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When my girlfriend of three years left me for some gym-loving meathead I was both heartbroken and furious. I had never understood the appeal of guys with more muscles than brains and had always thought my girlfriend to be better than that. I was hardly a desirable physical specimen at five-foot-seven and barely one-hundred and fifty pounds, but what made me special was my brain. It had helped me get ahead in life and earn a paycheck that allowed me to spoil my significant other. Apparently that just wasn’t enough to keep her around. No, she’d rather run off to guys like Blake with his big arms and empty brain. Women really are insane.

Feeling rotten after being betrayed by somebody who I thought I knew, I turned to my biggest vice: drinking. It had been a long time since I had last been in a bar at two in the morning pouring my heart out to a stranger but when they kept supplying me with whiskey after whiskey who was I to hold back? The kicker was when the kindly stranger asked if I’d ever considered what life was really like those “meathead losers” I detested so much. I scoffed and laughed at the ridiculous notion - and promptly passed out right then and there in the bar!

The last thing I had expected - or wanted - was to wake up the next morning in the body of my romantic rival. Seeing Blake’s bright blue eyes looking back at me instead of my own hazel irises was startling, but moving around with all of his added mass was a serious learning curve. My centre of balance was completely off and I felt almost dizzy as my mind attempted to settle into a body that wasn’t its own. Before I could truly begin to panic though, hands moved around my waist and I realized that they belonged to the woman who had left me only days before, after having an affair behind my back. I wanted to reveal the truth to her and tear into her for the misery that she had caused me but instead I found my body reacting in arousal and the next thing I knew we were on the bed and I was clambering on top of her, using my superior strength to pin her down.

Six hours later and I could barely think straight - my head was all over the place! I couldn't help but wonder if Blake had woken in my body, or if my body was running on autopilot somewhere. None of it made any sense but there was such a fog over my thoughts that I couldn't even begin to sort it out. I was so out of sorts that I had to take myself out for a walk and my feet all but carried me right to the gym like it had been were I was always planning to go. Somehow I knew that had been true, even if it didn't quite make sense to me.

Upon entering I was stunned to find that not only was I welcomed by men who would have once towered over me but I also appreciated their encouragement and praise about how big I looked. I should have been disgusted at the displays of stereotypical ‘macho’ masculinity but instead I completely indulged in it, picking up a pair of heavy dumbbells in order to curl them and show off the peaks of my biceps. Blake’s body was nothing to take lightly, he had trained it to perfection and the longer I was in it, the more I wanted to ensure that it continued to look as good as it possibly could.

Looking deep into my reflection’s eyes as I returned the dumbbells to the weight rack I attempted to remind myself of who I truly was. I wasn’t Blake, my name was… wait, what is it? How the fuck have I forgotten my own name? That’s bullshit! No, that wasn’t like me. I didn’t curse! It was becoming increasingly and alarmingly clearer that the longer I spent in Blake’s body the more I began to act and think like him. I didn’t want that at all and yet I couldn’t help it! It just felt so right to pick up another pair of dumbbells, this time to show off my triceps with a few extensions, like that was something I did on a daily basis. 

I told myself as calmly as I could manage that panicking about my current situation could wait - the workout always came first, any self-respecting man knew that!

A/N: It's up to you guys to decide if our protagonist has simply possessed Blake's body or actually switched with him so I'm going to tag it as both!



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