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Hey folks, my sincere apologies for the delay in getting a second story to you this week! I've been busy trying to catch up on overdue stories and things for work. As such, one of the top tier patrons was kind enough to allow me to post one of the early stories I did for them so enjoy this body swap using characters from Teen Wolf!

Scott’s head was throbbing and his eyes fought back against his attempts to open them. Every little sign suggested that something ​bad ​ had happened but he was far too dazed to make sense of anything at that moment in time other than the fact he was in pain. He was supposed to be a ‘True Alpha’, shouldn’t he have sensed if he was about to be in danger? For that matter, shouldn’t the pain he was feeling be somewhat lessened because of his supernatural presence? His body felt as if it was fighting back against him and that was just another mystery to add onto the list of questions concerning his current situation that he would need answering sooner rather than later. 

Finally managing to force his eyes open, Scott almost found himself wishing that he hadn’t as he found himself looking up at a ceiling that was decorated in tribal patterns all leading towards a dark circle that had been painted directly above his head. As if that hadn’t been ominous enough, his attempts to move were met with a surprising amount of resistance which he quickly realized was due to the straps around his neck and forehead. 

This is bad. Scott had never been in a situation like it before because he’d almost always had a plan up his sleeve. This time he had no idea how he’d ended up there nor who had even attacked him. The only thing he felt sure of was that he had been jumped when his back was turned because the last thing he could remember was heading home after finishing his exams at school. College was so close and he would finally be able to escape Beacon Hills to live something of a normal life again. Apparently he still had battles to fight before he could achieve that though, if this new unfortunate situation was anything to go by. 

Regaining feeling throughout the rest of his body, Scott immediately attempted to move his hands and was unsurprisingly met by resistance from more straps around his wrists keeping him pinned down. He had expected as much because who would want to make escape easy for him? Absolutely nobody, that was who. Shuffling the rest of his body as much as he could manage confirmed more straps around his waist, thighs and ankles all keeping him trapped against whatever smooth surface he had been placed on top of. Whoever had attacked him had certainly gone to great lengths to make sure he stayed down and he couldn’t say he blamed them. It was a smart move considering he had the ability to rip them limb from limb with his claws.  

The increased strength that Scott possessed as an alpha werewolf seemed to be of little help to Scott as he struggled against his restraints. There was the slightest squeak of leather as he pulled as much as he could but absolutely no sign that he would be able to rip the straps away and free himself. A task like that should have been easy for Scott and yet it was as if he’d been drained of all of the strength that made him such a fearsome opponent to square up against. 

All but forcing himself to relax, Scott let out a breath and instead chose to focus on his surroundings rather than continue to struggle. Sight wasn’t much assistance now that his head had been locked in one position but he could still utilize smell and hearing to try and provide some more clues for what was going on. Perhaps more concerning than his sudden lack of strength though was that his senses weren’t quite as strong as he was used to them being. None of his werewolf abilities seemed to be working at full power at all, leaving him little more than an average human and asking ​how? How was it possible for him to be so ​weak ​ all of a sudden? 

Doing his best to fight back against the panic that was surely starting to take over his mind, Scott tried to force himself to study his situation. ​Think like Stiles, he told himself. His best friend was a quick thinker and would always know what to do in situations like this. It wasn’t like Scott was stupid, he just wasn’t always as observant as the other boy which put him at something of a disadvantage in a situation like this, especially as he couldn’t simply muscle his way out. There was a chill all across his body and although he couldn’t look down, the chill against his skin seemed to confirm that he had been stripped of all of his clothes and was now completely naked and exposed. 

“I’m pretty impressed you haven’t started crying yet,” a familiar voice declared from somewhere in the room, sending a shiver down Scott’s spine. He knew exactly who that voice belonged to and that meant it was bad news indeed. Theo Raeken had proven time and time again that he couldn’t be trusted and if he was the one responsible for putting Scott in a situation like this, especially one where his powers seemed to be dimmed or ineffective altogether, then things were even worse than the true alpha had even considered at first. 

Determined not to let his fears be so openly broadcast on his face, Scott instead allowed the anger to visibly wash over and struggled against his bonds once more. He wanted nothing more than to escape from the restraints and prove to Theo why ​he was the alpha but that currently seemed like an impossibility. Stiles had said since Theo’s return to Beacon Hills earlier in the year that he wasn’t the same boy they had known as kids and Scott had been so reluctant to believe it that he’d ultimately caused a lot of hurt and pain by not accepting it sooner. It had taken everything Scott and his pack had to drive Theo off and although he hadn’t been vanquished, they had all hoped that he would stay away for good. Evidently that wasn’t the case and Scott was worried that his time out of town had only fueled Theo’s sick mind and made his new plan even more devious than anything he had tried before. 

The chimera finally made his appearance in Scott’s vision, smirking down at him and increasing Scott’s desire to smash his first right into that smug face. He was so ashamed of himself for once having fallen for Theo’s charms previously but that was all in the past now and he felt nothing but contempt for the other teenage boy, especially after everything he had done to try and turn Scott and Stiles against each other. The fact it had almost worked turned Scott’s stomach because he’d always thought that he and his best friend were inseparable, only for Theo to expose the weaknesses in their friendship. 

