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Shit bro, I still can’t believe that’s me in the mirror! What a damn stud. These are pretty fucking wild times, you know? 

I don’t think anybody really expected to wake up one day in a body that wasn’t their own, even the folks like me who always wished it would happen. The Great Change was just something from my wildest dreams though, not something that I ever anticipated would actually come to pass. Unsurprisingly it was all over the news - eighty percent of the world’s population waking up in different bodies, how could it not be? Like so many others though, I wasn’t paying much mind to what the so-called experts on the television was saying, I was too wrapped up in front of the mirror to care!

Before the Great Change I was a total nobody who didn’t just blend into a crowd, I didn’t ever escape them. George Cooper was perhaps the least impressive guy on the whole West Coast. Five-foot-eight, one-hundred-thirty pounds and hair already thinning at the age of twenty-five; there wasn’t much for me to be proud of. I was working day shifts at the local bakery and my evenings were spent tending bar just so I could make enough money to pay the rent. I didn’t have a social life, nor would I have been able to get the attention of any of the guys I found cute. I’d been the outcast in high school, a loser in college and was a nobody in life. I desperately wanted more for myself which was why I so frequently dreamed about being other men. Chris Evans, Julian Edelman, William Seed; it didn’t matter who they were, they symbolised an escape I was desperate for and those dreams weren’t just hot, they were also healing for my tired soul.

The morning of the Great Change though had me transition from George Cooper to Kane Petrov and absolutely everything about my life was turned on its head. Kane Petrov was absolutely everything I wasn’t: he was popular, he was successful and he was gorgeous. Even though he was slightly shorter than me at five-foot-seven, his body was packed with an extra sixty pounds of muscle and all of it was carefully sculpted into a vision of masculine beauty. Calloused hands passed over cobblestone abs and then down to an even more impressive bulge. His skin was beautifully sun-touched and a forest of hair decorated his chest, as well as the hair on his head being thicker and a solid beard growing in along his jawline. To think that all of it was mine to experience and enjoy… I was understandably overwhelmed.

It wasn't even twenty-four hours before I had sex in Kane's body. It wasn't just my first time while in Kane though, it was my first time ever and I was thrilled to find his muscle memory taking over, positioning me in control of the situation. It felt so natural pinning the skinny twink down (although he had apparently been a big hairy leather daddy type before) and thrusting Kane's thick cock inside of that tight ass. It was like I'd been regularly fucking for the past several years, not losing my virginity in my mid-twenties! If anything it just proved that I was going to be able to settle into Kane's life with some ease, and I'd certainly be enjoying all the benefits that came with being a gorgeous muscle stud.

It’s actually been a few days now since the Great Change and I’ve slowly begun realizing that maybe it wasn’t just our physical forms that were affected that morning. More and more I’ve found myself losing focus when watching what used to be my favourite show, thinking instead about workouts I could be doing. Not only that but I’ve even started talking like I imagine Kane always did too, dropping “bro” and “dude” in every other sentence, completely unconsciously. I feared that it would make me sound douchey but with Kane’s deeper voice it just seemed to fit.  I even spoke to the real Kane on the phone this morning and he said he’s having the same thing happen to him too. Unfortunately for him though I don’t have any plans on submitting myself to the scientists looking to experiment and discover what caused the swap. I like being Kane Petrov. I like standing out from the crowd and having an awesome muscular body! If that means he’s just going to have to stay as George Cooper… well, that’s his problem and not mine! 



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