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This is a sequel to both The Superman Problem and The Luthor Problem which were posted previously for all Scott tier patrons and above.  This was a story commission for one of the top tier patrons - hope you all enjoy! 

Oliver was struggling to hold it all together. Lex Luthor, like any other (wannabe) supervillain the Justice League had faced, was no stranger to bizarre plans but what he’d evidently done to Clark really was the cream of the crop. If he was to guess the gun Luthor had invented, in all of it’s glowing-energy awesomeness, appeared to be some sort of vaporizing machine or hypnotism ray - not a goddamn gay transformation gun!

Truth be told, firing off the gun and hitting Luthor with it had been a complete accident and Oliver would have felt awful if it had ended up killing or seriously harming him. Instead he and Bruce were treated to a rather unique show in which Luthor seemed to lose control of his inhibitions and beg to be treated like a dumb sex slave from Bruce of all people. Even knowing who he was in the room with, Oliver was frankly amazed that Bruce didn’t crack up immediately. How could he not? This shit was hilarious and Oliver was in half a mind to film it so that Barry and the rest of the Justice League could watch.

Eventually Oliver had excused himself from the situation. He was sure that Bruce would deal with the situation sensibly because he was pretty sure Bruce didn’t know the meaning of the word fun. If their positions had been switched then maybe Oliver would have taken advantage of Luthor’s desperate state, although that wouldn’t be very heroic of him and he knew it. Let Bruce stick to the boring rules, he reminded himself as he fired out a grappling arrow and swung across from the LexCorp building to a nearby rooftop. 

While Bruce dealt with Lex’s newfound desires, there was at least something Oliver could be doing. He still had the gun strapped just above his quiver and he had every intention of tracking Clark down and hopefully finding a way to reverse whatever had been done to him. As funny as it was to see Luthor as a greedy cock-loving twink, the Justice League - and the whole world itself - needed Superman to be his normal self. No doubt there were villains all across the globe who would take advantage if they knew Superman’s priorities currently revolved around dick rather than actually doing the right thing.

The ‘S.O.S’ signal that had been sent out from Clark’s suit was faint and intermittent which likely meant that his suit had been somewhat damaged but Oliver felt relatively reassured knowing that his friend was likely in no immediate danger. The most he could hope for was that Clark hadn’t run into any of his regular villains while he was in his current less-than-heroic state. That would certainly lead to a lot of uncomfortable conversations down the line that he was sure nobody was really all that ready for.

Following the signal as best as he could, Oliver tried to prepare himself for what he might find. Unfortunately nothing would live up the image that he was greeted to once he finally managed to track Clark down to Red Robin’s room in the Teen Titans tower. It took him a moment to recognize both men as Clark’s already impressive muscularity had only increased and Tim had gone from lean and well-defined to a hunk of body-builder proportions. Hell, he was probably bigger than Bruce now!

“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?” Oliver asked, giving them both a sheepish smile as they continued to fuck intensely even while glancing towards the big green interruption. “I mean, it looks like I’m interrupting something.” Something that Oliver wasn’t sure he’d ever wanted to see but was now mildly curious about. Don’t get distracted, Queen, he told himself, even as he tried to stop himself from checking out Tim’s ass. For a twenty-one year old Tim Drake was sure doing a good job of dominating the older superhero, although considering Clark was moaning like a bitch in heat the whole scene seemed a little confusing to Oliver.

“You wanna join us?” Clark groaned before biting down on his lower lip. Tim spanked him, bringing about a whole new round of moans that played like an orgasmic soundtrack to the strangest movie Oliver had ever watched.

“There’s always room for one more,” Tim agreed, grunting as he thrust deep inside of Clark once more. The dominance and aggression was pouring out of the young hero and Oliver was rather amazed as Tim had always been on the quieter, more reserved, side compared to the other Robins like Dick and Jason.