“What do you want from me?” Scott asked through gritted teeth, tensing his muscles and folding his hands into fists. Neither action did much to help him but at least they made him feel ever so slightly better.  

Frustratingly Theo only seemed amused by what he saw and as the chimera began to pace around the table Scott had been strapped to, the true alpha’s blood boiled. “Everything,” he replied with a sickening smile, “I want everything you have, Scott. I’m gonna get it too because you’ll be kind enough to give it to me.” 

Scott did his best to be a kind and understanding person to everyone but Theo was insane if he thought that kindness extended to him. Then again there was certainly a good chance that Theo was insane anyway so he wasn’t sure why he was even surprised. Of all of the answers he could have received, the cryptic reply was possibly one of the worst and Scott was immediately filled with dread. ​What does that mean - he wants everything I have? If it was just his status as an alpha then surely he’d say that, right? He had specified that he wanted ​everything and that only teased a much darker plan than Scott had even expected. There was a sense of foreboding to their encounter and Scott couldn’t help but wonder what dark purpose those runes on the ceiling had. They surely weren’t for any good reason.  

“You’re crazy,” Scott hissed, provoking a cold laugh from the other boy that sent further shivers down his spine. It was as if Theo had no conscience, only caring about his own goals and not about those he hurt in the process. “Whatever you’re planning to do to me, my pack will stop it.” Scott fully believed that. He and his friends were as close-knit as a group could be and they would never let anybody be hurt. Packs stood together and protected their own - especially their leader. 

“Not when they’re not your pack anymore,” Theo replied with a casual shrug of his shoulder, as if he honestly believed he was capable of taking Scott’s pack away from him. They all loathed Theo and there was absolutely no way they’d ever turn their backs on Scott to side with him instead, not even if he offered them all the riches in the world. It was all just more evidence suggesting how unhinged Theo really was. “Sick of me talking in riddles, McCall?” 

Scott laughed bitterly. “How could you guess?” he scoffed, rolling his eyes to show his displeasure. It was all he could really do considering the restraints keeping every part of him pinned down and at Theo’s mercy. It was hardly an ideal place to find himself. 

“Golden boy has an attitude, huh?” Theo snickered, “I like that. It’s cute.” Scott’s skin crawled in disgust. The last thing he wanted was for Theo to think he was ​cute. “Fine, I’ll let you in on a little secret. While I’ve been out of town I’ve been making friends. Powerful friends, actually. Friends who know how to access magic your boss thought was locked away thousands of years ago - I’m talking the kind of things the Egyptians used to do. Dark stuff.” Theo’s eyes were glowing in excitement, his twisted mind no doubt feeling pleasure at having Scott at his mercy. 

The thought of being the victim of magic that even Deaton wasn’t aware of certainly wasn’t appealing but it explained how all of his strength and alpha abilities had been drained of him. He couldn’t help but wonder exactly what horrors awaited him once the magic was completely unleashed on him. “Get to the point,” he hissed defiantly, still hiding the fear that was creeping throughout his mind. His defiance only seemed to amuse Theo further. 

“I don’t just want to be an alpha anymore, Scotty-boy. Like I said, I want everything you have and I mean ​everything. Your friends, your family, your future, your body… all of it,” Theo explained, running his fingers down Scott’s bare chest. There was little Scott could do to resist but he tried his best, terror beginning to flood his senses as the panic he’d felt upon waking returned. Theo was both insane and dangerous and with his plan now laid out in all of its horrifying glory, Scott was even more worried than before. He hadn’t even considered that having his body and life stolen was a possibility but if anybody was twisted enough to attempt such a coup then it would only be Theo. 

“Stiles will see right through you,” Scott growled, clinging onto the hope that his best friend would recognize when he was no longer himself. No imposter would be able to fool him, especially not Theo who Stiles so strongly despised. 

The chimera villain only raised his eyebrows, that smug smile that made Scott want so desperately to hurt him spreading back across his face. “You know, I don’t think you’re as sure of that as you think you are,” he whispered, his hand finally moving low enough to tease Scott in a place he’d never wanted Theo to get near. He felt utterly exposed and at the other’s mercy which was hardly where he wanted to be but what choice did he have? “Scott McCall, you have been a ​great ​help to me. Allow me to thank you.” 

Scott could only squirm as Theo surged forward with his eyes closed and pressed their lips together. Of everything he had expected Theo to do to him, a kiss had certainly been low on the list but it provoked an immediate feeling of disgust. Scott had no issues with guys who kissed other guys but Theo was taking advantage of him in a sickening way while he couldn’t even fight back and his desire to fight only grew stronger. 

Within seconds though that desire began to change from its original violent intention in the most surprising of ways. Scott was overwhelmed with a lust he had never felt towards Theo before and despite knowing that he should be doing everything he could to fight back and remove himself from the situation, neither his brain or body ​wanted ​to fight back anymore. 

