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Welcome back to the Seven Year Retrospective everyone! Once again we're going to be going through some Honourable Mentions, only this time I'll be looking at the stories that were written in collaboration with other wonderful transformation fiction writers!

First up is part of a story I wrote with my TF bestie JW Ripley! Something More Exciting was birthed out of our mutual appreciation for a trio of British Instagram Influencers - Luke, Sean and Dean - and as such we knew that we wanted to make them subjects in a story. Throw in a bit of muscle theft, some mental changes and an overall reality shift and this two-parter is still something I love revisiting. Each of the three guys featured have been subjects in other stories of my own - Luke in "Intercepted Order" and Sean in "Demon Deals" for example. Pretty guys just inspire the best ideas!

Up next is a story with another good friend of mine, that being TF Station. Truthfully I haven't seen much of Riverdale past the first few episodes but I was more than happy to collaborate with him on this body swap story - Matching Gifts - between straight jock Reggie and gay drama kid Kevin. A bodyswap story featuring gay-to-straight, nerd-to-jock and mental changes to make them forget who they really were? Yeah, this story concept was right up my street and I'm so glad we got the chance to collaborate!

My third pick is one of my many collaborations with the wonderful Bizz. The Ultimate Cosplay features Ryan Kelley of Teen Wolf fame not only having his body and identity stolen by a fan at a convention, but also features him becoming his own costume from the show. This is one that continually gets me going as I've actually met the actor himself as a Teen Wolf convention, so imagining this particular scenario happening to me was all too easy! Alas, I didn't leave the convention with his body as Dominic did here... or did I?

I've also got a long history of collaborations with The Craftsman but Company Adjustments, starring Blaine and Jeremy of Rooster Teeth fame, is perhaps my favourite of all the stories we did together. Not only are both subjects incredibly handsome but there's a noticeable contrast in their physical forms which made detailing the body swap between them a lot of fun, plus it comes with my favourite brand of mental changes as the two settle into their new lives without even realizing it!

Sticking with Rooster Teeth subjects for a minute, one of my favourite guys to transform is Gavin Free, simply because he's gangly, British and altogether a bit awkward. That puts him in sharp contrast with many of the guys he features in my stories with and this collaboration with Southern God really highlights that. Now Leaving Nocturne City isn't really my usual type of story in terms of its themes and content but I enjoyed writing it - it's always good to branch out and work with writers who have different interests.

An Adjustment of Roles was a little bodyswap tale between MCU actors Chris Evans and Tom Holland that I crafted in collaboration with Male Body Swaps on Tumblr. It's about as cookie cutter as bodyswap stories between actors get but it was good fun and I liked the pictures I picked out for it, I thought they fit rather well. This is one of those rare win-win swaps from me where nobody ends up worse off in the swap so I feel like that should be celebrated too!

The last collaboration I'm going to look back on is one I worked on with Writer of Stuff and features characters fro the show Once Upon A Time. The contrast between Prince Charming with all of his chivalry and manners and the crude leather-wearing Captain Hook was a fun thng to explore in Through the Portal and the end result of Charming becoming Hook was nothing short of delightful to write! Is there anything better than a good guy going bad?

That's all for the honourable mentions! On Monday we'll be starting off with Number Twenty on my top twenty list so make sure you check in again then. In the meantime I'd love to hear what your thoughts on these collaboration stories were and if there are any from my blog I've missed out that you think deserves a mention!


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