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It had been Damien’s idea for them to attend couples counselling and at first Sara had been dubious about the idea. Sure, they’d had a lot of issues and arguments in recent months but what good would involving a shrink do? Eventually she relented enough to go for one trial session to see if they could make any progress. If not then it would be just another thing Damien had wasted his money on. It seemed like every day he was throwing dollars away on tubs of protein and new stringers or joggers - as if he didn’t have enough already! He acted without any responsibility when it came to money and that troubled Sara. How could she be expected to settle down and buy a house with him - marry him even - if he couldn’t keep control of his finances? 

Damien meanwhile had claimed that she was too controlling, something Sara absolutely disagreed with. While she would admit that she made a lot of their plans together, without those plans they would likely never do anything - Damien was notoriously lazy when it came to socializing and didn’t seem to recognise that he was dating a girl who loved to be surrounded by people and in the middle of conversation. He would sulk like a baby during the drive to and from social gatherings and be deliberately stand-offish with her friends when it wasn’t at all necessary. Simply put, Sara thought her boyfriend could be a bit of a selfish jerk.

The session itself was a tense experience. Each got a chance to speak about what was bothering them and though at first it almost spiralled into another shouting match, the counsellor silenced the interruptor with the mere lift of a hand. Mr Harper was a strange man in that Sara never would have expected him to be a couples therapist. His bright blue plaid shirt, beige slacks and sandy hair and beard gave him a casual appearance, almost more befitting of a farmer than somebody with a degree in psychology. When he spoke though, both Sara and Damien felt compelled to listen. When he asked them to tell the truth, they did. When he told them that he could fix their relationship, they believed him. When he said that the only way for them to do that was to walk a mile in each other’s shoes, they agreed.

Leaving the office in her boyfriend’s taller and bulkier body, Sara felt surprisingly sure that Mr Harper would be able to help them resolve their issues. She even shared as much with Damien as they drove home - one of the first times in a long time that a drive hadn’t ended with the two of them screaming at each other. Neither of them seemed too troubled about the oddity of the solution that had been put before them, indeed Sara almost relished the opportunity to see through her boyfriend’s eyes for a time. What better way was there to help them understand where the other was coming from? The fact that such an exchange shouldn’t have been logically possible didn’t even occur to either of them.

Throughout the week that followed before their next scheduled appointment, the atmosphere between them calmed out considerably. Sara was surprised to find just how much she enjoyed lifting heavy weights at the gym in Damien’s body and even appreciated the hungry looks from the girls there - not that she would ever dare to be unfaithful. That wasn’t her style, nor was it Damien’s. Considering how easily the big muscular body she now possessed worked up a sweat she was even starting to understand why Damien had so many workout tops, although she had managed to get him to agree that he didn’t always need to buy all of the latest releases from his favorite brands.

Their newfound goodwill towards each other continued throughout the week and Sara similarly was able to accept that she had been too controlling in their relationship and needed to relax the reins a little. Not once did either of them raise their voice or even do so much as express displeasure towards the other. In fact they were closer than ever and the sex that had often been quick, rough and aggressive was now slow and loving. Sara had been surprised by just how much she loved assuming the man’s role beneath the shirts and Damien definitely hadn’t complained considering they had been fucking like bunnies ever since that first time the day after their initial swap.

In the background though there was another piece of magic at work, one that both Sara and Damien had failed to notice. As they went about living their partner’s daily lifestyles they began to gain their respective partner’s memories and even their thinking patterns. Most interestingly though, the morning of their second meeting with Mr Harper they had both completely forgotten about the swap in the first place and merely believed that the man had given them some solid advice that had put their relationship on the road to recovery.

The second meeting went by much more easily, with both Damien and Sara taking turns expressing the little things that their partner had done throughout the week which they had appreciated. Neither had a bad word to say about the other and there was no interrupting like the week previously. Indeed the two couldn’t wait to get home and undress each other again to celebrate their short but successful counselling experience. Maybe the handsome Mr Harper would even be open to joining them in celebration...



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