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James’ friends hadn’t been best pleased when they discovered that he’d entered a contest to win a bottle of the infamous ‘BoosterPro’, a shake that rapidly increased the muscle of whoever had even a small drop. They were all of the opinion that muscles didn’t make the man - brains did. James agreed to an extent but he wasn’t about to act as if muscles were all for nothing either. He craved the attention that muscular men received and hated being routinely humiliated as the weakest member of his family. All of his cousins dwarfed him in size and it had given him something of a complex. ‘BoosterPro’ was a chance to remedy that.

Much to James’ surprise, he actually won the contest and soon received a single litre bottle of the shake in the mail. It was even strawberry-flavored, just how he liked his milkshakes! As far as he was concerned, that was just another sign that this was the right move for him.

Choosing to ignore the warnings from his friends, James assured them that they’d still be the best of buds even after his muscles had blown up with power and strength, and that he’d happily still be the rogue in their Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Unfortunately for James, the ‘BoosterPro’ shake had some side effects that he hadn’t quite prepared for. In order to boost the development of his muscles, the chemicals in the drink needed to take something away as well and they latched onto his brain, draining away his intelligence.

By the time James had finished the bottle, he found the idea of playing some board game with a group of nerds absolutely hysterical! Why would he waste his time pretending to be some fantasy creature when he could be down the gym pumping iron with his real bros? Staring in disgust at the bedroom around him and all of its nerdy decorations - the Star Wars action figures and anime posters - James, or Jimmy as he now preferred, knew that he’d have to make some serious changes.

Jimmy would go on to work with ‘BoosterPro’ as a social media influencer for their brand, preaching about how the shakes had changed his life for the better. He’d only had a handful of conversations with his former friends since that day and every one of them had ended with him cursing the dweebs out and even giving a few some rough wedgies which never failed to make him laugh. They weren’t real men, they were just boys who would never grow up, and he was happy that he’d gotten away from all that. Brains didn’t make the man after all - muscles did!


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