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Max had heard all about the Desire Donuts Challenge from a number of his friends and he was intrigued to say the least. Sweet snacks that had the power to cause a transformation of your body and mind? That was pretty out of this world stuff and while the transformations only lasted for an hour at a time, Max was sure he could have plenty of fun on his rare day off from work with a whole box of them!

The box of donuts was delivered by a cute blonde girl with pink cheeks and a nice pair of tits that the young stud couldn't help but admire for a few moments. He was pretty sure she was admiring his abs too but who could blame her with they looked so good? It took work getting his body to this level of perfection but Max had always been a big believer in cheat meals and a donut or two couldn't hurt too much!

Tipping her a few extra bucks for delivering to his apartment on the sixth floor, he accepted the box and watched her ass shake as she walked back towards the elevator. Ever since his last girlfriend had broken up with him the month previous, Max had endured terribly luck with girls and it was only getting him more and more horned up with every passing day. Getting himself off wouldn't help forever.

Setting the box down on the kitchen counter, Max grabbed his cutlery and pulled a stool up. There were plenty of options on offer - some glazed, some with sprinkles and others with flavored icing. Each one would trigger a different transformation and all Max had to do was decide precisely which one he wanted to indulge in first. To do so, he thought back to each account given to him by his friends about their own experiences undertaking the challenge...

Jonah had said that he'd picked out a simple ring donut with milk chocolate icing across the top. He'd immediately felt a swelling in his gut and his shirt began to rise as his stomach took on a more bloated appearance and his trim waistline expanded. The once tight skin under his jawline expanded into a roll of fat, giving him a second chin all while his cheeks puffed out. Every muscle on his body, be it his legs or arms, lost all definition and became coated in a layer of fat that left him twice the size and unable to fit into any of his clothes. Out of all of Max's friends, Jonah was the most obsessed with himself and spent more time in front of a mirror than away from it. He'd been embarrassed by the transformation and had only confessed after a few drinks, although he had taken a few selfies in his overweight body that you'd been able to find on his cell phone. Needless to say, you had sent them to your own cell to use for your own purposes in the future!

Paul's choice was a glazed donut with jam filling that caused a stir inside him from the very first bite. Despite the strange sensation he couldn't help but wolf the treat down, even licking the last drops of jam from his lips as he felt the transformation begin to take affect. His already-lean body slimmed out further, his waist dropping several sizes while his upper torso began to alter in more dramatic fashion as breasts began to form. His slender hands found their way their in no time, playing with his new tits as they expanded and provoking feminine moans from his plump lips as pleasure overtook him. The biggest change occurred in his crotch as his above-average cock was replaced by a pussy that was already wet with desire. Paul found himself with the uncontrollable to get fucked and had ended up seducing his own sister's boyfriend just to feel what it was like to have sex from a female perspective. He'd even bragged about it over drinks later, seemingly unashamed of his actions while under his feminine guise.

Kieran had selected a donut with rainbow sprinkles and had blushed when he confessed that he hadn't thought about the obvious transformation that awaited him. He felt the transformation in his ass first as it expanded, causing him to bust out of his pants and leaving him exposed in a pair of briefs that left very little to the imagination. The rest of his body became more slender and he lost several inches in height, dropping below the six-foot level. Every single one of Max's friendship group would dwarf over Kieran in his transformed state and Jonah had even been with him at the time, witnessing Kieran's transformation from an average straight guy to a gay himbo twink with a desperate need to get his lips around somebody's cock. Jonah had tried telling Max that nothing had happened between them but Kieran had never been a very good secret keeper and getting the dirty details out of him hadn't taken long.

Danny, one of the interns in Max's office, was the most recent associate to undertake the Desire Donut Challenge and he had kept his choice of donut a secret. What he didn't keep to himself though were the pictures he had taken while under the effects of the transformation and had proudly showed off numerous selfies with him sporting a muscular body - broad shoulders, big biceps and cobblestone abs. He'd even saved a few flexing videos which had more than a few of the girls in the office gossiping, especially as his experience with the donut had convinced Danny to start hitting the gym more in the hope of putting on some muscle to match the stud he had been during his transformation.

Reflecting on each of the stories, Max stared down at the open box and the variety of donuts available to him. Ordering a whole box had been expensive - a hundred dollars for a box of twelve, while each of his friends had paid fifteen donuts for a single donut - but it would give him twelve whole hours of entertainment and he already had a camera set up to record every moment so he could re-live the experience as often as he wanted! There was only one thing he still needed to do and that was answer a simple question:

Which donut should he indulge in first?



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