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"Hey bud, you think you can help me out?"

The whole world seemed to vanish for a moment, leaving only two people behind - gorgeous Hollywood upstart Brant Daugherty and you. Your heart raced as you tried to comprehend precisely what was happening because there was simply no way that out of everyone on set that Brant could choose to talk to, he was addressing you, a lowly production assistant who had only got the job because your uncle went to college with the director and knew you wanted to work in television. The truth was that you had wanted to work in front of the cameras but honestly you'd take whatever you could get.

"Bud? You still with me?"

Speak, moron, speak! You had been staring at the actor with a look of wonder on your face for the past thirty seconds and it had been nothing short of uncomfortable for you both. Blushing a deep scarlet, you cleared your throat and nodded. "Uh, yeah, sure! What can I help you with... sir?" you asked, feeling as timid as you had back when your high school crush had first spoken to you. He'd been like Brant too - all muscles and undeniable charm. The kind of guy who'd never look at you as a realistic dating prospect.

Kindly brushing over the awkward situation, Brant smiled and in doing so sent a shiver through your body that was fixated firmly at your crotch. "Well, I'm totally overdressed for this weather." The sun was beaming high in the sky and while it was certainly true, you couldn't help but think that Brant was overdressed for any weather - a body that glorious should never be hidden behind clothes! "Think you can help me out?"

In retrospect perhaps you should have asked how you supposed to help him out with that situation. Instead you hardly hesitated before blurting out a quick, "Yes!" It was worth it if only to see Brant's brilliant smile grow wider but the event that followed came as a rather shocking surprise.

A numbness began to spread throughout your body as you seemed to shrink before Brant. He was already a tall guy but now he appeared humongous - unnaturally so. Your face was heating up as you attempted to form words, only to find that you could no longer move your lips to make a sound. Finally your body seemed to give out underneath you, causing you to drop suddenly to the floor.

Brant loomed over you, visibly pleased with himself, and began to strip down until he was totally naked. If you hadn't lost all control of your body, you would have stammered and blushed in disbelief. Instead all you could do was stare at the muscular delight in front of you before he plucked you from the floor.

It was only when he placed his feet through you and began to pull you up around his legs that you realized what had become of you. Brant had needed clothes better suited to the hot weather and you had agreed to help him out, becoming a pair of red shorts that sat tight around his beefy thighs and hugged at the generous bulge of his crotch. The sensation of being pressed so close to his body filled you with pleasure and any concerns you had with your situations faded away in an instant...

I will warn you though, if Brant doesn't turn you back by the time the sun goes down - well, you'll lose your identity completely and become nothing more than another item in his vast wardrobe!



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