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These are some pretty great arms, aren't they? I'm not even flexing - just wait until you see these biceps pop! Of course, I have to confess that these arms aren't mine... or at least they weren't until last night. I've been on something of a run when it comes to claiming the best body parts I see from the guys around me and these arms were calling to me! The fact that they were attached to some douchebag who kept trying to hit on my best friend even when she told him to fuck off only made things better. He was too drunk to notice at the time what I had done but I'm pretty sure that even with a killer hangover he'll be able to notice that his arms are closer to pathetic little twigs than his usual tree trunks now!

It's all thanks to the BetterUrself app that I downloaded a few weeks ago that I've been able to turn my life around to such an extent by literally and physically making myself the best person I can be. Of course, bettering myself came at the expense of leaving somebody else worse off with my less impressive body parts but I was okay with that when I was only taking from the guys who most deserved it. Obnoxious party boys and egocentric business majors, the likes who made the college campus such a hazardous site at times. Just a few weeks back I had been at their mercy, so easily pushed around, but now nobody dares mess with me at all!

Perhaps the best thing about the app though is that aside from myself and the person I exchanged parts with, nobody else notices a difference. To them I've always been this six-foot-five handsome devil with great facial hair, powerful legs and enviable arms. That's not even getting started on my mighty pecs and well-defined abs, all of which were courtesy of some drunk fraternity boys I saw harassing some girls who clearly weren't interested. Knowing that I was turning the tables on guys who didn't deserve their good looks made me feel pretty good about what I was doing. Of course, every now and then I'd come across a relatively nice guy who just happened to have gorgeous eyes or an ass to die for and I'd feel that impure temptation rising up within me...

For now I've been good though and stuck to my self-imposed rules. I only intend on changing physically, not mentally, but lately there have been more invasive thoughts about fucking sorority chicks and getting my pump on in the gym - thoughts that definitely didn't originally belong to me. As much as I didn't want to admit it, it was very possible that the BetterUrself app had some unforeseen side effects!
