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I had lived with my aunt and uncle since my parents had died in a car accident when I was eleven and life had been pretty rough for me ever since. Not only did I have to deal with teachers looking at me in pity and the bullies calling me “Harry Potter” (the spectacles due to my poor eyesight hadn’t helped) but I was also well aware of the fact my uncle resented me. He hadn’t wanted to raise any children, least of all his dorky nephew who he shared absolutely nothing in common with. His wife had insisted on taking me in after the death of her older sister and Uncle Joel had detested my presence ever since.

While I was every bit the sad stereotype of a teenage nerd - most of my evenings were spent playing on a Minecraft server with my few friends from school and my days were spent dodging the bullies prowling the school corridors - Uncle Joel was an undeniable alpha male. Nobody had dared ever bully him and it was easy to see why. Puberty had hit him like a freight train early on and according to my aunt he had been jacked up with muscle from the age of sixteen. The beard had followed soon after and then the ink collection across his chest and down both arms had begun on his twentieth birthday. He was every bit the man I knew I could never be and yet deep down I was so envious of him. I only wished I could be as confident as he was, to look in the mirror and know I was irresistible. 

The worst part of living with Uncle Joel was that he knew precisely just how badly I wanted to be like him and he relished knowing that no such thing was possible. He lorded his superiority over me any time he got the chance and the times when my aunt was out of earshot were even worse. Barely a day went by when he didn’t refer to me as a “faggot” or a “beta”. I was humiliated by his treatment but had no idea what I could do or say in return so I allowed it to continue unchallenged. 

All that would change just a few days after my eighteenth birthday though. The end of my senior year at high school was in sight and I’d impressed the right people enough to get a full ride scholarship to college. In just a few months I’d be free of Uncle Joel’s grasp and I simply couldn’t wait. As graduation approached though, he only seemed to get even more aggressive. Eventually it all bubbled over and I was unfortunate enough to be having a late night snack in the kitchen when he stumbled in drunk after an evening at the bar with his friends. There was smudged lipstick on his cheek - lipstick that definitely wasn’t from my aunt, who had been working from home all day - and a dangerous look in his eye as he approached.

“What are you looking at, faggot?” he growled, pushing the bowl of ice cream sharply away from me until it fell from the counter and smashed against the stone floor. “You fuckin’ waste of space.” His voice was embarrassingly slurred but his words stung as much as ever. I was frozen to the spot, mouth slightly agape as I wondered what abuse I would have to suffer through. Even as I stared, he suddenly shot forward and struck me across the face with the palm of his hand, his strength easily batting me from the stool I had been sat upon and down to the floor.

The noise of the bowl smashing and then my own descent to the floor caught the attention of my aunt who appeared from her private office with a wild look that I had never seen from her before. “Joel!” she shrieked, her voice piercing the very air around us. The man appeared completely frozen to the spot, his eyes narrowed and lips thinned into a scowl. He remained silent and still, only his broad chest rising and falling with each heavy breath. I stared up at him, then across to my aunt, whose face softened as she turned to me. “Up to your room, dear,” she urged, “This is a matter I need to discuss with your uncle alone.”

I didn’t think twice about heeding her advice. With tears in my eyes and a stinging on my cheek from where I had been struck, I quickly fled from the room and hid under the security of my blanket. After what felt like days there was a gentle knock on my bedroom door and my aunt entered, crossing the room to kneel by my bedside. “Everything’s going to be okay, dear,” she assured me, even though I was doubtful. No simple conversation could put a stop to Uncle Joel’s deep-rooted hatred of me, no matter what she thought. “Just get some rest and we’ll have a proper talk in the morning.” She pressed her lips to my forehead and all of a sudden I was welcomed into the warm embrace of pleasant dreams.

When the next morning finally came around I was aware that something was different even before I opened my eyes. My breaths came heavy and deep and there was a distinctive itching along my jawline. Still half asleep I raised a hand to scratch at the itch only to find fingers pressing through thick facial hair that most definitely wasn’t my own. The surprise jolted me further awake and I sprung from the bed that was suddenly too small for my body. My eyes were caught by the broad chest that was decorated in ink I was all too familiar with - those were my Uncle Joel’s tattoos! With a pounding heart I moved in front of my mirror and let out an audible yelp of surprise as my uncle’s face gaped back at me. I was in Uncle Joel’s body!

For the second time in twelve hours there was a gentle knock on my bedroom door. “C-come in,” I stammered, surprised to hear my uncle’s distinctive deep rumble speak the words rather than my own embarrassing squeak. Upon my aunt’s entry I quickly opened my mouth to explain that I definitely wasn’t her husband - that could lead to some pretty gross moments - but she held up a hand to stop me.

