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This could be a sequel of sorts to "Squadding Up", given my buddy Jacob is still ruling the gym as alpha male Preston.

It was fascinating watching my buddy Jacob parade around the gym like he owned it, wearing Preston’s muscular body like it had been made for him and even adopting the younger man’s arrogant streak with almost frightening ease. It wasn’t uncommon to see him persuading lesser men to get off the equipment he wanted to use and those that dared challenge his authority were quickly met by rough hands dragging them away and maybe even leaving them with a developing bruise. The cocky alpha personality was nothing short of gorgeous to behold and as such I hadn’t even minded when he started to get bossy and even downright rude during a group workout. He’d even refused to join me in the shower, citing that he wasn't really into “that faggy bullshit”. If I hadn’t continued to feel Jacob’s essence within Preston’s body then I would have thought that my friend had left that body entirely.

Jacob was getting so absorbed in his new role as Preston that he had even started shirking hangout times with Will, Colin, Bryce and I in favor of the gym jocks that Preston had been close to. One in particular seemed to qualify as his best friend and it was easy to see why - six-foot-three with a bronze tan and large muscles, the dude was a textbook hunk. If he had wanted too then there was a good chance that Lex could challenge Preston’s position as the alpha of the gym but he was too laidback for that. It wasn’t as if he struggled for attention - there were girls hanging off of him at every moment and he was well aware of the envious looks he got from other guys in the gym. Everybody wanted to be Preston’s best friend and only one man got to be - well, at least until I got involved.

Opting to slip out of Adam’s body for a short break - returning would be easy, my former hosts were always so willing to accept me back inside - I waited until Jacob had been distracted by some big-tit bimbo to make my move on Lex. He was busy logging his latest lift stats in his phone when I moved in close and pushed myself against the broad muscles of his back. He tensed up and I was met by a brief flare of resistance before easily battering it down and taking control. By the time Jacob had made his promise to meet the buxom babe in the showers later on I had assumed control of Lex and my friend was none the wiser.

Working out with him as Lex was a whole different experience than it was being Adam. There weren’t any patronising remarks about how much stronger than me he was, nor did he look at me as if I was about to jump his bones at any moment. He was far more relaxed, knowing that his bro Lex would never try to grab his ass or kiss him on the lips, and there was something about playing the role of a red blooded straight male that was turning me on. I had to admit that every time Jacob pointed out a gorgeous girl with a nice rack I was quick to agree. I’d never had a problem hooking up with girls before but there was something different about that desire from inside Lex’s body and Jacob’s encouragement only made me want it even more.

It wasn’t just the heightened attraction to women that I had to get used to. Lex’s body could lift, curl and squat a whole lot more than Adam’s could and the obsessive need to pose in front of the mirrors to show off all my new muscle mass was incredibly strong. Jacob and I even had a pose off, one that I allowed him to win. It was better than upsetting his fragile ego, after all, and the show had garnered us both quite a lot of attention from chicks and dicks alike. I looked right past the homos in favor of the babes and decided that I’d be joining my bro in the shower, only this time our hands would only be for the lucky girls we picked out and as far away from each other as could be!



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