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Charlie and I have been best friends since we were freshman at high school, finding solace in your friendship to escape from the bullies who made our lives miserable. Even reaching our twenties it was fair to draw comparisons between our slender frames and twigs, there was so little muscle between us. As a result we were both lacking in confidence and had become the target of jokes from the bigger guys at the gym.

Despite seemingly doomed to be more diminutive than the bullies of the world, neither Charlie nor I was willing to give up on our dream of being big enough to defend ourselves. Hell, we wanted to be big enough to silence somebody with just a single look. It was a long shot but we kept at it, slowly gaining a little more confidence after months in the gym.

The process was slow though and we were growing understandably frustrated, especially with the jerks who continued to tease us despite seeing how much we were trying to improve our bodies. Apparently our efforts were nothing short of comedy for them and nobody in the gym seemed to find it funnier than Kyle, a regular champion at bodybuilding competitions throughout the region.

Take a look at the photo and have a guess which one Kyle is. If you guessed that he's the skinny runt in the middle of the two hunks then you're damn right! Of course, he didn't always look like that - but neither did Charlie or I, because we're the hunks flanking his left and right. Perhaps you're starting to put the pieces together but if not, I'm more than happy to spell it out for you.

Heh, spell it out. My brain likes to come up with puns without realizing it. 

Getting sick of how much Kyle enjoyed tormenting us, Charlie and I joined together to put a curse on him that would benefit the both of us. In the coming days Kyle's muscle dwindled while both of us began to balloon into the muscular frames that we had always dreamed of having. Clearly disturbed by his regression, Kyle trained even harder in the gym which only made us even bigger.

Within days we've completely dwarfed him and reversed the roles between us. Now Kyle's the dweeb who's the subject of jokes and desperate to prove himself as a real man. Of course, both my buddy and I are far too kind to actually bully him - but I'll admit that we've had a bit of fun teasing him like we did in that photo! It's actually kinda funny too because Kyle seems to enjoy the fact that we include him in our jokes. He's lost most of his friends after all and even struggles to get someone to spot him when he's lifting the measliest of weights.

You know, something tells me that Charlie and I have much better chances at the next bodybuilding competition that rolls into town than Kyle does!



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