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School had only been back in session for a few days and I was already losing my mind from the stress. Teachers had recited the "this is the most important year of your life" speech more times than I could count on my two hands and my anxiety had already begun to spike as a result. To make things worse, the summer vacation hadn't exactly prompted any of my classmates to mature and the same old jokes were being thrown around, some even at my expense. I'd done my best since my freshman year to be invisible and stay out of the school's gossip circles but such a task was much easier said than done and every now and then I became the subject of rumors, many of which were unpleasant to say the least.

Struggling and failing to hide my boredom during a history class, I dropped my head to the desk and was immediately greeted by the roar of an engine. It was enough to startle me back upright, only I was no longer looking at Mr Owens, the overweight forty-something History teacher, at the front of the room. I wasn't even in a classroom anymore, instead I found myself in the driver's seat of a vehicle, totally alone in the middle of what appeared to be a wooded area and feeling utterly confused. 

I did my best to rationalize the situation, assuring myself that I had probably just fallen asleep in class and was dreaming. This didn't feel like any ordinary dream though - everything was far too vivid and I was too aware of myself and my body. I'd never been one for lucid dreaming either and my dreams could only be described as monotonous at best. This... well, this was certainly not an average dream to say the least. As my eyes caught sight of the vehicle's wing-mirror, I inhaled sharply and sprung out of the seat as quickly as I could. The face in the mirror hadn't been my own and I was suddenly desperate to know what was going on.

Staggering out of the truck and almost tripping over my own feet in the process, I re-positioned the mirror to get a better view and spent a few moments inspecting the face that stared back at me wearing a wide-eyed expression of confusion. It was a handsome face for sure, but most certainly not my own. Whoever this guy he was, he was older than me by a good ten years and had stubble lining his strong jawline and around his mouth. His classically handsome good looks had me feeling jealous until I realized that I was now in control of that face and the brilliant smile that grew as a result exposed his perfect white teeth.

"Holy shit," I muttered under my breath, the words coming out as a deep Southern rumble that sent shivers throughout my body and prompted an awakening in my pants. It was a mighty stretch from my own pathetic squeak, that was for sure, and hadn't been expected in the slightest. Still, no single part of this situation had been anticipated and yet I was relishing every moment. I had escaped the confines of the classroom in the most unconventional of manners but I wasn't about to think twice about it!

Of course, I had to wonder whose body I was now in - and was he in mine, suffering through Mr Owens' droning voice? Whoever he was, he probably wasn't enjoying being back in the body of a high school senior, trapped in a dull History class with no immediate escape. It was hard not to feel sorry for him but thankfully I had my new reflection to distract me from the sympathy before I could really get in my own head about it. Why would I waste a single moment of looking like this? This is the opportunity of a lifetime - skipping school like no other student can ever say they have!

Just last night my parents said that I was anything but rebellious. I don't think they'd believe me if I told them who I really was now and not only because of this body. Even in my mind and emotions I feel like a whole new man and I sure as hell don't want to go back!



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