“Don’t worry, Ian, I know,” she said softly, placing a hand on his broad shoulder and squeezing. “After everything he’s done to you… I couldn’t sit idly by anymore. I’m sorry it took so long for me to act.” I could only gape in surprise, wondering what the hell she was talking about. “Joel needed to be taught a lesson so I… I cast a spell that will switch your bodies until I’m convinced he’s become a better man. I’ve always seen the conflict in your eyes when you look at him and it broke my heart. This is as much for you as it is for him.” She pulled me into an embrace and I was surprised to find tears in my ears. Despite having always known that my aunt loved me, I had never expected such a gesture that would rid her of her own husband.

“I don’t know what to say,” I confessed lamely as I pulled out of the hug. “Won’t this be weird? I can’t be your… your…” It was too gross to even say. She had to know that I liked men too, didn’t she? I’d never formally come out to her but if she’d seen the way I stared at Joel then she had to know about all the other men who had captured my attention: her assistant Garrett who often made house visits to deliver important work documents for her, the gardener Raul who she employed to keep the yard looking tidy, the neighbor Paul and his husband Reed. I was a horny teenage boy who had never been kissed, let alone had sex, of course I couldn’t stop staring at all the beautiful men who walked through my life.

“Joel hasn’t been my husband for a long time,” my aunt responded with a sad look on her face, “We’re still married, yes, but I know he hasn’t been faithful. Any girl with big tits and a skinny waist has been finding her way under him and he still acts like I don’t know. Truthfully, he hasn’t been the man I fell in love with for a long time.” She stared off into the distance, the pain written all over her face. “I’d rather you use his body to experience life as a man who nobody would dare ever cross then let him continue to ruin our family.”

With my aunt’s blessing firmly established, I slowly began to accept my new situation. It was crazy and bewildering for sure but promised a number of opportunities I had only ever dreamed of. In fact I was glad my aunt left the room when she did because I was already beginning to tent my boxer shorts with the long hard rod of my uncle’s meat and I was desperately curious to see how it felt to the touch. Unsurprisingly, it didn’t disappoint; grunts and gasps escaped my lips as I brought myself to the best climax of my entire life.

Still riding off the high from that orgasm, I had my first encounter with Joel later that morning as he descended the stairs for breakfast, eyes puffy and cheeks stained with tears. He had taken the news much worse than I had, it seemed, although I could hardly blame him. The envy burned in his eyes as he saw me lounging at the table, legs spread wide and smug smirk settled on my lips. Seeing him in my body looking so pathetic only made me pity him, although I was hardly going to share that information. Instead I would just relish in his defeat: how far the mighty had fallen!

In the days and weeks that followed Joel begged for his body back continually but his wife wouldn’t relent and I certainly made no suggestion that I was going to help return us to our original bodies. Indeed seeing how furious he got when I left the house for long periods of time in his body and came back late at night smelling like booze and with ravished lips only made me thankful for everything that had transpired between us. In those first few weeks I had taken great pleasure in exploring every inch of his muscular body and I wasn’t alone in that either. It didn’t take long to determine that not only was Garrett, my aunt’s cute assistant, totally hot for this body but I was even able to catch the attention of my hunky Chemistry teacher and the closeted father of one of my old bullies.

“At least tell me you’re the one topping those faggots,” my uncle pleaded one night after I turned home from having my hole used like a cheap slut by the man who had referred to me as the brightest kid in his class. “You can’t be using my body to bottom for them. Please, you can’t!” Like all of his other begging and whining it was only met by my laughter. It didn’t matter if their cocks were in my mouth or my ass, I loved being submissive and doing it in the body of my arrogant alpha uncle made each and every time so much sweeter, even if I’d had to adjust to feeling sore the next day.

Finally the week of my high school graduation rolled around and I accompanied my aunt and uncle to the local formalwear store to get fitted for a new suit that would no doubt look absolutely killer on my uncle’s fantastic body. In between trying on suits I snapped a couple of selfies that perfectly showed off my thick bulge in my favourite lion boxer briefs and of course all of the glorious muscles I had gotten used to. Being so big and strong and yet still taking cock from any man willing was a thrill like no other I had experienced in my life, nor did I think I would ever experience again. Sending the selfie to numerous men I knew would be at the graduation ceremony, I promised them all a good time at our own private after party and felt my cock start to harden as I received a number of excited replies soon after.

It was right after Joel had collected his - really, my - high school diploma that his wife and I decided to share our news: we wouldn’t be swapping back and had decided to get a divorce so that I could live comfortably in my new life as Joel while he went off to college as Ian, a scrawny kid who supposedly had a future in robotics, not that my uncle had any of my knowledge to actually make anything of that. He was being set up to fail by the both of us but it felt perfectly fair all things considered. Watching him throw a tantrum and scream nonsense about wanting his body back right as all of the other families were leaving the graduation ceremony was nothing short of hilarious but the promiscuous messages on my phone promised it would only end up being the second best moment of my day. 



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