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A partial story (meaning a single sentence) was posted last week accidentally. This is the full story - sorry for the delay!

The hustle and bustle of city life isn't for everyone, you know. It's nonstop and exhausting and honestly some times it makes me so stressed I feel like I'm going insane. Rude people, loud noises, work that isn't nearly rewarding enough... city life isn't actually all its cracked up to be.

Thankfully there are people out there who realized the exact same thing as me and had the resources to do something about it. A simple vacation isn't always enough to truly soothe the stress but "Woodland Break" was undoubtedly the best option for me. They weren't any ordinary vacation organisation - their packages offered something quite unique. 

I wouldn't just be taking a break in a woodland cottage. Woodland Break would allow me to trade in my body and life for a full seven days to experience my break in the body of a hunky lumberjack, the likes of which I had only ever seen in my deepest fantasies.

Sure enough the body I've ended up is pretty damn drool-worthy, with these strong muscles, thick beard and furry chest. Nobody would ever expect that I'm really just a pale malnourished twenty-something wasting away in an office cubicle back in one of the big cities.

Everything about the experience has been a delight - from admiring my body in the log cabin's large mirror to chopping wood with a glorious display of strength. It's truly been the break I needed to escape the funk city life had pushed me in.

My only issue is my reluctance to go back. Everybody's experienced not wanting a vacation to end but this is a whole something extra. I love this body and this life and I want it for myself. Right now there's somebody in my original body living my sad life back in the city and I just can't bring myself to go back to that. Why would I want to continue to live in such a miserable state?

What the hell am I supposed to do now?



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