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Justin was damn well sick of being messed around by Henry and Jacob. They had started off as clients for his personal training business but he had soon realized that both men were more interested in ogling his muscular body and attempting to flirt with him. As a committed straight man he wasn't too thrilled about it and had been intending to cancel both of their sessions with him when he had been placed under a suggestion spell which made him subservient to the other men. It was a humiliating lifestyle but without any access to magic himself there was little he could do other than serve.

All that seemed to change when Justin discovered that the Chronivac software had installed itself on his laptop. It was a surprise to be sure but he already knew what the Chronivac had the power to do and it was exactly what he needed to escape from his enslavement for good and get a little bit of much needed revenge on his tormentors. They'd have no idea what was coming for them! The possibilities were beginning to present themselves to Justin and his heart rate increased as he loaded up the programme and pulled up the profiles for the two men he'd been forced to continue training despite how handsy they got with him in the gym, acting like he was some piece of meat existing purely for their entertainment.

Scouring through all of the options available to him, Justin took a moment to consider what would be most damaging for Henry and Jacob. Seeing as their interest in him seemed to be around his body and they were using him to train their own bodies, ruining all of the progress they had made in their time with him certainly seemed like the best route to take. All it took was shifting along a slider and he'd be able to take away their lean bodies and add some extra fat to their frames. He chuckled to himself, imagining how shocked they would be to find themselves growing uncontrollably bigger. They probably wouldn't be expecting karma to bite them in the ass quite so hard but boy would it be sweet!

The Chronivac allowed Justin to make more than just physical changes though and he took great pleasure in gifting both men with more submissive personalities. There would be no more controlling him in their futures once he was done with them. Hell, they'd probably be grovelling for his help to try and get their bodies back in shape and he'd feel terrific turning them away and going back to his beautiful girlfriend. He hadn't seen her in weeks - they liked to keep him away from her as just another part of their twisted game, putting serious strain on his relationship as a result. He only hoped he could recover it when he finally broke free of them.

Content that he had made enough suitable changes, Justin hit the 'save' option on both of their profiles and leaned back in his chair to savour the sweet taste of victory. The moment was short-lived though as his stomach soon began to growl and he looked down to discover his clear-cut abs vanishing behind an expanding wall of flab, all while his arms and legs lost their definition in favor of thick flab. Justin wasn't stupid, he knew what was happening - the changes he'd put into the Chronivac were happening to him instead of his intended targets! As he desperately attempted to load up his profile though, the whole software crashed and his laptop then followed suit, leaving him with a blank screen that reflected enough to show his strong jawline being diluted by a double, no triple, chin!

As the rolls of fat began to mount up around his midsection, Justin realized the worst was yet to come. He would not only experience the full weight gain intended for two people but he'd also become twice as submissive! Suddenly the Chronivac's appearance on his laptop made a lot more sense. It had been just another game courtesy of his tormentors and their twisted senses of humor. Once again his attempt at revenge had been foiled!



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