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Every time Jeff was in the gym I couldn’t help but watch him. He had a great body: broad shoulders, bulging biceps and carefully sculpted calves. More than anything though it was always his ass that my eyes found themselves stuck on most commonly. Every time he performed squats or deadlifts it was damn near torture for me, just wishing he was pushing that delicious ass right back on my cock. Alas, not only was Jeff massively out of my league, he was also totally straight and frequently had his girlfriend at the gym with him. Every time she wrapped herself around him I burned with envy, wishing it was me in her place. I bet she doesn’t appreciate that ass like such a fine piece of art deserves, I thought bitterly.

My helpless crush on Jeff wasn’t a secret to my friends but I was surprised when Marty, an acquaintance I’d made at the gym just a few weeks earlier, brought it up in conversation: “You stare for any longer and you’ll end up drooling.” My cheeks flushed pink as I realized that I’d been caught ogling my gym crush by someone who I’d never even revealed my sexuality to before. Even as the fear that I would soon be met with a homophobic remark sunk into my twisting gut, Marty placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. “Hey, don’t worry. I might not swing that way but I can respect a fine ass when I see one and Jeff’s got it rocking. You’ve got good taste, man!”

“I didn’t mean to stare,” I mumbled in response, even though it was a total lie and the amused look Marty gave me made it clear that he knew it too. “It’s… yeah. Let’s just ignore that ever happened, please?” My ears burned with embarrassment as I forcibly turned away and scouted out a heavier pair of dumbbells for my next set of curls.

“What if I said I could get you better acquainted with his ass?” Marty asked in a quiet voice after a moment. The words came as such a surprise that one of the dumbbells slipped out of my grasp and bounced off of the floor, earning me a glare from one of the gym staff. Marty chuckled as I turned to level my own glare at him, although there was no doubt it was less threatening than the one I had received. “Give me your honest answer, dude,” he urged, seemingly serious, “If you could be all over that ass right now, would you want it?”

I pretended to think about it for a moment in an attempt to save face because my mind had been made up the moment he’d asked the question. “Yes,” I breathed heavily, attempting to hide at least some of desperation in my voice. My eyes were once again fixed on the round globes of Jeff’s ass and I was so completely captivated that I didn’t notice Marty’s hand raise until he clicked his fingers right beside my left ear.

The world turned upside down in that exact moment. My vision was totally robbed from me, as was the ability to speak. All I could do was listen and feel - the latter in particular being heightened to an insane degree. I was stretched around something, pushed out to my very limits by two spherical objects on one side and what could only compared to a snake and a pair of tennis balls on the other. My brain was momentarily overwhelmed by pleasure, so much so that it was minutes before I began to understand what had happened to me.

Marty’s words echoed in my mind once more: “If you could be all over that ass right now, would you want it?” I had interpreted it as getting my hands on Jeff’s ass, spreading his cheeks and toying with his virgin hole. Instead I was quite literally all over his ass as the pair of shorts that had been hanging on for dear life throughout his intense workout session. I had admired how well they hugged the curve of his ass and showed how much he was packing in the front - and now I was that very fabric garment! I felt like I was about to burst at any moment, especially as he progressed through the movements of his deadlifts, putting extra tension on the seams of my new material body.

Once the set was complete the intense pleasure that had thundered through my body with every little movement quelled slightly, allowing me a moment of rational thought. I can’t get stuck like this! I wanted to tell Marty that while he’d made a good joke out of my agreement, this wasn’t what I’d meant at all - but without the power of speech I had no possible way of doing such. I was totally helpless!

The thought that I might be stuck as a pair of Jeff’s workout shorts for good was terrifying, although even that fear soon began to die out as I felt his girlfriend’s delicate hands beginning to rub his hardening length through me and his thick cock stiffen in response. Pleasure once again began to ripple through me, the sensations sending my thoughts into a frenzy. Suddenly it was no longer just his sweat that I wanted to absorb but also the sweet taste of his pre-cum as his girlfriend continued to excite him. Perhaps there was some fun to be had in my new form after all...



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