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Just because he was currently between projects didn’t mean Chris Hemsworth had any intentions of letting his gym routine slip. He was damn proud of all the hard work he put into his body. It took some seriously strict diets and fitness regimes but when the results made him look like an Adonis twenty-four hours a day seven days a week then it was damn well worth it. 

Although he wasn’t the type to usually get angry, the sudden closure of his gym due to refurbishment had left Chris feeling somewhat disgruntled.

He’d had to hurry to find a new place so he didn’t slip too far from his workout calendar but thankfully his buddy Evans had recommended a place just a little bit further out from his usual. The place were more than happy to have an A-Lister roll in looking for a membership and had even given him a discount, not that he’d needed it. The Hollywood blockbusters Chris was a regular star in made sure that he didn’t struggle for money like he had during his ​Home & Away days when he’d been younger and a little more reckless. 

Sometimes he had to chuckle looking back at the man he had used to be - full of confidence to the point of cockiness and barely a single thought in his head for anyone other than himself. He was a husband now and a father, both of which had seriously changed his priorities in life. He prided himself on being more mature these days and had far less of an ego than he once had. 

While it didn’t really hold a candle to the place he’d frequented since his move to Los Angeles, the new gym wasn’t too bad. It was even a little bigger and clearly aimed at a richer market but that meant it would probably be populated by douchebags who liked gloating about their paychecks, something Chris wasn’t exactly looking forward to. He’d made good friends at his usual place but he couldn’t imagine finding much desirable company among men who considered themselves to be the elite of society. As far as he was concerned they would need to get the hell over themselves before attempting to approach him. 

Keeping his head down and getting into the zone, Chris quickly began working up as a sweat as he completed four sets on the bench press before moving on to do some deadlifting. It was in that area that he spied two faces not entirely unfamiliar to him. Both young men were actors, he knew that much, although he couldn’t ever recall having a conversation with them outside of passing greetings at award ceremonies.  

Both young men were shirtless and had well-defined body but neither was capable of matching up to his size and power. Still, Chris wasn’t one to gloat about his muscles and they were doing well for themselves so they had nothing to be ashamed of. Their personalities remained to be seen but Chris was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, even if guys who worked out shirtless were usually pretty higher on the douche-scale than others.  

While the darker-haired man completed his set, the brunette was stood by the mirror and evidently checking himself out. He flexed his biceps and puffed out his chest but didn’t seem too enamored with what he saw. “Gotta get bigger,” he muttered, the words only being caught by Chris as he’d always been rather good at lip-reading.

It was at that moment that the brunette caught his eye in the mirror and smiled, clearly recognizing him. Nodding his head in a polite greeting to the other, Chris took it as a sign to stop staring and get on with his routine. As he powered through the reps, he became aware of the two young men watching and talking quietly between themselves. It was somewhat distracting but Chris didn’t stop mid-set for anyone.

The moment he had dropped the bar back onto the mat, the two young men seemed to take it as their cue to approach. Chris glanced up at them before rising to his full height and easily towering up at them. “Can I help you, gents?” he asked, smiling brightly. He’d always been taught to be kind to strangers and being a celebrity only reinforced that lesson as he didn’t want to be mistaken for having an ego that painted him as ‘superior’ to other men.

“I don’t know, can you magic us up bodies like yours?” the brunette asked, clearly admiring the Australian’s body for a moment before extending his hand. “Cody Christian, by the way. Gotta say, I’m a fan.”

“Yeah, same here. Don’t tell my cousin but I’ve always preferred Marvel to DC anywhere,” the darker-haired boy chimed in. A close inspection revealed him to be somewhat familiar although Chris couldn’t quite work out why. “Robbie Amell.” Ah, that’s it. Stephen’s not-brother

Shaking both of their hands, Chris paused and waited for them to continue. When neither spoke again, the older male cleared his throat and did his best to find a way to shatter the awkward pause. “‘Fraid I can’t magic anything up for you lads but you’re doing pretty well without my help. Not a bad flex game there, mate.” The compliment clearly went down well with Cody, earning a grin in response. “And Amell… well, your family’s got good genes. You’ll be bigger than Stevey-boy in no time!” 

Robbie laughed at the joke and shrugged his shoulders. “Hell yeah I will be. Sooner than he thinks too!” he agreed before bouncing his pecs. The motion immediately caught Chris’ attention and he found himself drawn to stare. “You like that, Thor?”

