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This is the much-requested sequel to "Intercepted Order", a story I posted in June of this year.

 My face twisted with a gleeful smile as my flatmate began to regain consciousness beside me. “Hey there, buddy. Nice of you to finally wake up!” I exclaimed, genuinely meaning it for once. I could see the fear flash in his eyes - it was something I had waited a long time to see. “Yeah, yeah, you’re panicking because your own body’s talking to you right now. Just calm down and I’ll explain what’s going on, alright?”

This all started when Luke stole away my chance at getting the upper hand in our turbulent co-existence. Getting revenge on him had been my number one priority since that day and it was all finally coming to fruition. “In case you haven’t figured it out yet, let me spell this out for you: I switched our bodies,” I announced proudly. “I’m now Luke Mason and you… well, you’re adorable little Jacob Wellington!” 

Truthfully I hadn’t expected my revenge to come so swiftly. It had only been two months since Lue had stolen my order of Alpha Elixir and used it to turn himself from a hairless, lanky young man into an undeniable specimen of masculine beauty. Since then he had not only continued to terrorize me in our apartment as I had expected, making me clean up all of his mess and massage him after his long gym sessions, but he had also began to make strides towards becoming a well-recognized model with a few underwear companies already lining him up for photoshoots. His star was on the rise while I remained down in the dumps and the only place I could turn to was the internet.

I had never expected that sharing my story would bring about such a groundswell of support. People seemed to genuinely care about my situation and soon donations came pouring in so that I could get the Alpha Elixir that I had saved a whole sixteen months for. There were some people that weren’t just interested in getting me the elixir though. Instead they believed that I needed to get some revenge on Luke and truthfully I was in agreement with them. The elixir would only ever make me his equal but I knew that I deserved better than that, especially considering everything he had ever done to me. It was through a suggestion from one of these individuals that I discovered the Switching Elixir and I knew immediately what I had to do.

Once I’d raised the money to order the elixir - I was certain that this time it really was a secret from my devilish flatmate as he’d finally bought himself a new top-of-the-range Macbook with the first of his modelling paydays, although I had the parcel delivered to my workplace just to be safe - I waited with anticipation, first for its arrival and then for the perfect opportunity to use it. Thankfully I wasn’t kept waiting for long in either case, as just a few days after the delivery Luke staggered into our apartment in the dead of night, drunk off his face and loudly gloating about the fact that he’d had his way with no less than three “pathetic, desperate cocksuckers”. I could only feel shame that people were willing to look past his disgusting personality just because he was physically attractive, even to the degree that he was.

Once he had passed out on the sofa, I’d poured a teaspoon of the elixir into his open mouth and then drank the rest of the tiny bottle myself. Warmth began to bubble through me as my body began to change for the better: my thin muscles expanding with sudden strength, the quads doubling and biceps tripling in size, the shoulders broadening and pecs beginning to bounce as my torso expanded. I’d of course positioned myself in front of the mirror just so I could enjoy the show and got to appreciate first-hand the effects of Luke’s recent dietary changes as six cobblestone abs began to pop out one by one to form a perfect six-pack. Running my growing hands along my front, I could hardly believe that all those hard muscles were now mine to control and it was only getting better with each passing second.

I watched in interest as the tattoo Luke had began to form on my own forearm, the ink fading in as if it had always been there. Soon after hair began sprouting from my pecs and thighs, my body hair fantasies coming true with every passing moment. I itched at my jaw as I felt thick stubble grow out along a square jawline while my face reshaped to take on Luke’s beautiful features. It was bizarre to see my own facial features vanish before my very eyes but once they were replaced by Luke’s and I had settled into his cocky smirk I knew it was for the best. With Luke’s face and body I would get the opportunities he had robbed from me - opportunities I had always deserved!

It was really no surprise that the whole process caused me to get hard and feeling the shaft get longer and fatter as I stroked it sent me tumbling over the edge in record time, coating the mirror with my seed in an orgasmic rush. I had been so wrapped up in my own transformation that I completely missed Luke’s own and when I turned back to the sofa I saw my own body there, snoozing away and all but swimming in clothes that were clearly too big for the slender frame he now possessed. I’d wanted to wake him up then and there just to gloat but chose to wait, knowing that the moment would be sweeter if it came about naturally. I helped myself to some of his boxers and relaxed back onto the sofa to play with my new self until I finally saw him rousing and was able to give him the shock of his life.

“Jacob, please--” he started, his voice little more than a terrified squeak as tears began to well up in his eyes. The display of vulnerability was so unlike Luke who had always acted like he was in charge of every situation and seeing him brought down to such a level was invigorating.

“Uh, uh!” I interrupted, “It’s Luke from now on.” I took great pleasure in echoing the very words he had said to me just two months ago, relishing each and every word as it left my lips with my new gravelly voice. “And before you say anything else, be a darling and go fetch me a beer from the fridge. Then I think I could do with a foot massage.”

It was clear from the terrified look on his face that the man who had made my life a living hell for the past few years was well and truly gone. Lucas had never had the brains to achieve anything for himself so he stole and abused anything he could get his hands on in order to get ahead. It’s what he had done to me, to his family before, and to everyone who had the misfortune to come across him. I didn’t see evil in his eyes anymore, instead I saw him for what he truly was: a sad, pathetic man. Unfortunately for him, I was way past the point of pity. He’d gone too far for that.

As he struggled to deal with the sudden change in our home dynamic, I reached down to grab at my crotch and highlight everything that I had taken from him. He’d been so proud of this cock but now it was all mine to enjoy, just as it should have been all along. I could see him eyeing it up too but there was no way I was giving him that satisfaction anytime soon. He’d had to work for it! “Well? What are you waiting for?” I challenged angrily, knowing that once Lucas - no, Jacob - had delivered my beer and had begun working on my feet I was going to have some “thank you” messages to send out to the folks that had helped make my revenge a reality! 



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