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It's the end of the week, folks - Happy Friday!

We've arrived at number fifteen on the Seven Year Retrospective Top Twenty (no I will not stop using that full title) and this entry is actually the one and only fan fiction transformation story to make it onto this list!

I went through a bit of a Supernatural phase a few years back - I even cosplayed Dean Winchester, although I wish the cosplay had transformed me into Jensen Ackles - and considering the show regularly features demonic possessions it felt like a perfect match for my own writing. Indeed before this week's feature I'd written a bodyswap between Dean and Cas, as well as The Craftsman transforming into Ackles' castmate Jared Padalecki. It's the third (and most recent) Supernatural story that sticks out to me and wins a place on this list though. I wrote Supernatural: Wretched & Ugly as part of a Fan Fiction Week I was running at the time but out of all of the stories I released during that event it's this one that sticks out to me the most.

It's probably obvious by now if you've read much of my work but I have a little bit of a twisted side and one of the things that really appeals to that "darker Henry" are where good (and yes, gorgeous) guys are possessed by someone with devious intentions and are forced into the passenger seat of their own mind. That's the exact fate that befalls Ackles' Dean Winchester here, being possessed by a particularly grotesque demon who plans on using his body for carnal pleasures. Going into detail about the ugly appearance of the demon only made his possession of the handsome Dean even sweeter, almost like a dark twist on a "rags to riches" storyline.

It might not be the most original or groundbreaking story I've ever written but it's still a fun one and every now and then I do wonder what the Wretched is getting up to in Dean's body. Probably fucking his way around all the demons in America...


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