that we can win the state championship this year and if he says it’s possible then it must be, because Coach has never been wrong before! Every single one of us wants to make him proud and this team is a determined unit. I feel bad for the sorry fools going up against us!

Okay, that’s all I can be bothered to write. I think I’m just gonna throw this in the trash. What kinda football player keeps a diary anyway? So… this is me signing off. Try not to miss me too much, diary!

Aaron Duke, the best goddamn Safety in college football!

Epilogue - Ten Years Later…

Hey bro,

I saw your game last night and you were crazy awesome as always! Definitely another Pro Bowl selection coming your way and I think you’ll be getting that fourth ring too. It’s crazy just how well your career has progressed! I’m sure Coach Ripley is so proud of you!

It’s actually Coach that I wanted to speak to you about. I’ve been keeping a secret from you for the past decade and if I’m being honest, it’s been eating me up. I’ve gotta tell the truth, even though I don’t think you’ll believe me.

This isn’t the life you were supposed to have. Your name isn’t Aaron Duke, it’s actually Arnold Doffren. You were a Film major back in college and wanted to go on to be a screenwriter or director or something. I didn’t pay enough attention to our conversations back in the day. I wasn’t exactly a great friend. Yeah, friend. We’re not actually step-brothers and your mom isn’t actually your mom. We took you from your real family.

This was all part of Coach’s plan. He was desperate to get a new Safety for the team and when he saw us talking one day he decided you were the perfect pick. He’s got this special serum thing - I guess you could even call it a potion - that he ordered me to give you. I kept the key to our dorm even after I moved to the frat house, so I just let myself in while you were at class but put some of the serum into and onto anything I could find: your shampoo, your toothbrush, your pillow. It caused you to develop the necessary muscle to play football but at the cost of your smarts.

In return for ensuring you’d unknowingly fall victim to the serum, Coach let me help craft your new history. My folks even agreed to participate and take you in as a son from my mom’s previous marriage. You were always cool to hangout with, even when you were a bit of a nerd, and as an only child I’d always wanted a sibling, so why not you? Dad was practically foaming at the mouth at the prospect of having two sons make it to the NFL rather than just one!

I know you think you’re living the life of your dreams right now but it isn’t and I’m sorry for my part in it. I robbed you of the life you were supposed to have and that was wrong. I should have been honest with you much sooner. I should have given you the choice to become a jock like me back then. Maybe you would have even taken me up on the offer. I hope you would have. Even if it's because of a pretty crazy circumstance, you really are my brother. I can’t imagine life without you, man. You’re my guy.

Anyway, feel free to dismiss this as a bunch of crazy bullshit if you want. At least I’ve gotten it off my chest. Do me a favour though… don’t ever let Coach Ripley know that I’ve told you all of this? I don’t want to think what he’d do to me.

Good luck in the playoffs, bro. Make the family proud!

Love you man,

Thanks for reading this series, everyone! I really hope you enjoyed reading it as much I loved writing it! Please do let me know if you'd like to see more multi-part stories like this one going forward.


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