As surprisingly tempting as the offer was, Oliver forced himself to think rationally. He wasn’t here to have fun, he was hear to make sure that whatever ‘whammy’ Lex had done to Clark (and apparently Tim as well) was reversed. They needed their heroes back, not club-loving himbos!

Despite being clearly distracted by what Tim was doing to him - not that Oliver could really blame him - Clark risked a glance towards Oliver just as the Emerald Archer was unhooking Luthor’s transformation gun from where it had been strapped to his back. “W-- wait, what are you doing?” Clark groaned, closing his eyes for a moment as Tim continued to rock inside of him.

“Fixing this,” Oliver replied confidently, before adding in a quieter voice: “I hope.” It wasn’t as if he was some master of mystical weapons and no doubt Luthor had invented technology that was far beyond him. Still, the least he could do was try and with just a small amount of fiddling of the dials on the side of the weapon, Oliver felt relatively sure that he had things under control when the blue and pink energy along the barrel both turned a shining gold.

“But what if we don’t want to--” Tim started, only to be cut off by Oliver firing two short blasts from the gun, each hitting the targets perfectly. Guns weren’t Oliver’s preferred weapon but he was still a perfect shot no matter what he was using.

Clark and Tim writhed for several moments immediately after, the younger hero all but collapsing against Superman’s back as he panted heavily. Clark was hardly faring all that much better, having to steady himself on all fours and staring intensely at the carpet. Finally the writhing stopped but neither had changed physically, both remaining as muscle-bound as they had been when Oliver had found them.

“Uh, guys?” he asked, somewhat timidly. The blasts had definitely done something to them, he just wasn’t sure what. Please say I didn’t make it any worse. Then again, that would be just my luck… Ah, Bruce is gonna kill me.

“My head,” Tim croaked, the young man’s voice still much deeper than its natural tone. “Wait a-- what the fuck?!” He sprung backwards at that, untangling himself from Clark and staring down at his naked muscular form. “I’m dreaming. No, I’m having a nightmare. This is--”

“All real,” Oliver confirmed, quickly working out what was going on. Tim might still be a muscle-bound hunk but he had all of his own neurotic quirks back which meant Oliver had at least done something right. Maybe he hadn’t been able to restore the heroes to their original bodies but he’d at least been able to bring them back to their natural mental state. “You okay, Clark?”

The Man of Steel finally rose to his feet, looking between Oliver and Tim before finally nodding. “Luthor did this to me,” he declared suddenly, “I’d very much like to pay him a visit.”

“Bruce is with him already. I, uh, may have also shot Luthor with this fancy gun so he’s a little… different right now.” Oliver chuckled and shook his head. He was clearly the MVP of this whole scenario.

“Different… like us?” Tim asked, scrambling around the room in a desperate attempt to find some clothes. Everything was about three sizes too small for him though and both his t-shirt and jeans ended up stretched over his muscular body, hiding absolutely nothing.

“Not quite. Maybe you guys should come see for yourselves,” Oliver suggested, smiling sheepishly as he strapped the gun back across his quiver. He wasn’t even sure he could explain what he had done to Luthor and besides, he was pretty sure that Bruce would appreciate seeing Clark being to normal - and Tim, of course, although his transformation would be much more difficult to explain to his mentor. No doubt Bruce would think Oliver was to blame for that too.

Somewhat surprisingly, Bruce was too occupied to hurl accusations at Oliver once the trio had arrived about at the LexCorp offices. Bruce was open-legged on the leather sofa, partially undressed as the recently transformed Lex pressed desperate kisses along his thighs and over his bulge. Needless to say it was quite the unexpected image to walk into and even Oliver paused, jaw hanging loose.

“Bruce?!” Tim exclaimed, unable to help himself. “What the-- Is that-- What?!” Oliver couldn’t really blame the kid for being as stunned as he was considering Bruce was like a father to him. Oliver was pretty damn glad he’d never walked in on any father figures doing anything like that, even if it was rather tame compared to some of the adventures he’d had throughout his own life.

