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My big brother and I have never really been friends but I didn't want to hurt him when I invaded his body and placed myself in the driver's seat. 

All I wanted was his perfect life with his hot body and the attention of all the girls I had ever wanted. He'd never been the kindest brother - pushing me around and blaming me for things around the house that he had broken - but I wasn't a monster so instead of letting his consciousness fade into nothingness once I had possessed him I placed it in the body of Ruff, the adorable pet dog that he had adopted once he'd moved out of our parents' home after graduation. At least that way I'd be able to keep him around if I decided to restore him to his body and return to my own. Truthfully I was doubtful that would happen - my parents had all but given up on me long before I decided to "run away" and I wasn't stupid enough to think that my own life could ever have been more successful than my brother's. He'd been blessed with all the good genes in the family and had worn over everyone he'd ever meet through sheer charm. He was going places and I wanted in on that. No, I wanted it for myself. That's why I chose to do what I did.

Besides, it's not as if my brother hates the position I've put him in. It wasn't long before his new canine instincts took dominance over his human brain and left him perceiving himself as the very dog he adopted. All he wants to do these days is eat, sleep or play with his toys, something I'm more than happy to do with him. We've been having some great walks down at the park and trust me, chicks love a guy who's good with dogs. Let's just say he's been getting treats for every date I score and I'm definitely going to need another bag of treats soon! I never would have thought that my brother and I could get along so well but I suppose I should have known better. After all, a good dog like him is always man's best friend, right?



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