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Hell yeah, the weather forecast is great for this weekend and it'll be a long one too as I've got three whole days off work. With that in mind, I decided to do what any sensible man my age would do and cast a little spell to make sure I had the perfect body to enjoy such beautiful weather in!

The trick is to cast the spell right before heading to bed. Let me tell you now, the dreams you'll have while the transformation rushes through your body are unlike anything else in the world! Not once in my fifty-eight years have I ever encountered anything as pleasurable as those dreams and I can pretty much guarantee that every time I wake up hard as rock!

I've gotta say, I've never been disappointed with the results either. There's no way of customizing down to the final details - that kind of magic is far too advanced for a novice like me - but as long as my temporary body is young and hot, I'm not one to complain! On days like this I like to start with a morning mirror-selfie. I've got a whole collection of them posted to my private Instagram of vacation bodies and I've gotta say, I think this pic is going to get a hell of a lot of notes. 

Look at these abs! I look like I've been living in the gym for years without ever indulging in fast-food or anything that might expand my waistline. Nobody would ever predict that I'm a pizza addict who has something of a sagging gut thanks to my love of beer. This is quite the change, after all, but it's going to be mine for the next seventy-two hours! That'll get me through another boring week of office life for sure.

Now that I've got the picture posted, it's time for me to head out into that sun and show off a bit. No doubt I'll get some attention down at the local men-only pool that I frequent on weekends like this. It doesn't matter what body I've been granted through using magic, I'm always popular down there when I'm under a glamour. Sometimes I can't help but chuckle as I pull another gorgeous stud into my metaphorical spider's web - nobody will ever know that they've really been hooking up with a balding middle-aged man the whole time!



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