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This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy!

Ryan honestly couldn’t believe this was happening. His boyfriend Gary had managed to score them both meet-and-greet tickets for Nick Jonas on his tour and Ryan was finally going to meet his celebrity crush of several years. He’d been a fan of Nick when he’d been a part of the trio The Jonas Brothers but that fandom quickly grew into lust when Nick went solo and really grew into a young stud with glorious muscles and a willingness to show off his great body in any television show, movie or music video.

As much as he loved Nick’s gorgeous face and beautiful singing voice, by far Ryan’s favorite thing about the singer and actor was how ready and willing he was to don some leather at any given moment. Leather jackets and leather pants… Nick Jonas looked damn good in both and every time he saw the Hollywood star rocking one of them in pictures from photoshoots Ryan had to stop himself from drooling. Thankfully Gary totally understood it too because what wasn’t to love about a leather-wearing hunk who openly acknowledged his gay fanbase?

Really, the only thing Nick could be doing to make his gay fanbase happier was a leather kink porno and although that was highly unlikely, it certainly hadn’t stopped Ryan from thinking about it on a regular basis. Whenever Gary wasn’t around to fool around with, the thought of Nick dressed up in a leather polite uniform fucking him while he was in handcuffs had very quickly Ryan’s favorite fantasy to indulge in. There was something about the leather adding to Nick’s machismo that really got him going.

Although both young men had entered the competition, neither Ryan nor Gary thought they had any chance of actually winning tickets to one of Nick Jonas’ meet-and-greets. There had to be thousands - if not tens or even hundreds of thousands - of fans who had entered and what was the likelihood that both of their names be picked? Fate seemed to be on their side that day, or at least somebody who had the power to twist fate in their favor was. Either way they were ecstatic and nervous all at the same time, knowing that a dream opportunity was going to come true and they would need to hold themselves together so they didn’t get hauled out on their asses by Nick’s security.

The highlighted interest in leather was hardly limited to Nick Jonas but Ryan simply wasn’t sure anybody looked as good wearing it as the actor/singer did. The tightness of his pants around those muscular thighs… it was a challenge not to get hard just thinking about it! Ryan was genuinely worried he’d end up salivating in front of his celebrity crush because that would be just his damn luck, wouldn’t it?

The moment they arrived at the arena doors a few hours ahead of the headline show, Ryan and Gary were treated like VIPs. Greeted at the door by a handsome young man who introduced himself as Michael Docherty, Nick Jonas’ personal assistant, the boyfriends were immediately taken to the backstage bar before their meeting with the superstar in question. 

The moment the PA left them to track down his boss, Ryan and Gary turned to each other to gossip about how gorgeous he had been. Perhaps it wasn’t intentional but Jonas definitely knew how to keep the company of attractive men and both had gotten a vibe from Docherty that he was playing on the same - or at least similar - team as them. Could the same secretly be said for Nick Jonas? Ryan couldn’t help but hold onto a small shred of hope.

With the bar open to them without any costs, the boyfriends quickly made themselves comfortable with a number of spirits and mixers. Ryan personally felt like he needed them to take the edge off because lord knew how he was going to be able to keep his cool around somebody who he’d jerked off thinking about more times than he could possibly count. It had to be in the hundreds!

After almost an hour Ryan was beginning to feeling antsy. The longer it went before the meet-and-greet the more uncertain he felt about it. He was terrified of humiliating himself and worried that acting like too much of a fanboy might embarrass Gary. His boyfriend however seemed to sense his nerves and reached out to rest a hand on his thigh. “It’ll be fine. Hell, it’ll be better than fine - it’ll be great!” Gary assured him, just as Docherty returned to the bar.

“Gentleman, I’m awfully sorry but Nick has had to report to the sound crew for some last minute checks. He’s asked me to take you to his dressing room and he’ll meet you there shortly before the show begins,” the blond man explained politely, smiling at each of them in turn. Ryan did his best to remain neutral in his facial expression as his brain went haywire at the thought of being in Nick Jonas’ dressing room!

With his heart pounding in his chest, Ryan followed his boyfriend and Docherty through the arena until they had been led into the singer’s dressing room. Much to the couple’s delight, some recently worn workout gear had been thrown into the corner of the room and it was already giving Ryan some dirty ideas he wasn’t sure he’d be able to resist acting on.

“Make yourselves at home, guys!” Docherty told them, “Nick should be back in about fifteen minutes or so. Feel free to have any drinks from the mini-fridge if you still want more.” He spared one last glance around the room before making his way to the door. “I’ll see you boys later, okay?”

The moment the door closed behind Docherty, Ryan’s heart began to pound in his chest. There were simply too many opportunities that had once seemed impossible that he would now have access too and it made his head spin as a result. A shared look with Gary confirmed that his boyfriend was having the exact same thoughts as him too.

“This has gotta be the best day of my whole fucking life,” Gary muttered. Ryan hummed in agreement, already hurrying towards the simple black workout shorts in the corner. Without any hesitation he lifted them to his nose and breathed in the superstar’s scent, delighted at the undeniably masculine musk of it. Similarly across the room Gary had grabbed a tank top that had been thrown over the chair and pressed the sweaty fabric against his lips.

