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As a freshman in college dating a beautiful sorority sister, Justin knew that he had a lot to prove. Many people questioned what Jenny saw in him and truth be told, Justin wasn't totally sure either. He wasn't particularly tall or strong and he was only mildly intelligent, with a love of Dungeons & Dragons and anime not exactly helping his reputation much. Still, Jenny showered him with affection and kisses, seemingly finding his pastimes endearing rather than nerdy.

In an effort to impress her, Justin had joined the gym on campus and attempted to add a layer of muscle to his lean body. It was a slow process, especially as he felt the intimidation of training alongside well-muscled fraternity brothers who snickered at him whenever he struggled with a weight and whispered among themselves whenever he entered. Jenny was supportive of his efforts, even if Justin felt defeated every time he looked in the mirror and saw no improvements. He didn't want to get bigger for himself - he wanted to be bigger for Jenny so she could proudly show him off. Until then, he'd always feel a little anxious in social situations with her, especially when all of her sorority sisters were dating the same muscular fraternity bros from his gym.

Truthfully, Jenny had picked Justin out from the legions of young men who would have been lucky to have her for a specific reason. He came from a well-off family and wasn't afraid to shower her with gifts as if their relationship depended on it, ranging from flowers to expensive make-up that her own allowance couldn't afford. In return he got a few kisses and over-the-clothes stuff which seemed to satisfy him. Jenny simply wasn't sexually attracted to him though and was planning to leave him for one of the boys from the frat house nearby until one day her phone started downloading a brand new app without any prompting.

Opening up the app, Jenny stared at the brand name that flashed up immediately - Chronivac. She had no idea what it meant and was more than a little worried that it was installing a virus onto her phone but her curiosity got the better of her enough to let the app fully load. What she found made her jaw drop as the app had created profiles for every contact on her cell phone, including naked full-body pictures that she definitely didn't have. Clicking into Justin's profile, Jenny knew she had to investigate further.

The next screen presented Jenny with a larger full-body image of Justin as well number of sliders, each of them labelled. She glanced through the list of sliders, taking note of some of the names - body hair, muscularity, height. It was like a character customization screen from one of those nerdy roleplaying games she'd forced herself to watch Justin play one evening. What the hell is this app doing on my phone? Still, as confused as she was, Jenny figured there was no harm in at least playing around with it for a little while. 

Deciding that this would be the perfect opportunity to make Justin look a little more like her ideal guy, Jenny started to play around with some of the sliders and watched in amazement as the full-body image of Justin changed to reflect her alterations. His height took a much needed bump from 5'8 to 6'2 and a fair amount of dark stubble grew across a jawline that Jenny made stronger, giving it a more aesthetically pleasing square shape as opposed to his existing weak jawline.

Even just those minimal changes made Justin look a few years older and far more handsome but there was one big change Jenny wanted to make to her boyfriend and that was his muscularity. There was no getting around the fact that he was physically (and quite often mentally) weak, especially when compared to the other young men around campus. She wanted a guy who could not only protect her from leering eyes and unwanted attention but could also physically dominate her whenever she wanted - which, with a sex drive like hers that has been unsatisfied for months, was more often than not.

Content that she'd made enough changes, Jenny stopped to admire the full-body image of Justin complete with the alterations. As expected, she had all but created her dream guy - at least physically - from the canvas that was Justin's rather unimpressive body. She used her finger to turn the image around, admiring the curves of his perky ass and his strong muscles. Every part of him looked trained to perfection and it was enough to start making her fantasize about spending some quality time with this improved version of Justin.

Clicking through to the next screen, Jenny was then greeted by another page full of sliders, only these seemed to link to personality traits and memories as opposed to any physical changes. She could even change his sexuality if she wanted to, and thinking how hot it would be for this new and improved Justin to make out with some frat guys just to impress her, she decided to move the slider along slightly from 'completely straight' to 'bi-curious'.

A few more moves of the sliders pushed Justin from 'anxious' to bordering on 'arrogant' and 'mostly submissive' to 'mostly dominant'. Reaching the options for memory alterations, she chose to make Justin oblivious to the transformation and remember himself only as the stud she had made him. As she continued to play around with the app and its features, Jenny was in amazement. She was literally creating her dream guy, down to the smallest details! 

Upon reaching the end of the alterations, Jenny noticed a small button at the end simply marked 'Save Changes'. With little thought of how it might affect the outside world, she pressed the button with full intentions of getting herself off while imagining the new Justin having his way with her. 

She had no idea that across town a sleeping Justin began writhing around under his sheets as a transformation took hold, transforming him into the very man his girlfriend had just created using the Chronivac 6.0 app. His lean frame began to expand with rapidly growing muscle - shoulders broadening, pecs ballooning and abs popping out to form a six-pack. His biceps and triceps expanded to match his boulder-like shoulders, while his squat-enhanced ass pushed his back further off the bed. There was minimal body fat left on him, giving Justin a shredded look that only highlighted his strong muscles.

Unconsciously gripping at the sheets, Justin's hands began to grow in size and even developed callouses on his palms, reflecting his new memory of weightlifting regularly in the gym. At the same time his feet expanded to match the rest of his body, growing several sizes until there was no doubt that none of his sneakers would fit anymore. His socks would probably struggle to contain those colossal feet too, although that could be said for the vast majority of clothes in his wardrobe that were now far too small for his muscular body.

Upon rising the next morning, Justin pushed himself out of the bed that was much too small for him and sauntered down the hall to the communal washrooms. After sorting out his hair, he pulled out his phone and snapped a quick flexing selfie to send to his girlfriend. He had no doubt that Jenny would be wet at the sight of him and begging him to fuck her senseless. Before he'd do that though, he planned to get his morning workout at the gym in and stop off at the fraternity house to ask why the fuck they hadn't admitted him yet.

Of course, if it took embarrassing every single fraternity brother down at the campus gym then so be it. Justin was more than confident that he could outperform all of them and he was more than willing to prove it too!



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