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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

“Man, I just really need a break,” Tyler sighed, lamenting how stressful his life had been lately. Who would have guessed that things would get even more chaotic once Teen Wolf was done and dusted? It felt like he hadn’t taken a day off in months, going from auditions to filming on set seemingly every few hours. It was a miracle he found the time to sleep or even maintain the illusion of a social life that he could somewhat proudly cling to. He certainly wasn’t living the glamorous Hollywood life that people might presume a young man like him did. 

“I know a really good masseuse if that’ll help you relax,” the wardrobe assistant on Tyler’s latest job chirped up. The actor merely smiled and shrugged. “If not then I know a really good therapist. He’d probably even see you for free.”

“I said I needed a break, not therapy,” the actor remarked, chuckling softly. Despite the joke, he found himself considering the other’s offer for a moment. Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t really remember the last time he had partaken in a truly meaningful conversation with another human being. Everything was about work these days and surely that wasn’t totally healthy? Maybe seeing a therapist wouldn’t be the most ridiculous thing in the world.

After a day of deliberation, Tyler returned to the wardrobe department and asked the assistant he had spoken to earlier for the therapist’s contact details. “Trust me, dude, you won’t regret it!” the wardrobe assistant enthused, “He can clear your mind like nobody else. It helped turn my whole life around!” With such a glowing recommendation how could Tyler resist? Even if it was just for one session he could use an in-depth conversation about the chaotic lifestyle he currently found himself living.

Much to his surprise, arranging a meeting with the therapist was as quick and efficient as could be. Barely twenty-four hours later and he was leaving the set of his latest project to visit the offices of one Dr Cassius. Nerves had been building up inside of the actor all day, wondering exactly how his conversation with the therapist would go. He hoped that he would be able to leave the offices with some weight off of his shoulders but that was the best case scenario and nobody could guarantee it.

Dr Cassius, needless to say, was absolutely nothing like Tyler expected him to be. He felt slightly foolish for not asking the wardrobe assistant for a description of the man because he had been expecting a man of advanced age with kind eyes and spectacles. Instead he was greeted at the office door by a young man who couldn’t be that much older than Tyler himself whose huge muscles were hardly contained by his stretched gym clothes. Tyler was quick to presume that the stud was a college student working part-time as the doctor’s assistant and as such asked when the doctor would make an appearance.

“Oh no, I’m Dr Cassius,” the young man declared, sitting down in his armchair and waving Tyler towards the sofa. “Please, come lie down.”

“Is this… is this a joke?” Tyler asked, hesitating by the door. He couldn’t help but stare at the man who had introduced himself as Dr Cassius, wondering if this was all some prank being played on him by his coworkers. 

There was no way this guy was the so-called ‘life-changing’ therapist when he looked like he’d spent more time in the gym than he ever had studying in college. Perhaps that was presumptive of Tyler but he didn’t think it was entirely unreasonable of him either.

“It’s no joke, Mr Posey. Please, take your place on the sofa and we can begin,” the supposed doctor requested, smiling kindly at him as he spoke.

Tyler’s feet began to operate thoughtlessly, stepping away from the office door and towards the sofa. He complied with the instruction just as instinctively, letting out a long breath as his back lay flat against the soft furniture. He had to admit that he felt quite comfortable, even if he was still hesitant about believing this wasn’t all part of an elaborate prank on him. Hopefully, if it was, then there would be a comical punchline rather than something mean-spirited. He was simply too exhausted to deal with much more.

“Now I’ve been told that you’re in need of a break,” Dr Cassius begun, “A very relatable feeling, I must say. I’ve had quite a number of actors come to me in need of the same thing.” Tyler absently wondered if they had been just as surprised by the doctor’s appearance as he was. “Rest assured that I can provide you with the break you’re in such desperate need of but the first thing I need you to do is take a breath and believe.”

Believe in what? Tyler wondered, only to find himself lacking the capability of voicing that thought out loud. After taking in the breath as he had been instructed, he just felt so relaxed that he didn’t want anything to break the temporary bliss he found himself in.

“That’s it. Open up your mind and believe that peace and relaxation is possible,” the doctor continued, prompting another wave of serenity to flush through the actor’s body. Tyler absently noted that this was beginning far more like hypnotism than he’d thought therapy would but when he already felt so peaceful who was he to question it? Instead he did his best to follow the doctor’s instruction and open up his mind as much as he possibly could. He’d come to the doctor for a reason after all and it wouldn’t make any sense for him to resist. “Tell me the truth Tyler, do you feel relaxed?”