“I feel like I’m dreaming,” Ryan confessed as he reached down to rearrange himself. His cock had very quickly started to harden and his pants were becoming tight as a result, something he had more than anticipated. Thankfully Nick wasn’t around to see him in such a state - or what the boyfriends were doing with his clothes.

While Ryan remained occupied with Nick’s workout gear, Gary moved on to investigate the objects that took up space on the make-up desk. A designer watch, a cross necklace and a brown bottle that seemed to contain some sort of liquid. Curiosity peaking, Gary picked up the bottle and turned it in his hand until he could read the label: “Leatherizer.”

Alerted by his boyfriend’s voice and more importantly the mention of leather, Ryan somewhat reluctantly removed his face from the shorts he was still sniffing and turned to glance across at Gary. “What did you say?” he asked.

“Dude, I think this is his cologne!” Gary replied, fascinated by the bottle, “Holy shit, he wears something called Leatherizer. That’s so hot.”

“I bet it smells great,” Ryan added dreamily, dropping the shorts and moving over to his boyfriend. “Come on, let’s put some on!”

Gary hesitated, a look of worry flashing over his features. “What if he notices we’re wearing his cologne?” he asked. Ryan wasn’t going to listen to any arguments though and quickly pinched the bottle from his boyfriend’s hands and sprayed some directly against his neck and then against his wrist. “Ryan!”

“What? I’m not passing up any opportunity right now,” he replied, thrusting the bottle back in Gary’s direction. “Come on, you know you want to!”

As much as he wished it wasn’t true, Gary knew that Ryan had hit it right on the mark. He really did want to spray the stuff on him simply because Nick Jonas apparently did, even if he was still nervous about any potential consequences.

Watching with pride as his boyfriend joined him in spraying the cologne against his skin, Ryan was surprised at just how hot he felt. His temperature was rapidly rising and it wasn’t the only thing on the rise either - his pants were now beyond uncomfortably tight and he couldn’t help but groan as he palmed against his crotch.

“D-dude, what are-- what are you-- fuck,” Gary grunted, cut off by his own groans as he too began to palm at his crotch, massaging the outline of his shaft through the fabric. “I feel so--” The sentence was never finished as he broke down to another round of pleasured grunts and groans.

Both men were feeling the exact same burning sensations that seemed to come from within their own bodies and despite momentary discomfort those sensations also brought about undeniable arousal that eventually drove them both to the floor. Unable to help themselves, they writhed around and desperately tried to free their hard, leaking shafts from their uncomfortable pants but with every passing second their bodies seemed less and less capable of responding to their mind’s commands.

“What’s… what-- fuck, that wasn’t--” Ryan stammered, the words scattered between loud groans that could surely be heard down the corridor and further. At this point though Ryan was almost hoping that someone would walk in on them because he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong…

Turning his head to look in Gary’s direction, Ryan skipped a beat at what he saw. His boyfriend’s feet had disappeared altogether and his trouser legs were beginning to hollow out as they took on a darker color and a sheen that could only be associated with leather. Gary didn’t look scared though, he looked like he was riding out the most blissful orgasm of his life even as his torso began to retract towards the waistband of his jeans.

Seized by confused terror, Ryan tried to push himself up to a seated position but was alarmed by his sudden lack of hands. Instead his arms seemed to cut off at the wrist and the skin was beginning to turn a familiar shade of black - the very same one he had seen his boyfriend’s trousers become just moments before. “Leather,” he gasped, beginning to understand what was happening. Leatherizer wasn’t cologne after all.

Attempting to move his feet, Ryan was only minimally surprised to find that they had vanished entirely, leaving him as just a rapidly hollowing out torso. An empty feeling spread throughout him, along with a need that consumed his mind like no other thought ever had before - a need to be worn. Any chance of fighting back against the transformation that both he and Gary were undergoing was long gone and Ryan found himself at peace with that as he let out a long breath and felt himself fall to the ground in his new form as a crisp leather jacket.

A short while later the door to the dressing room finally opened again and Docherty entered, followed by somebody who took Ryan and Gary’s metaphorical breath away. Somehow Nick Jonas managed to be even more beautiful in person and the cocky smirk he wore on his face as he regarded the leather garments on his dressing room floor made him even sexier.

“I promised I could get you some new digs for tonight’s show,” Docherty told his employer, clapping the superstar on the back. Nick stepped forward and pulled the leather jacket from the floor and slipped it over his shoulders. 

With the never-ending need to be worn temporarily fulfilled, Ryan felt like he was in bliss. Hugging Nick’s powerful upper body was better than any orgasm he had ever experienced and he prayed and hoped that the superstar would never take him off. A few experimental flexes of the singer’s arms had Ryan whimpering in his min from pure joy. Was there anybody who had ever felt this good in their life before?

Not too much longer and Gary joined the ensemble as Nick Jonas’ new leather pants, hugging his large bulge without any regrets. It wasn’t what either man had expected when they’d attempted to coat themselves in Nick’s cologne but even in hindsight neither one of them would have done anything different. They had always loved Nick in leather after all and what better way to get him in it more often than become that leather?

“Damn, I love how dedicated you fans are,” Nick murmured to the newest items of his wardrobe, winking at his reflection for a moment before stepping out of the room. He had a show to do and he was going to make sure every fan went home happy - just as Ryan and Gary would!


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