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Aron was the sensitive sort, although he'd never let it show. Playing college football with like-minded guys had been the time of his life and with graduation around the corner and many of the guys going off to play for major teams it seemed unlikely that they would ever properly get to hang out in the same way again. For years they had all been like brothers, picking up chicks together and throwing the best parties in town but by the end of the school year that would be all over.

Knowing that a career in professional football was well beyond him, he couldn't help but feel anxious for what his own future would hold. He confessed as much to his therapist and was bewildered when the man announced after a pause that he knew of a way that Aron could continue his strong friendship with his college bros. He seemed hesitant to mention it at first and even warned Aron that it would come at a price but the young jock was certain. With so much of his future unclear he just wanted one thing to remain stable and that was his friendships.

Accepting the drink that was offered to him, Aron marvelled at the bright pink liquid and took a testing sip. Delighted with the taste, he soon downed the rest of the glass and savoured the sweet taste as it rushed through him. It was as if a fog had been lifted him his mind - certainly his anxiety about the future was lessened, and he felt strangely aroused in the presence of his therapist. How had he never noticed just how handsome the older man was, with his silver hair and bright green eyes? Everything about him just screamed daddy!

It took a little convincing but within a week every single one of Aron's teammates had paid his therapist a visit under the guise of mentally preparing for the future and each had willingly accepted the drink that would reshape each of their futures. Once he was through with them there wasn't a single football star among them. Sure, they all had incredibly fit bodies but that was only for the purpose of attracting other men. Some had aspirations of modelling while others only bothered with school so they could become personal trainers and spend more time getting up close and personal with the muscular bodies of film stars and athletes. Then there were others - like Aron - who wanted to find a nice older man who would spoil them with gifts and still let them play around on the side. After all, they were all good friends and didn't see any harm in having a little fun amongst themselves! Aron didn't even need to look that far as his (now former) therapist made it clear that he'd always be welcome to make home visits.

The bonds they'd made in college were never going to be broken thanks to Aron. He had made sure that they were going to be bros for life and he couldn't feel any more optimistic about the future!



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