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I should have known that Shane talking to me was too good to be true. He was one of the hottest guys at the gym, after all, and I was - well, me. There was nothing particularly outstanding about me or my appearance and I'd never been able to understand why a stud like Shane would even bother talking to me when literally everybody else at our gym was a more popular choice. Hell, I couldn't even remember the last time anyone in the gym other than Creepy Old Travis actually spoke to me!

Of course, I was so blinded by my bewilderment that I was totally oblivious to Shane's true intentions throughout our interactions. I was so swept up in even being a presence in his life that I failed to notice the predatory look in his eyes or the deeper meanings of his words. Instead I regularly settled down for sleep with a smile on my face as I recalled the moment where he'd over to spot me on the barbell shoulder press. My history with gorgeous guys like Shane wasn't exactly a long one, mostly because I was far too nervous to approach people and normally too demure to ever get noticed by people. How Shane picked me out of a crowd in the gym was a mystery!

Unfortunately Shane had something of an ulterior motive when he approached me and all he had to do was win my trust so I'd let my guard down. Honestly in retrospect he probably could have gotten away with his plan on day one - it wasn't as if it would have taken him much to overpower me, after all. Maybe he just wanted the sweet satisfaction of making me lust after him before asserting his dominance in a manner I'd never expect.

Yeah, maybe you've worked it out by now. That athletics top right there? The one that's hugging his muscular body like there's no tomorrow? You got it, that's me. It's not exactly the direction I expected by bewildering new friendship with Shane to take but I had very quickly learned to enjoy it. After all, I was spread across his big beefy pecs and tight around his boulder shoulders so there was very little for me to complain about. 

I suppose Shane actually gave me what I wanted in a way. I'd lusted after his body not-so-secretly and now I had the privilege of being wrapped around it as he hit his stride in the gym. Add in the bonus treat of soaking up his sweat and I'm beginning to think that maybe - just maybe - this has actually all worked out for the better!



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