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You were more than happy to admit that the last six months had sucked total ass and not in the fun way either. Bad situations grew into much worse while everything else spiraled out of your control. Your heart had been broken by your (now ex-) boyfriend, your career put under threat by the arrival of a new boss and your love for fitness had been totally drained by your daily exhaustion. As a result your body had lost much of the definition you'd been so proud of and you were left sporting a slight beer gut and sagging fat on your arms and legs.

With plenty of reasons to be miserable, you were looking for just one reason to smile. A vacation was precisely what you needed but you simply couldn't afford it, not if you wanted to keep paying rent and getting kicked out of your apartment would seriously send you over the edge. It was pretty much the last thing you could lose after all and would only bring about even more unneeded stress. Instead you opted to stare up at the night sky and make a wish upon a shooting star as if you were a young boy again, dreaming of a bright future that had never quite materialized.

The practice of wishing upon a star was something that had fallen from popularity over recent decades but the truth was that there was still a lot of magic there, all of it remaining untapped. The fates aligned just right for you on that fateful night and as you drifted off to sleep under the sheets that were never quite comfortable, a higher power was already working to ensure that you would wake up a happier man. Your dreams that night were surprisingly peaceful, none of the usual nightmares about overdue bills or mocking conversations with your ex haunting your sleep.

When you awoke the next morning you felt strangely refreshed. Keeping your eyes closed for a moment, you relished in the sounds of the nearby sea - the waves crashing against the shore, the gulls chirping overhead, the gentle bustle of people exchanging pleasant morning greetings... It took you several moments to realize just how wrong all these sounds were. Your apartment was in the middle of a city after all, not anywhere near the seafront!

Finally opening your eyes, you took in the unfamiliar sights of the beachfront house that you were now in. The place was nicely decorated and the sheets you were under were certainly more comfortable against your skin. Slipping out from under them, you were only further surprised by the unfamiliar lean body that greeted you with its cobblestone abs and gorgeous tattoos along your right arm and thigh as well as the left side of your torso.

"Well I'll be damned," you muttered in a sultry voice, rising to your feet and adjusting to being several inches taller. The man reflected back at you in the nearby mirror most certainly wasn't yourself but you were hardly complaining about that. There was no unwanted weight on this guy's body, nor were his eyes surrounded by dark stress circles. He was classically handsome with bright blue eyes, sandy blond hair and a generous bulge that would no doubt collect him plenty of attention on the beach as he walked along in nothing but a speedo. All of that was yours now. For how long, you weren't sure, but you weren't foolish enough to waste a moment.  

Who was this man? Where was he now - in your body, struggling to accept the tired face in the mirror and the weight that you'd struggled to keep under control. His awakening wouldn't quite be as pleasant as yours, that was for sure, but was that any of your concern really? It wasn't as if you'd intentionally stolen his body and forced him to live yours in your place.

After all, you'd only put an innocent wish out to the stars for a vacation from the chaos of your own life and now you had one - in a spectacularly gorgeous body to boot! What more could you possibly want? Saying that, maybe if you take that long walk down the sandy beach, you'll be able to get something - or someone - else that you might just want...



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