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Ugh, this was all such a bad idea, Lewis thought to himself, doing his very best to keep his attention on the page. He’d never been very good at reading, it had never simply gripped him the way others seemed to. If it hadn’t been for college requirements he would have been in Professor Johnson’s Modern Literature class to begin with, but it was compulsory for all students to take at least one English class. Stupid goddamn rules. They’d really screwed him over with that one.

The only saving grace of the Modern Literature class had been Professor Johnson himself. He wasn’t old and stuffy like Lewis had been expecting; instead he had been greeted by a well-built man with a thick beard and gorgeous hazel eyes behind a pair of stylish glasses. Although his class would ultimately cause Lewis nightmares, the older man was undeniably a total dream. In fact the professor had starred in a number of Lewis’ dreams since that first class, all of them erotic in nature and prompting him to wake up tenting his sheets. He could only thank the heavens that he had a single dorm so there was no roommate to judge him for how often he beat his meat.

Even though he’d carved a decent life for himself at college (his test scores in Modern Literature aside), Lewis was eager to try out his special ability. He’d discovered it when he was fourteen and had treasured it ever since: the ability to possess another living being. He was able to walk around in their skin for a whole month, during which nobody seemed to notice his disappearance, but he couldn’t cut his time short nor was he capable of possessing another being for six or so months. He didn’t quite have the timing down perfect but it had been almost ten months since his last ‘vacation’ and he was feeling that itch again.

At first, taking control of his hunky professor seemed like a perfect idea. He’d taken great pleasure in watching the muscle-bound man damn near bust out of every single shirt he owned as he patrolled the front of the lecture theatre during each class and the temptation to get his hands on all of the thick meat that Professor Johnson was packing was simply too much to resist. Lewis’ ability was triggered by skin-to-skin contact but that wasn’t difficult to achieve either as his recent low grades had caught the professor’s eye and he had been instructed to wait behind at the end of the class to speak to the older man.

All it took was for a fleeting graze of their hands and Lewis was able to push his consciousness forward, surging through that brief moment of contact to allow passage into the larger man’s body. Professor Johnson’s frame shuddered at the sudden presence of a second entity inside of it and as Lewis assumed control he felt a familiar tingle of excitement ripple through his muscles and right down to his cock, which soon began to stiffen. He couldn’t help but reach down and grope himself through the fabric of his tight pants, confirming his suspicion that his favourite professor was well equipped in the downstairs department. Indeed it wasn’t long until he was locking himself inside Professor Johnson’s office, undoing his zipper and freeing the thick cock from its fabric cage. Ten minutes of experimental teasing strokes later and he was overwhelmed by climax, shooting his load right over the pale blue shirt that was held obscenely tight across his pecs.

By the next morning though, Lewis realized he had made a grave mistake. If he was going to live a whole month as his professor - Jayden Johnson, the driver’s license in his wallet had confirmed - then he’d have to teach all of the man’s lectures, most of which were about books he had never even heard of, let alone read. Thankfully Jayden had been organized enough to prepare all of his lessons a month in advance and had copious notes stored but Lewis struggled to understand them without knowledge of the texts that he was supposed to be teaching. 

That had led him to his current situation: laid out on the sofa of the professor’s apartment, his muscular body covered only by a pair of boxers, and a book in his hand that was threatening to drive him crazy. Why do people do this for fun? Lewis could only sigh and hope that the next month hurried up. The body was nice and all, and he certainly enjoyed the attention he’d received when he took Jayden’s body to the local gay nightclub, but teaching his lectures was way too much work for the lazy college student. He couldn’t wait to be back in his own dorm! At the very least though, should all go well over the next month as Professor Johnson, he had a feeling that he wouldn’t be flunking Modern Literature when that time came! 



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