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The idea for a "nerd stealing silver fox uncle's body" was given to me on the patron-only channel of my Discord by Brant Tier patron Luke DeAn. Make sure you're a member of the Discord server to have the chance to have your ideas picked to be a future story - message me if you need access! 

Charlie knew that it was wrong to find his uncle attractive but come on, how could he not? Uncle Austin was an underwear model, for crying out loud, and had the best body Charlie had ever seen from a man in his early fifties. The recent college graduate had spent many a night fantasizing over his uncle’s strong muscles, his tanned skin and the dark fur across his body that was becoming more and more silver with every passing day. To make matters worse, Austin was openly gay and his social media profiles confirmed that he spent almost every waking hour in the company of other attractive men. To put it simply, he had the perfect life - and Charlie wanted it for himself!

Even as a kid Charlie had always felt something of a connection to his one and only uncle, likely due to the fact that Austin had spent many an afternoon babysitting him while his father worked. Charlie’s mother had cut and run when he was only two years old, leaving him with an overworked father who silently resented the burden that his young son placed upon him. Carson was a traditional man with traditional morals, and given Charlie lacked interest in classically asculine hobbies such as sport and chasing around girls, the single father already feared that his son would grow up to be a queer like Carson’s brother. It was one thing to have a gay brother but a gay son? That would simply be too much for Carson to bear, so he did his best to beat it out of the boy before he could get any ideas that homosexuality was a viable lifestyle.

Despite Carson’s best attempts Charlie still grew up to be as gay as a rainbow, although his upbringing had caused him to lack the confidence that his uncle had in his sexuality. Thanks to his strained relationship with his father he never felt comfortable in his own skin, like an imposter in his own life. That feeling didn’t disappear during high school, nor in college, and he was still fighting back against it even as a grown man in full-time employment. Perhaps had was the reason he was so envious of his uncle’s life: Austin hadn’t ever seemed to be lacking in confidence and, unlike Charlie, had never been afraid to speak his mind to Carson. The younger man desperately wished he could say the same.

It wasn’t just his uncle’s unapologetic confidence that Charlie envied though. Despite trying his best with diet plans and daily cardio sessions, he had been unable to sculpt his body into anything that might be considered desirable by other men. He was still the same skinny runt he had been at fourteen, but it was far less forgivable when he was twenty-two. Indeed it was only in his dreams that he came anywhere close to emulating his uncle’s hunky muscular build, or even the heavier-set frame of his own father. He seemed eternally doomed to be skinny, weak and overlooked in favour of every other guy in a room.

All of that changed one night when Charlie had been visiting his uncle and listening to a fantastic tale about a whirlwind romance Austin had enjoyed on a summer cruise. Their uncle-nephew bonding evening had been interrupted by a thunderous banging at the door and a deep-voiced male booming out Austin’s name, demanding his attention. A serious expression settled onto the older man’s handsome face as he turned to his nephew. “I want you to go into the spare room, put your headphones on and listen to some music,” he instructed in an uncharacteristically stern voice. “Don’t leave that room until I come get you.” 

The sudden change in his uncle’s demeanour startled Charlie to such an extent that he could merely nod and follow the older man’s instruction to leave the living area where they had been lounging on Austin’s expensive leather couch. Although he was a natural follower of orders, Charlie has also always been too curious for his own good, so rather than putting his headphones on as he’d been advised to, he opted to listen as he heard his uncle open the apartment door and listened to the heavy stomps of the unexpected visitor entering.

“This isn’t a good time, Baker.” That was Austin’s voice, although it was laced with exasperation like Charlie had never heard it before. Whoever this Baker was, his relationship with Austin evidently wasn’t the most positive.

“Did you think I wouldn’t find out that you stiffed me outta that deal, old man?” came Baker’s rumbling response. There was no mistaking the aggression in his tone. “I told you I needed that job and you screwed me, Austin. I needed the goddamn money!” Is he here to hurt Uncle Austin? To kill him?! Charlie reached for his cell phone as a precaution, ready to call the cops, but realised in horror that he had left it on the coffee table in the main room. 

To his credit, Austin only continued to sound frustrated rather than fearful as he responded. “It was nothing personal, Baker, it’s just-- what’s that?” Curiosity once again biting away at him, Charlie dared to open the door he was hidden behind by a few inches and nervously glanced out into the living space. His view of his uncle was severely limited by the almost monstrous frame of Baker - six-foot-six and two-hundred-and-sixty pounds of beefy muscle. His tight clothes clung to his muscular body for dear life and his voluptuous backside provided Charlie with quite the view from his current perspective. 

“Oh, this little thing? It’s just a little tool to help me get what I deserve.” The new arrival held something in his hand, something that was casting a golden light over Austin’s face, but Charlie couldn’t quite make out what it was. “This was just another job for you, but it was supposed to be my big break! You took my future away, so I’m gonna take yours from you!” The lights continued to dance over his uncle’s face though and Charlie watched in alarm - and a surprising amount of arousal - as Austin’s features relaxed and he adopted a vacant expression with his jaw going slack. “You can’t look away, can you? Go on, old man, try and stop staring!”

“Why… can’t I… stop.” Every strained word from Austin’s mouth sounded like it had taken a fight to emerge from his lips, a far cry from somebody who had always had an impressive vocabulary and undeniable charisma.