“Yes.” There was no moment of hesitation, nor any attempt on Tyler’s behalf to actually vocalize the thought. Instead the word had simply escaped his lips as if he was a toy with its string pulled, speaking on command.

“Good. Now, I need you to speak from your heart. Can you do that for me?”


“Very good, Tyler. I’m impressed.” The doctor’s voice was so calm and soothing that it seemed to caress Tyler’s very mind, sending him into a spiritual place of peace that he had never experienced before. If this was a drug then he was very quickly becoming addicted to it. “Now, Tyler, tell me. If you were given the chance to live another man’s life, would you?”

The actor’s cock twitched in excitement as his answer fled his lips at record speed: “Yes.” Being somebody else, even just for a while… he’d definitely get his break that way. Oh, if only it could happen.

“I appreciate your honesty, Tyler,” Dr Cassius murmured, his approval spreading warmth throughout Tyler’s body. “Now I need you to give me a name. Absolutely any name that comes to mind and for the duration of your break, that will be your new identity.”

With his mind under the smooth persuasion of the therapist, Tyler barely hesitated before producing a name in response to the doctor’s question - “Niall.” Perhaps his not-so-secret love for the Irish singer and former member of One Direction had been playing at the edge of his mind. Still, he knew that he needed a solid break from fame for a while and being the musician with an army of fangirls would hardly help.

“Okay then Niall, I need you to count down from ten for me. When you reach one, open your eyes and say the first thing you think to me. Can you do that for me, Niall?”

Tyler hummed in agreement. This was all very strange but considering how at peace both his body and mind felt, he was hardly prepared or in position to question it. “Ten,” he began, putting every ounce of effort he could into declaring each number aloud as he’d been instructed.

As the numbers descended, so too did the pitch of the actor’s voice. By the time it reached “four” his voice boomed with newfound bass and a commanding tone that was far removed from his usual playful inflection. The actor made no motion to confirm that he had noticed the change in his voice, he merely kept following orders and counting down.

It wasn’t just the pitch and tone of his voice that changed the lower the numbers reached. He began to feel heavier and breathe in deeper. His muscles expanded, every inch of his body pushing out with more power than he ever could have hoped to achieve. Even his former Teen Wolf co-stars Tyler Hoechlin and Ian Bohen would be jealous of the muscular frame he was developing that far dwarfed anything he had achieved before.

Even the facial features of the handsome actor weren’t exempt from the changes, with his slightly-askew jawline straightening up and widening. The hair that formed his light stubble quickly grew in density, becoming a thick brown beard and enhancing his appearance several years. The dark mop of hair on top of his head lightened to match the brown of his beard and restyled, with the sides shaved down closely.

Deep in the actor’s mind, all of the stress that had plagued his recent weeks was locked inside a room and the key was quickly discarded. Instead, new memories and thoughts began to filter in and dominate - thoughts belonging to a man identified as Niall “Poser” Taylor, a man who had earned his nickname from his love of posting for photos and selfies.

Dr Cassius watched the transformation take place, all while wearing a smile on his face. The moment Tyler reached one, his eyes sprung open and he bounded up to his feet. “You feeling alright, Niall?” the therapist asked, joining the other man on his feet. 

Tyler Posey had vanished, replaced by a new identity with a gorgeous new body and a carefree personality that was no longer being crushed by the pressures of his celebrity lifestyle. Niall grinned back at the other and flexed his chest, showing off his glorious pecs. With no idea that his very memories were manufactured, he was damn proud of all the work he had put into his body and he wasn’t afraid to show it off either.

“Fuck yeah. Why the hell wouldn’t I be?” he grunted in response, showing off by hitting a pose that showed off his mountainous flexed biceps. “Now can we get the fuck outta here and hit the gym? I think you need a break from this therapy bullshit, Cass.” The nickname rolled off the tongue as Niall recognized the stud in front of him to be his best friend and spotting partner at the place he considered to be his second home - the gym. 

Well imagine that, the newly-appointed Cass thought, I knew taking a break was a great idea. After all, this wasn’t how he really looked. He had taken on the form of this muscular jock just that very morning, knowing it would be perfect in seducing a disgruntled Hollywood actor into becoming just another gym-loving bro. Now he could switch his rational brain off and enjoy some time with everybody’s favorite “Poser”, Niall.

Of course, the key thing was that neither man had actually specified just how long their break would be lasting...


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