“I… it… it’s impressive,” Chris stammered, snapping out of his haze and grinning somewhat sheepishly. He wasn’t sure what had come over him but the moment was over and he was back to his usual self, hopefully not having embarrassed himself too badly. Robbie didn’t appear too troubled by the older man staring - in fact he was bouncing his pecs again, showing off his control over the muscles. Chris couldn’t help but wonder how they felt, imagining them to be firm…

“Look dude, I think he wants to touch!” Cody whispered to his friend, grinning like a cheshire cat. “Hey Hemsworth! You want to get your hands on those pecs, don’t you?” 

Chris had no idea what was happening to him. He was utterly transfixed by the younger man’s bouncing pecs in a way he never had before. It wasn’t the first time he had seen somebody popping their pecs - hell, he could do it himself - but it was like he was compelled to stare. He didn’t even check out his wife’s tits this much, although now that he thought about it, he could hardly even remember what they looked like…

“Cody asked you a question,” Robbie reminded the older actor, something sharp in his voice sending a shiver down Chris’ spine. He felt strangely ashamed for being too distracted to respond but words seemed far beyond him at that moment. Apparently it was to be expected though as a wicked grin began to spread across Robbie’s face, echoing Cody’s own.

Robbie was kind enough to guide Chris’ hands to his pecs and allow them to rest there for a moment as he bounced them. The muscles were as firm as he’d anticipated them to be - they were perfect. A shiver ran through Chris’ whole body as a whimper escaped his lips and he realized that he was currently rock hard in his workout shorts. His brain was somehow working overtime and not working at all, leaving him completely rooted to the spot and at the mercy of the two younger actors.

With his hands seemingly glued to Robbie’s delightful pecs, all Chris could do was watch as Cody and Robbie both slipped red bracelets onto their wrists and then each reached for one of his hands. The moment they made contact, Chris hit a powerful orgasm and his body convulsed, dropping him down onto his knees and leaving him gasping for breath. His body felt like it was on fire but no matter what he couldn’t let go of either of their hands.

Moments after dropping down onto his knees Chris was greeted with one of the most beautiful sights of his life - Robbie’s pecs seemed to be getting bigger. He was so distracted by the delightful sight that it took him several seconds longer to realize that both Cody and Robbie were getting bigger in a number of departments. Each of them grew several inches in height and their muscles exploded with newfound power, pushing both of them to match his size if not even outgrow him!

A deep masculine growl escaped Cody’s lips and another wave of pleasure burst through Chris’ pants, causing him to soil his boxers again with another round of cum. He was utterly spent and breathing heavily but didn’t dare let go of their hands. Hell, he wasn’t sure he could even if he wanted to because their grip suddenly felt a lot stronger than he remembered it being just a few moments ago.

Finally both men - they couldn’t be considered boys anymore considering the huge size they had grown to - pried their hands free from Chris’ and allowed him to drop to the floor in a tired slump. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so utterly spent and weak but his brain was still struggling to come down from the immense high he had been put through over the last several minutes.

“Fuck, look at him now!” Robbie grunted, nudging the fallen man with his foot. “Might as well start calling him a twink.” Chris couldn’t quite understand what he was hearing, even though he recognized the words. 

Lifting his head, Chris stared at the two behemoth hunks above him. Both appeared to be a few years older than they had just minutes before and Robbie almost looked like a perfect twin of Stephen, although he outclassed his cousin in the muscle department, as difficult as that was to believe. Perhaps the most noticeable part of them though were the massive bulges both men were sporting, showcasing hard shafts that prompted Chris to unwittingly lick his lips in anticipation.

None of this made sense and he knew it but rational thought was a thing of the past for Chris and he had strangely come to accept that with some ease. Searching for a reason as to their sudden changes, the actor looked around and finally past them at the mirror the trio were stood near.

What he saw would have taken his breath away had he not somewhat expected it considering the massive growth of both young actors. His muscular body had depleted in a major fashion, leaving him thin and a fair amount shorter too. Cody and Robbie had robbed his genetics of the most positive qualities, leaving him right back at square one - or even further back, if that was possible. Had he ever been this diminutive before?

“Hey Hemsworth, kiss my feet,” Cody grunted, his voice booming with deep masculine bass that sent Chris’ mind back into a haywire state. Before he could even think he had scrambled forward and placed his lips against the other’s feet, kissing at his designer trainers. The action earned booming laughter from both men above him, causing Chris’ diminutive cock to twitch again.

“Look at him! He loves this!” Robbie laughed, reaching down to ruffle Chris’ hair. The action might have been considered patronizing before but the Australian actor was completely at peace with it. He knew that in the presence of such gods he was a mere servant and he was more than happy to be. After all, they had been kind enough to welcome him to the new gym and with their companionship on offer there was no way he was ever going to be leaving!

This story was originally written for one of the $20 tier patrons based on prompts they provided. 



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