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Make sure you read part one and part two of this story first!

Day 16

Garrett’s frat party is tomorrow night. I’m not gonna go, but I keep thinking about it. Isn’t that weird? I’ve never liked parties and the thought of being surrounded by so many dumb jocks… that’s so not my scene. I’d feel totally uncomfortable with them all gloating about how much pussy they’re getting and how much they can deadlift. I’d have absolutely nothing to add! Then again, the thought of letting Garrett down after he went out of his way to invite me does feel kinda rude… Maybe I’ll just go along for like ten minutes or something?

Anyway, I discovered something kinda cool today: I can bounce my pecs! I’ve always loved watching guys do that in porn (I’m only human, don’t judge me) and now that I don’t have a totally flat chest anymore, I can do it too! Oh yeah, these pecs are basically a pair of muscle tits now which is pretty damn fun. This morning I lost like twenty minutes just bouncing them in front of the mirror, one at a time and then together; it was as if I was hypnotised by them!

Even though I haven’t been eating any differently, my body fat seems to be dropping away. I can actually see some definition to my abs which is totally awesome. I never thought I’d be the kind of guy with abs! Sure, they aren’t much right now, but considering how quickly my pecs blossomed into these delightful tits, I’m sure it won’t be too long until I end up with a shredded six-pack. Man, I’m gonna look so fucking hot. You bet I’ve been updating my Grindr profile with some so-called “progress pics” and I’ll only get more attention when I’ve got some ab shots on my profile too. I still haven’t developed the confidence to actually meet up with anyone yet but the sexting is damn fun. Definitely way more fun than those essay plans I’m supposed to be writing. Ugh, boring!

I know I said that I’d shave off all this hair that’s been growing but I just haven’t had the energy to tackle such a momentous task. I feel like an ape at times with just how much it spread but it’s actually not as bothersome as I thought it would be. In fact it kinda looks hot, having some hair on my chest. Like a real man! I’ve even had stubble growing in along my jawline and it’s not patchy like it always has been before - it’s growing in nice and thick and making me look less boyish. Garrett even told me it looks good, so I guess I’ll keep it for a bit. I’ll have to shave before my next trip home though; my parents would be mortified to see me looking so scruffy!

That’s still fourteen days away though and given how much I’ve changed over these last two weeks, who knows just how different I’ll look by then! They might not even recognize their own son. That’s a wild thought...

Day 18

So I went to Garrett’s frat party and not just for ten minutes like I said. In fact, I didn’t get home until like eight in the morning and I’ve been asleep since then. It’s almost eight in the evening now, for reference. I don’t remember the last time I slept like that - and to be completely honest with you, diary, I don’t remember all that much from last night either! Between that fact and the pics I found on my phone though, I feel pretty comfortable guessing that I had a fair amount to drink…

There are some details I can kinda recall, but they’re pretty weird. I mean, I’m like ninety percent certain that I made out with someone last night, and eighty percent certain that it was a chick. That’s kinda weird, right? I mean, I’m as gay as they comb - just look at my crush on Garrett, for example - but I can still taste her cherry lipstick on my own lips. If I close my eyes and think, it’s as if I can feel the softness of her lips pressing against my own… and I don’t totally hate it. It was probably a dare from some of Garrett’s frat brothers or something, but at least it was only that and they didn’t get me to do anything humiliating. Well, maybe they did and I don’t remember it, but I don’t think Garrett would let them get away with that. He was kinda like my protector last night. A big strong hunky protector who looked and smelled so goddamn good!

I must have lost my shirt at some point during the party because it was gone by the time I walked home from the frat house this morning. Thankfully the temperature was pretty moderate, and I even got a few interested glances from both guys and girls who never would have looked at me twice before. Oh yeah, just as I thought, my abs have finally made an appearance and are looking mighty fine if I may say so! Between my six-pack and my pecs, I’ve got a pretty great torso. Garrett even said as much when he teasingly gave my pecs a squeeze like that. I hope he didn’t notice but that totally made me chub in an instant. How could it not?

My beard is pretty intense right now, which is cool, but all of my hair seems to be getting a shade lighter every time I check out my reflection. Just yesterday I would have happily said I had dark brown hair but now it’s kind of auburn at best. I don’t mind it all that much, to be honest. In fact, I haven’t got any issues with the physical changes I’ve been experiencing. I’d have to be crazy to not appreciate how good I’m starting to look! My arms and legs are still a little on the skinny side, but wth my awesome torso, my voluptuous ass and my unmissable bulge, I’m doing pretty well for myself! Certainly better than I was just this time last month. In fact, I was pretty uggo… Now I don’t think there’s anybody with a working set of eyes who could possibly call me ugly and honestly believe it!

All that said though, I am getting kind of concerned about my ability to focus on schoolwork. I apparently missed a couple of deadlines and my professors keep giving me this “we’re just concerned” spiel, since it’s never happened to me before. It's kind of a bore to have them lecture me like that, if I’m being honest. Whatever. I’m sure if I sit down and really push myself I’ll be able to get the work done. First though, I wanna catch the previews for this weekend’s NFL games. ESPN is calling and it's about time I stop writing and go answer! Sometimes I wonder why I even bother keeping this diary going. It’s so many damn words...

Day 20

I never used to be the kind of guy who made risky choices, but all these changes lately have made me reassess who I really am. Like I said in a previous entry, my Grindr has been picking up steam since I’ve updated it with some new pics, and last night I decided to finally make a play on one of the offers I received. I was all hot and horny after edging myself throughout the NFL weekly predictions show, imagining the likes of JJ Watt and Travis Kelce absolutely ravishing me, so I caved and agreed to a meet up with a user under the name of SilverDaddy1968.

Thank the heavens that his username wasn’t all talk. I was nervous while I stood at his apartment door and almost backed out, but then the door opened and I was greeted by a solid wall of mature muscle and the handsome visage of a man in his fifties who obviously took care of himself. As his username promised, the hair on his head was silver and so was the dense forest that spread across his broad chest. He seemed to radiate sexuality and I was totally swept up in it, like a fox blindly walking into the lair of a wolf.

There are two things worth mentioning about the night I just had with this gorgeous and mature specimen of male beauty. One, this was my very first time. I told him as much and he was careful to be gentle with me when I needed it, while not afraid to be rough when the occasion - and I - called for it. Two, he kept talking about how much he loved having fun with “college jocks” like me. I was riding such a high that I didn’t even think about it at the time but now that label keeps echoing around in my mind. It seemed silly that he would mistake me for a college jock, but now that I’ve taken another look at myself in the mirror, I guess I can see why he did. The areas I thought were lacking yesterday do seem to be a bit thicker and my bicep makes a nice bulge when I flex… I can’t help but wish it was bigger though.

I’ve actually been thinking about joining a gym. I never thought the day would come around, but here it is! For the first time in my life I’m not ashamed of what I see in the mirror but I want more! I want to get bigger like the football players I’ve spent hours more of my day today watching on ESPN. I asked Garrett if he had any gym recommendations for me and of course he did. He’s a bro like that. Oh yeah, and he asked if I wanna come sit in and watch at his next football practice. Unlike the last time he extended an invitation my way though, I didn’t keep him waiting this time. I know it’s not like me but fuck yeah I wanna go to that!

Anything to put off writing these lame-ass essays for my stupid classes, right? I’m kinda thinking of trading them in for something easier actually. I bet Garrett might have some good suggestions...


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