The Dark Knight finally glanced up then, but his look of relief only lasted for a few moments before he took in the new appearances of both Clark and the Boy Wonder. “What happened to you?” he asked, directing the question at Tim who shifted uncomfortably on the spot. 

“I, uh… Clark came to visit me and… well, whatever happened to him must be transferrable,” the younger man declared, scratching at the back of his neck. “And, well, I caught it. I’m still me though, just… bigger, I guess.”

“You’re not going to fit into the Robin costume anymore,” Bruce pointed out in a grave tone, as if that was the most distressing news he’d heard in a long time. Seriously Wayne, priorities?! Tim merely blushed, as if ashamed by the realization. 

“Are we not going to talk about what Luthor’s doing to you right now?” Oliver asked, unable to hide the grin from his face. This entire situation was hilarious as far as he was concerned - although he was actually a little envious of the muscularity of both Clark and Tim now. Being outshone by the Boy Wonder of all people was a little emasculating and maybe if he just had a little ‘accident’ with the gun… No. Bad idea, Queen. Very, very bad idea.

“He looks different,” Clark announced suddenly, staring at his arch-rival with a slight frown on his face. Oliver supposed he could understand why - Lex Luthor was a blond-haired skinny twink these days after all and hardly the intimidating businessman supervillain he had been when Clark had encountered him last. “Gorgeous.”

Tim hummed in agreement and even Bruce cracked a smile. Apparently Oliver was the only one still with a working brain because what? Did they not realize who they were talking about here? 

It took Oliver a few moments to realize that despite restoring Clark and Tim to their (relatively) normal selves, they were still being affected by some of whatever magic was empowering the transformation gun and Bruce was now seemingly falling victim to it too after being left alone with Lex. While he didn’t exactly gloat about his smarts, the Emerald Archer was quick to realize that the former businessman was likely responsible and if he could just reverse that accidental transformation maybe he could stop his friends from falling into a sex-fuelled fantasy that they’d never escape from.

Taking a step back, Oliver once more pulled the gun from his back and twisted several of the dials. Before any of his friends could question what he was doing, Oliver took aim and fired another bolt of pink energy straight at Luthor’s back. The villain went rigid for several moments before breaking into high-pitched giggles that were almost unnerving. 

“That tickled,” Luthor declared, still tracing circles against Bruce’s thighs as the twink glanced over towards Oliver. “Do it again, daddy!” There was none of the cunning in his eyes, nor did they seem quite so bright. It wasn’t his eyes that Oliver was focused upon though, it was the words that he had moaned out in such a sexual tone that the Green Arrow’s leather pants suddenly became a lot tighter around the crotch.

Daddy? Damn, why did that sound so good coming from a twink like Lex? Oh crap, I made it worse, didn’t I?

The Green Arrow didn’t need any physical evidence for his misdeeds because the proof was internal. He could feel a growing arousal inside of him aimed towards Lex as evidenced by his growing bulge, and judging by how transfixed by the twink both Clark and Tim seemed to be, they felt it too. Oliver hadn’t reverted Lex to his calculating villain self, he’d only removed the last traces of it and made him a sex fiend that even the straightest of men couldn’t resist.

“I love my big boys,” Lex purred, grabbing Tim by the waistband of his tight jeans and kissing at his bulge. Clark was right behind him, running his hands through Lex’s golden hair while Bruce massaged his hard shaft through the combat trousers of his Batman suit. 

Oliver did his best to resist but lasted mere moments before he stepped forward to join the group and give into the uncontrollable desire he felt towards the former villain. He was reassured by the knowledge that Lex would no longer be putting the people of Metropolis at risk but he was certainly going to be causing a whole host of other problems for the Justice League… if you could even call it a problem. Oliver certainly wasn’t viewing it as such and neither were Bruce, Clark or Tim - nor Lex himself. 

In fact all of the men involved appeared to be on cloud nine as they familiarized themselves with the new Lex and Oliver couldn’t be any more proud of himself for being a little too trigger-happy and getting them all in this mess to begin with!


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