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As chosen by you in the first "You Decide" poll!

Maxwell was pretty sure that he was going to win the award for 'Worst Brother of the Year' but he simply couldn't give a damn. Melina had always been a bitch towards him anyway so what did he have to feel bad about anyway?

After discovering his sister's plans to possess the lead actors of The CW's Supernatural with her girlfriend Jessica, Maxwell knew that this was his moment to act. He had been crushing on Jessica long before she'd started dating his sister and their relationship had always felt phony to him, like an attempt to mock him. Maxwell wouldn't put it past Melina to do such a thing - she'd always resented him because of the fact he was their parents' favorite child.

Once Jessica had cast the spell and her consciousness was sent into Jared Padalecki's body, Maxwell intervened. It didn't take long to overpower Melina, tie her up and gag her so she wouldn't be able to cast the spell. All she could do was writhe around in anger as he took the paper from her and cast the spell, keeping his mind focused on the actor he was going to become.

The sensation of being thrown out of his own body and hurtling into another was disorientating for the unprepared mind and as such, Maxwell spent his first hours in Jensen Ackles' body dormant. It was only at the end of the shooting day that he was finally able to break free and quickly changed directions to approach Jared's trailer. Upon entering, the taller man glanced up at him with a hopeful expression. "Is it... you?"

"It's me, baby," he lied, assuming his sister's identity. Despite having no love for same-sex relationships, Maxwell knew what he had to do. Surging forward, he pressed his lips against the other man's, willing to accept the homosexual nature of the relationship as long as he got the relationship with Jessica that Melina had stolen from him. 

It wasn't long before the two stripped down, revealing their muscular bodies in the buff and getting more familiar with them. For both Maxwell and Jessica it was their first time experiencing sex between two men and neither of them was disappointed, as they were left panting and already wanting more! Thankfully there'd be plenty of time for that over the next few days - and beyond, should he be able to convince Jessica not to go back to her original body, which was his new plan.

While he had been hesitant to believe in magic at first, he was happy to admit that his sister had apparently been right about something for once. With the relationship of his dreams and the body of a successful Hollywood actor, Maxwell wasn't sure he could possibly ask for anything else. Well, perhaps a way to make sure Melina would remain unable to interfere in his life with Jessica again...



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