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Work has been crazy busy lately and I'm losing my mind trying to keep up. The pressure of aiming for a promotion has been piling on over the past few weeks and I was desperate for a break, so desperate that I was willing to my ex-girlfriend who I knew dabbled in magic. My request was simple - I just wanted a weekend away from the stress of work - and much to my relief she was willing to help.

The end of our relationship had been somewhat rocky and I knew that she blamed me for it so I should have probably expected to be double crossed as opposed to getting what I wanted with no further questions wanted. In a way she really did fulfill my request and I couldn't fault her for that but the manner in which she did so would have been infuriating if I was still capable of independent thought.

I found myself transformed into the cell phone of her new boyfriend, a model-turned-bodybuilder I vaguely recognized. Dustin McNeer was obsessed with himself and in just my first few hours as his cell phone I received a fair amount of use capturing selfies that were then either sent off to Instagram, my ex or a number of the other girls Dustin was stringing along on the side!

At the very least I could take comfort in the fact that this would only last for a weekend and Dustin wasn't really all that bad to spend every waking moment with, especially when I was pressed up against his muscular thigh while stored in his pocket or taking selfies of him barely concealing his junk with a towel. I was almost starting to get jealous of that towel, although I couldn't quite understand why.

Then again, if my ex was more than happy to get a little revenge on me for our break-up by making me an inanimate object, who was to say that she wouldn't make it last longer then the requested weekend? I might have just set myself up for a long, long punishment...

Author's Note:

Hey folks! As I'm sure you've seen on the blog, my life is a little crazy right now due to work and it's severely limiting my creative time. I'm hoping that things will quieten down over the next few weeks but until then things might be a little slower than usual! A weekend escape into something owned by a hot guy like Dustin really doesn't seem all that bad to me right now. Thanks for all of your patience and support!



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