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Happy Monday, folks!

As many of you probably are as well, I'm currently locked up at home and pretty bored. On the plus side it means I have more time to write! So for today rather than a poll, I want to ask you guys a simple question: what do you guys want to read?

Leave your ideas (transformations, subjects, even full plots!) in the comments below and hopefully they'll inspire something that I can write up during this strange time!


Mark Josefsson

What about a guy gambling away intelligence for muscle and size?


What about a rich racist white guy being transformed into a hot black man, forced to live without his money, and to his horror, starts to act more like a black man as time progresses.


What about a charity where the more people donate the more muscular and tall they become


Two guys swap lives (clothes, homes, etc.), not bodies, for a weekend, but one of them is wanted by the police. When they come to get Luke (just a place holder name), they take John. Here's a picture for Luke: https://66.media.tumblr.com/db560ea32ce4e7b4f413cf92ac1ee5c3/d5966a385ae52d78-40/s500x750/dc22368847e63bf8a1b495cee4577c938595b367.jpg -- Here's a picture of John after serving time: https://66.media.tumblr.com/f09add51f8b6c00e40e416ff6bfe8ff5/0302d28803e7d80a-75/s1280x1920/b6641d465139c5f2b97e3c096ffe4acd67afaaad.png


Maybe one where Quinten Beck swaps bodies with Tony Stark shortly after getting fired, stealing everything from him. Or maybe one where a elderly comic fan steals either Hugh Jackman or Chris Evans body and life due to being a massive fan of Captain America or Wolverine and being jealous of them.


So a case of mistaken identity rather than an actual body swap? Interesting concept...


Yeah, they look just enough like each other for it to happen, but when the arrested guy gets out, he has changed both physically and mentally, and wants payback.


I like Southern Celt's second idea over his first. As a Black man, the phrase "acts like a black man" can lead to awful stereotyping. However, when the racist is in his black skin and he encounters things that blacks deal with on a daily basis, then I will applaud and back you, Cav, on the "you are what you hate" construct of the story as Racist Jones may learn to be more accepting when he converts back.


Idea: A comedic take on accidental body swaps where three hot 20-something sorcerer's apprentices accidentally read from a book of spells. Watch the slapstick mayhem ensue... 😀


Yeah, I'm always a little hesitant when it comes to racial changes because I don't want to stereotype. Writing TF stories with ethical spins is something I've done in the past - as far back as my photo captions on tumblr - so it's certainly not out of the question for me to put that spin on it!


Writing comedy isn't my strong point but it's worth considering. I always enjoy trying something new and different!


A long distance relationship enlists a new body swap service to spend a vacation as a couple together!