Even as lust began consuming and corrupting his rational mind, another sensation began to spread throughout Scott’s body. This one was much harder to explain but his skin felt as if it was ​humming and a warmth travelled from the tips of his fingers to the bottom of his toes, touching every part of his body in the process. No part of him burned more than his lips, still captured by Theo’s and in no hurry to escape. 

Scott was painfully hard and moaned into the kiss as he felt Theo’s hand finally start stimulating his shaft with several soft strokes to the length. The voice in Scott’s head claiming that he should be disgusted by the action was much quieter than before and he allowed himself to give into the undeniable pleasure of having the chimera’s hands on his most sensitive area. Theo knew exactly what was doing, teasing him enough to draw animalistic purrs and growls out of Scott even as he squirmed. He was given very little time to breathe but his eyes remained closed, an action as small as opening them feeling far too exhausting to be possible when his body was burning with internal fire, the likes of which he had never felt before. 

Theo’s grip on Scott’s cock tightened and his teasing of the shaft picked up its pace, leaving the true alpha panting as the chimera abandoned his lips. Seconds later and the head of his cock was greeted by the very same warm mouth, provoking Scott to near-climax almost immediately. He barely managed to hold onto his dignity, digging his nails into the palms of his hands to give him something else to focus on. Theo’s mouth was just as relentless as his hand, moving from the head to the base of his cock and back again with his tongue used as extra leverage just to tease him some more. The chimera had Scott eating out of the palm of his hand and he knew it, clearly relishing in every opportunity he got to display his dominance over the other. 

Finally Scott reached the point where he could handle it no longer and hit his climax with explosive fury. Theo did not pull away as he had expected but instead kept his lips firmly fixed around his hard shaft and licking the length clean. Only then did Theo pull away and Scott finally found the strength in himself to open his eyes. What he saw immediately made him wish that he hadn’t. 

Instead of the smug face he had come to expect from Theo, Scott only saw his own lingering above him. Every feature was the same, from his fluffy black hair to the slightly off-centre jawline, and it was simply terrifying to seeing Theo’s trademark smirk being worn on that familiar face. 

“That’s not… oh god, how did you do that?” Scott asked, suddenly aware of how ​wrong ​ his own voice sounded. He sounded more like Theo than himself which meant that the chimera had not only stolen his likeness but had actually switched bodies with him, forcing Scott to sound and appear like the villain who had been terrorizing his friends throughout their senior year of high school. 

“I thought you were supposed to be smart?” Theo mocked, the cruel words sounding strange when spoken in Scott’s own voice. “I told you, I’ve got powerful friends now. Friends that helped me draw all these runes and harness magic that you or your friends will ​never ​be able to undo.” Sure enough the runes above Scott’s head continued to glow a deep burning orange, as if they had been set aflame, and it was too easy to believe every word Theo said. How could he possibly hope to reverse this when he barely understood what he had done in the first place? 

Leaning in once more, Theo placed a light kiss on Scott’s forehead before delivering a soft slap to his cheek. “Oh if only you could see yourself right now. Trust me, it’s a great sight, buddy,” the villain continued to tease. “I’ll be sure to leave you somewhere with a mirror.” 

“Leave me?” Scott asked, feeling fear rise inside of him. Now that Theo had stolen his body and identity he had a serious advantage in their never-ending battle and Scott was currently at a loss when it came to fighting back. “What are you planning?” 

“Well I can’t just have you running around telling everybody you’re the ​real​ Scott McCall, can I? You’d be ruining all my hard work,” Theo sighed, slapping Scott on the chest and causing him to wince. “I told you, Scott, I want everything you have. I’ve got your body and your voice now but I won’t stop until your whole life is mine. You don’t fit into the picture anymore so I need you out of the way. Thankfully I made just as many enemies as I did friends in my time away and well, I’ve dropped a few hints to lead them right here where they’re going to find you all tied up for them.” 

Scott struggled against his bonds once more but by now he knew the battle was long over. Theo’s latest devious plan had won him a victory and now Scott was entirely at the mercy of whatever new enemies Theo had made along the way. He already doubted they’d believe a word he had to say about having his body stolen and Theo getting away (quite literally) scott-free. 

“Don’t worry ​Theo,” the identity thief said with a mocking smile, “I’m sure you’ll love being the playtoy of an incubus pack. If not… well, I’m sure their magic will make you love it in no time!” The real Scott could do nothing but struggle hopelessly against his restraints as Theo finally walked away, leaving him to his uncertain fate. His one hope was that his friends would see through Theo’s disguise but that felt like a long shot.  

Still, perhaps spending time with a pack of incubi could be a surprising amount of fun. Theo had just proven how pleasurable sexual acts with other men could be after all and Scott couldn’t help but be slightly curious. Theo’s body was even more muscular than his own and he had a pretty handsome face so maybe there were some slight upsides to this after all, even if it was just further magic at work in his mind... 


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