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This story is somewhat hilariously based on an event that happened to me a few weeks ago - only I wish it had ended in such a beneficial manner for myself! 

Henry had decided to head into work at the weekend to try and get ahead of his ever-growing workload rather than simply sitting back and playing video games like he had originally planned. The situation quickly turned into a nightmare though as he discovered that the building had been fully alarmed on Friday night and he managed to set them all off with his attempted entry. 

His attempts to shut off the alarms were quickly put to rest and he was forced to wait outside the building as his boss arrived looking thoroughly unhappy with him. He was immediately scolded for not informing the higher-ups of his weekend work intentions and left feeling thoroughly embarrassed, especially as it was only his third week on the job and now his new boss already had a reason to dislike him, as good as his intentions had originally been!

Suitably mortified with the situation and the mocking from his coworkers that was sure to follow on Monday morning when word got out what had happened, Henry shut his eyes tight and wished desperately for a quick escape. Whatever higher power there was out there saw fit to smile upon him during his moment of need though and Henry was caught off guard by the sudden heat on his face and the sensation of a delicate breeze against his chest.

With curiosity getting the better of him, Henry slowly forced his eyes open and stared up at the blue sky that had replaced the grey skies of moments before. This certainly wasn’t typical English autumnal weather, that was for sure, and a glance around at the palm trees standing tall around him and the crystal clear pool that his hairy legs were currently dipped into confirmed that he had most certainly escaped from the pit of shame he’d fallen into with his accidental workplace break-in.

Almost immediately the anxiety he had been experiencing faded away, replaced with a very welcome sense of serenity. There was no alarm at the unfamiliar surroundings, nor the body that was clearly not his own. Although he was used to being broad shouldered, he was now the other side of two-hundred pounds and there were more than just a few hairs on his chest. He couldn’t help but run a hand through them and grope his pecs in the process, taking pleasure in how good it felt to explore the body even for just a moment.

Slipping down until he was entirely submerged in the water, Henry thanked whoever was responsible for helping him escape from what had been an obvious prelude to an anxiety attack. Maybe his weekend wouldn’t be entirely lost after all - in fact it would probably be the most relaxing experience he’d had in a long while and he’d be feeling refreshed and ready to face all the jokes when he head into the office on Monday morning.

Of course, that was presuming that his escape would end Sunday evening and truthfully Henry was somewhat hopeful that it wouldn’t... 



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