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Zack Ryder was a proud patriot and as such he was determined to kick ass on the upcoming WWE live show that just happened to fall on Independence Day. He'd been on something of a losing streak as of late and wanted to turn it around for the holiday otherwise he knew that the fans would get bored of him. He had to do something to stay relevant and showing his more patriotic side was guaranteed to get the crowd invested in him. Who didn't love an American Hero after all?

Sharing his plan with a few fans outside of the arena on his way into the show, Zack was surprised at the suggestion that came from a few of the more hardcore bunch. "Let us be your gear, dude!" one cried out, practically bouncing on the spot in excitement. "Yeah, it would be an honor," another chimed in, doing everything they needed to stroke Zack's ego and win him over. Just a short while later and Zack had smuggled them into the backstage area and was getting to work assembling his new ring gear.

After warming up for a short while, Zack was finally able to hit the stage once his music began to play and was pleased by the cheer of approval from the crowd. They had no idea that his patriotic gear was actually a couple of superfans but Zack was continuously reminded by their pleasured moans radiating through to his mind. Their arousal threatened to turn him on and once he'd secured his win in the ring he had every intention of going backstage and making sure to pleasure himself through his new fabric friends!



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