Charlie was so captivated by the strange events before him that he had pulled the door further open in order to get a better angle on what was happening. Doing his best to keep quiet as he crept out of the room, the young man hid behind the kitchen island and continued spying on the two men. Baker was an utter behemoth of a man with his huge muscles, but his facial features were plain, especially when compared to Austin’s perfectly proportioned visage, and his military crew-cut could hardly match the older man’s consummately coiffed black-and-silver mane. It made perfect sense for a modelling company to choose Austin over Baker, but Charlie could also relate to the intense envy that was almost certainly burning through every molecule of Baker’s being.

From his new perspective he could finally make out what was in the larger man’s hand. It appeared to be a sphere of bright golden light, no larger than a tennis ball, but power seemed to inexplicably radiate from it - power that currently had Charlie’s uncle utterly entranced. “You might be an old man but you’ve got a better life than I’ll probably ever have,” Baker explained as Austin’s shoulders unconsciously slumped. “All I’ve got to do is press this little ball of fun into your chest, then I can slip right into your skin. I’ll become you and you… well, you’ll have to settle down in the very back of your own mind, trapped there while I live out the rest of your life for you!” 

Everything Baker was saying should have been impossible but Austin had never been a passive person and seeing him slumped over and empty-headed pushed away any shreds of doubt Charlie had. This whole thing was very, very real, and he knew precisely what he had to do. He couldn’t let a brute like Baker take his favorite uncle from him, even if the imagined visual of that huge muscular frame pushing inside Austin’s smaller physique was hot to think about. Don’t get distracted! Popping a stiffy at that very moment wasn’t going to be helping anyone.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Charlie grabbed a rolling pin from where his uncle had left it on the countertop while baking earlier, and skulked across the room. Time was of the essence as Baker closed the gap between himself and Austin, evidently about to press the strange orb into the older man’s chest, but before he could Charlie swung the rolling pin with all of his might and brought it crashing against the back of the behemoth’s skull. Back in high school Charlie had been a regular victim of jocks who had towered over him and he’d never dared to fight back so his attack was as much of a surprise to himself as it was to Baker, who didn’t even see his attacker as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he dropped to the floor with a reverberating crash.

The orb fell to the ground beside Baker, neither bouncing nor rolling but instead remaining incredibly still. It continued to exude that wonderful golden light, but with it out of his direct sight, Austin had begun to stand up a little straighter and life slowly returned to his empty eyes. Even as he watched his uncle return to reality from whatever magical daze he had been trapped in, Baker’s words continued to echo around Charlie’s mind. The home invader had planned to steal Austin’s body and life for himself and had been so confident he could make it happen too, thanks to that little golden orb on the floor. Isn’t that everything you’ve ever wanted for yourself?

That wicked suggestion came directly from the devil inside Charlie’s mind, the same twisted creature that had encouraged him to fantasize about his uncle, but the skinny young man had always lacked the strength to resist against his darker desires. His heart raced as he scooped the glowing sphere from the ground and lifted it up between himself and his uncle, who once again began to sink back into that vacuous state. “Ch-- Charlie…” the middle-aged hunk wheezed in a quiet voice, even as his gaze was once again trapped by the golden light radiating from the object in his nephew’s hand. 

Austin’s desperate plea was hardly able to compare to the gleeful chanting of his nephew’s temptation though. While his uncle was weaker than ever, Charlie felt stronger than he had ever been, and more certain of his decision than he had in anything else previously. “I’m sorry, Uncle Austin,” he announced without an ounce of actual remorse as he thrust the orb straight into the indent between Austin’s pecs. The orb's light intensified tenfold, casting the entire apartment into light and blinding both men. Even without his vision, Charlie could tell that the magic was working as he felt himself being pulled in close and eventually sinking beneath his uncle’s skin, settling in like a tired man finally curling up under the sheets. His greatest desire had been realized and he finally felt at peace.

Once the light finally died out and his vision returned, Charlie was able to enjoy his first few moments in his uncle’s body. He watched as the massive chest rose and fell with every breath, then clenched his fists to watch all of the muscles in his arms tense and flex. He was seeing the world from a new perspective for the first time, both taller and heavier, and it was easily the superior way to experience everything. Power seemed to course through his veins and as he rolled his broad shoulders and felt his large muscles shift, Charlie couldn’t help but let a deep-voiced laugh escape from his lips. He had begun the day expecting to have a pleasant evening with his uncle; he had never anticipated that it would end up being the best night of his entire life!

Although his mind was already beginning to list the thousands of things he could do now that he was wearing the body of his uncle - confronting his piece of shit father, for one - there was a matter he had to deal with before he got to any of that. Baker’s monstrous form was spread out across his apartment floor and when he awoke he’d surely be angry about his failure to steal Austin’s body. He of course had no way of knowing that somebody else had hijacked his plan, but it was better to be safe than sorry, so Charlie grabbed his uncle’s cell phone from the coffee table and smirked into the front-facing camera, unlocking the device through facial recognition. Slipping into his uncle's life was going to be so easy!

Once he had dialed three numbers and pressed the phone to his ear, the new Austin began to talk in his deliciously smooth bass: “I’d like to report a home invasion.” That gorgeous smirk continued to play upon his lips as he spoke into the phone, feigning fear and alarm. “I was able to subdue him before he could do anything, but he was ranting about wanting to take my life and pretending to be me…” With any luck, Baker wouldn’t be a problem for him ever again. He’d be locked up in a padded cell, and the real Austin would be trapped in his own subconscious, leaving Charlie to enjoy the life he’d always deserved!


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